
Def Jam Recordings - RED vs DBLU


Demo uploaded by woohooren 4 years go

Cara de burla24141713427woohooren
Kaiser16102025626Amazing Monkey
Wham Meister15220141216armin ga ichiban dayo
ProblemT Rollface010101092evil_spuds



Toggle Chat
srsigafoo my nigger 00:03
Cara de burlaanything can happen on lobster friday00:18
Wham Meisterwtf woo team01:10
Wham MeisterI didn't even notice01:15
Cara de burlaaight01:43
Cara de burla!pause07:16
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
mazing Monkey : *DEAD* Osaka : sea otter give me your address07:18
mazing Monkey : *DEAD* Osaka : sea otter give me your address07:18
r : the r in rgl stands for the hard R07:18
mazing Monkey : *DEAD* Osaka : sea otter give me your address07:18
rmin ga ichiban dayo : LOL07:18
r : nigger moment07:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute07:18
oohooren : kaiju dead.........07:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by PLAYER...07:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...07:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...07:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...07:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...07:18
ara de burla : not pause pls07:18
estoring ubercharge level for evil_spuds07:18
[Pause] Game is unpaused!07:18
[Pause] Game was paused by PLAYER07:18
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!07:18
aving ubercharge level for ProblemT Rollface07:18
aving ubercharge level for evil_spuds07:18
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
oohooren : [9:05 PM] Wham Meister: eat my fat, sweaty balls and choke on my piss07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
yvant : I'm 14 and I love games but I got a shit laptop for gaming so yeah anyway i mosty play tf2 and i don't come a that much anymore but if you owe a xbox one my name is biggton45 you can friend me there07:18
mazing Monkey : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 07:18
ham Meister : stfu07:18
r : nigger07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
oohooren : I think off-classing can be fun at times, but we also gotta take some scrims more seriously than others07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
mazing Monkey : Wtf... I walk away for one season and you all become edgy memelords. What manner of sissyness is this?07:18
mazing Monkey : *DEAD* Osaka : sea otter give me your address07:18
rollde : spacepunk : Drathos : wow, headshot the very second uber drops... how's LMAOBOX treating you, dead pixel?07:18
Wham Meisterlittle shit07:38
Amazing Monkey( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 07:46
Cara de burla.ss07:47
Cara de burlahacks08:50
Cara de burlatroll09:50
srthe funnied10:00
Amazing Monkeyhacks11:30
Wham Meistermm dead scouts13:09
Cara de burlalol16:31
Cara de burlafunny16:33
ProblemT Rollfacecan you nor16:35
ProblemT RollfacedfAUOHu;ldhj i:LHJDa;JU HLDSA'16:38
Cara de burlagg20:42
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.20:44
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...20:44
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.20:44