
PURE : Mixed PUGs #1 / Scrim #1 (FGb) | LIVE - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by rootin tootin putin 4 years go

Dk 4B24121414817<Haze>
Dk robotaim24121416325paradox #freehemstar
houdini needs an ambulance1191924913shin ding mcgee from samaria
Dk pepelord1782222610xdstalememes
Dk B10odf3ud27111314622deyan :3
Dk 😿



Toggle Chat
[PURE] The game will be live after 2 restarts.00:04
Dk pepelordglhf00:07
[PURE] The game will be live after 1 restarts.00:09
Dk 4Bsex00:10
Dk B10odf3udgl hf00:15
[PURE] Going Live. Have Fun! ^^00:15
[PURE] Current score: BLU 0:0 RED, timeleft: 30:0000:15
[PURE] Current score: BLU 0:1 RED, timeleft: 23:3306:42
[PURE] Current score: BLU 0:2 RED, timeleft: 17:3112:44
[PURE] Current score: BLU 0:3 RED, timeleft: 16:0314:12
houdini needs an ambulancewtf was that prefire14:56
houdini needs an ambulance.ss16:51
3EFF3E[PURE] RvC Saru.sbr <STEAM_0:0:78765560> connected from Singapore24:26
Dk pepelordleave24:37
Dk pepelordplz24:40
RvC Saru.sbroh we just booked this24:44
Dk pepelordadmin kick plz25:10
xdstalememesoh really25:16
RvC Saru.sbrleavin25:17
3EFF3E[PURE] RvC Saru.sbr <STEAM_0:0:78765560> disconnected (Disconnect by user.)25:19
xdstalememessry but its a match25:21
Dk robotaimawful server26:16
Dk robotaimim sorry26:18
3EFF3E[PURE] wondr.RvC <STEAM_0:1:173671348> connected from The Philippines28:27
Dk B10odf3udmatch28:41
Dk pepelordmatch28:42
3EFF3E[PURE] wondr.RvC <STEAM_0:1:173671348> disconnected (Disconnect by user.)28:46
houdini needs an ambulanceWHAT29:00
Dk B10odf3udggs29:29
Dk B10odf3udggs30:16
Dk pepelordgg30:17
[PURE] The game has ended, gg!30:19
[PURE] Final score: BLU 0:3 RED.30:19
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