
Qixalite Bookable - #5 - RNHAR vs 123


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 4 years go

FaZe Trash3162419932boohoo pissy pants
1231282321915FaZe UWU
-tss- Astrocy269112258-tss- Kaboom
KRB2561518714Thom Forke



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Ronharshould RMB01:34
7 jakestwo playerss died, still pushed and hadnt deal with sentry yet08:14
7 jakesmoi overextends, caught behind08:31
7 jakesheavy pushed off last? 08:42
7 jakeskaboom caught out on corner spam08:53
7 jakesmedic wasnt healing or building entire time09:04
7 jakesmoi?????09:12
7 jakesrun pyro,, triple offclass if you know where theyre coming09:38
7 jakesyeah leave no one on last09:51
7 jakesxd09:53
7 jakes:LD09:56
Thom Forkegoblin moment09:58
7 jakeshaahhah10:00
7 jakesno one last10:03
boohoo pissy pantsI WAS GOINBG 10:07
7 jakesyou rotated off bruh10:15
7 jakesfaze uwu lost 1v110:33
7 jakescaught out on second?? 11:14
7 jakesBLU, BUILD!!!11:44
7 jakesred drops KRB???11:57
7 jakesblu doesnt build12:01
7 jakesnot full buff to heavy12:09
7 jakessoldier doesnt insta take height12:17
7 jakesno one flank12:24
7 jakes123 drops med???12:31
7 jakesfree entry12:38
7 jakesplayers need to sack for med. now.12:43
7 jakeskaboom waiting in lobby for pac;12:57
7 jakeskaboom dont wait in lobby for pack i swear bruh13:07
-tss- Kaboome13:21
7 jakesmed doesnt have. no one building13:35
7 jakeszando over extend13:48
7 jakesred lost 50 ad.13:58
7 jakeskrb shouldnt have dropped, should have supported soldier14:13
7 jakesmoi waddle and jumps blind14:34
7 jakesmoi lucky over extened lmao14:44
7 jakesmed on low ground building14:53
7 jakesmed build near shuitter so if they push you can rotate15:07
7 jakeszando over, kaboom over15:19
7 jakeslost 2 player ad15:41
7 jakesSURELY15:49
7 jakesastro forced med off what???16:05
7 jakeskrb trapp point is good16:16
7 jakesteam i s nowhere?16:21
7 jakesred where were you when krb went in?16:29
7 jakeshe trapped point for you and everything16:35
-tss- Astrocydead16:36
7 jakesfair16:42
7 jakesblu all lobby16:53
7 jakesonly sodldier last16:59
boohoo pissy pants.ol17:02
boohoo pissy pantslol17:03
7 jakeszando get off low ground when defending17:10
7 jakesone soldier blind capping spire17:26
7 jakestrash straight to point?17:41
7 jakeskaboom lost 1v118:08
7 jakesred gave up lobby built in choke18:31
7 jakesuwu got baited into moi at dropdown? wierd strat18:49
-tss- Kaboomim so bad19:00
7 jakesbut no one on flank when building in choke bruh19:03
7 jakesnot just you xd19:15
7 jakesred med low ground alone19:47
7 jakes123 turn the fuck around and focus targets youre a scout19:59
boohoo pissy pantslmao20:02
FaZe Trashnice20:07
7 jakesdemo alone at fowards20:14
7 jakesone scout cap on wipes20:18
7 jakesliterally flank scout cap or one scout everyone go forward20:31
7 jakesscout at drop bc no flank20:40
7 jakesdemo alone lobby20:52
7 jakescombo at point? t21:02
7 jakeswhat did i just watch21:06
7 jakesbruh21:08
7 jakeskrb ded at mid lul21:31
KRBShhh, you didn't see that21:34
7 jakes2 down21:41
7 jakesi did21:44
7 jakesi absolutley did21:48
7 jakesahhahahaa21:49
7 jakes123 feeds for nothing21:57
Thom Forkewhat is jake in awe at22:02
7 jakeskrb 2hp mid getting pot shotted 22:13
7 jakes3 player push mid? 22:21
7 jakestook mid without uber22:36
moiwhat the fuck did i just do22:38
7 jakesthink maribow died22:46
7 jakestrash fed, moi fed22:56
7 jakestheyre close choke, uber through hoiuse or flank, cut them off and wipe23:18
7 jakesyou had 80% ad23:23
7 jakestrash drops blu med, wins 1v1 against demo23:39
7 jakesred still not use uber23:45
FaZe Trashfrags23:47
7 jakestrash huge23:52
7 jakesliterally won this round 100%23:56
7 jakesred drop krb again24:13
7 jakesone player bait low ground, soldier take height24:22
7 jakestrash won that round24:28
KRBI need to relearn this ma[24:52
7 jakestrash goes into their house and feeds24:59
7 jakesleaves flank open and soldier behind25:05
7 jakesalmost got med killed but zando is ????25:19
7 jakestrash also lsot you that mid ahahahha25:34
7 jakessoldier spire feedds25:55
FaZe Trashfroyotech who's that?25:59
7 jakesstill fightin them choke26:01
7 jakes123 feeds26:04
7 jakessoldier doing nothing spire26:10
7 jakesyet gets force26:17
7 jakesone cap26:24
7 jakesrest push26:26
7 jakestheyre 4 down26:28
7 jakesmore red players feed26:39
7 jakesblu would rather build spire26:55
KRBIs this viable?27:03
7 jakes4 players spire instead of passive lobby hold27:15
7 jakesand you let trash live27:27
7 jakesnvm lol27:33
7 jakeszando 2 frag27:39
7 jakesand in alone??27:43
7 jakesnot one bit krb but its funny as fuck27:56
7 jakeszando lived while in alone28:19
7 jakesblu drops three players to a scout28:26
7 jakes??????28:29
7 jakesred left no one last but it was a wipe28:47
7 jakesred 2 soldiers got 3 blu kills?????????29:04
7 jakesfull wipe from blu29:11
7 jakesfinally one scout caps29:18
7 jakeskrb couldve killed med with the det D:29:32
7 jakesblu spawns forward and walks back....29:42
FaZe TrashI did it :o29:44
7 jakeskrb over extend29:48
7 jakes123 over extand29:56
7 jakesred feeding hard D:30:01
FaZe Trashgg30:04
7 jakesRED FEEDING HARD30:05
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:08