
Mistigris TF2 Server - mgris vs pig


Demo uploaded by grey 3 years go

The Gringler60215421Fuzze
mgris. JimsGims1066425Tazal
jazzapples blm313313naltz
mgris. ♡Snom♡223343Donut
mgris. grey♥4025101Animal
mgris. 「touca」4262414rageheavy
mgris. cuckoo song112214spunkie
ranta beegugleboop011220j4ckman



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j4ckmaneating soup00:24
j4ckmancereal is just soup00:35
mgris. grey♥ggs00:35
mgris. JimsGimsdid you get it at the soup store?00:36
Fuzzewe are prob gonna lose to bottom text can you win the whole season please :)00:43
j4ckmanim trying to get clothes at the soup store00:47
mgris. JimsGimswhy are you getting clothes at the soup store00:57
mgris. JimsGimsalso nice reference01:03
ranta beegugleboophow01:09
[RGLQoL] STV finished. It is now safe to changelevel.01:35
mgris. JimsGimsbeans02:44
The Gringleroh my04:54
The Gringleryou turned into youtube 200605:03
mgris. grey♥im salty15:30
mgris. grey♥i died so much15:38
Tazalyour team wasnt backing you up15:58
mgris. grey♥our medic who was a sub constantly countercalled and made everyone hesitate16:00
mgris. grey♥every time we called for a push, nobody went with me16:16
mgris. grey♥like i didnt feel i was over extending16:32
mgris. grey♥i would literally call to push16:35
mgris. grey♥and medic would say 'guys go with demo'16:42
mgris. grey♥we would walk up16:44
Tazalcountercalling kills teams16:47
mgris. grey♥use uber16:49
mgris. grey♥after 2 seconds of uber everyone backed up16:55
mgris. grey♥on upward we literally sad in house with uber still being used17:18
Tazali mentor pig and i was explaining what post uber clean up is17:19
Tazalyou guys could work on that too17:40
mgris. grey♥tbh i feel its less post-uber clean up and more pre-uber know to keep moving forward18:06
mgris. grey♥were you playing as scout this whole time18:31
mgris. grey♥im d umb dumb18:35
Tazalnah i was medic18:51
mgris. grey♥i c19:35
Tazalyeah these booger eaters had me playing my main19:59
Tazalthey baited me for the scout ringing and force me on medic20:16
mgris. grey♥f20:21
mgris. grey♥i mean they had a ringer before20:33
mgris. grey♥but he left half way through the scrim20:37
Tazalthese guys ring people from main and advance and still lost21:08
mgris. grey♥lol21:17
mgris. grey♥PIG are a good team overall21:26
mgris. grey♥seems like they were just having an off day21:31
Tazaleh they have alot of iusses21:36
mgris. grey♥i mean any team that eliminates DBH is a good team in my book21:58
mgris. grey♥both morally and skillfully22:06