demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#346646) - fembo vs BLU


Demo uploaded by EMERALD 4 years go

hot trap cock!!!381731262634Ta5K
LFT Young_Sanity422038331048yung turtle
Pinhed Lary5192946235florida man



Toggle Chat
LFT Young_SanityPanic01:57
LFT Young_Sanitykoo turtle fears my shove02:49
LFT Young_SanityGIMME DAT ADDDD03:19
LFT Young_SanityI dont even have gunbaots03:24
Junisi dont think we have perma spy allowed on koth04:05
hot trap cock!!!spy sucks on this map04:24
hot trap cock!!!fuck this map04:26
hot trap cock!!!horrible shit map04:28
hot trap cock!!!me=win!!04:38
hot trap cock!!!Turkish : fuck i want some buffalo chicken wings04:46
LFT Young_Sanitybomb me05:07
LFT Young_SanityIm on nipe05:09
hot trap cock!!!the hide05:25
hot trap cock!!!i hiude05:27
hot trap cock!!!like beast05:29
hot trap cock!!!task07:30
hot trap cock!!!you on a team for s7?07:35
hot trap cock!!!hl07:42
LFT Young_SanityStop focuisng me08:30
yung turtleOMG09:30
Pinhed Lary???09:35
yung turtleTHAT WAS FUCKING NUTS09:37
Pinhed Larythanks fam :)09:43
Junisspy when you have add10:12
Junisyou wanna not be soft10:35
Junison your teammate10:36
hot trap cock!!!spy11:07
hot trap cock!!!time11:09
hot trap cock!!!:D11:09
LFT Young_SanityTa5k11:18
hot trap cock!!!LMAOI11:46
LFT Young_SanityWJAT12:09
LFT Young_Sanitywhy are you on dh12:14
yung turtlebecause you always bomb12:22
hot trap cock!!!max: ur clearly braindead12:29
hot trap cock!!!max: ur clearly braindead12:30
hot trap cock!!!max: ur clearly braindead12:31
hot trap cock!!!Stevie2point0 : my team is siabled12:36
hot trap cock!!!*DEAD* turn1p : cry12:41
hot trap cock!!!*DEAD* turn1p : cry12:42
hot trap cock!!!surfing time14:16
Junisnice airshot14:26
Pinhed Laryty14:28
LFT Young_Sanityyour throwing getting reported gets the medi14:28
LFT Young_Sanitydont15:34
hot trap cock!!!rican72070: please how i play15:41
yung turtlead me if u like fod15:43
LFT Young_SanityKoo t urtle is insane with the dh16:10
LFT Young_Sanitythe isntant he got on it we started losing16:18
hot trap cock!!!easiest launcher ing ame16:18
Junisnice ill16:36
hot trap cock!!!lol18:01
yung turtlei saw u18:04
EMERALD!rcon mp_winlimit 318:14
hot trap cock!!!you didnt see me18:21
hot trap cock!!!i just took health18:24
hot trap cock!!!like boss18:25
LFT Young_Sanitypb19:52
LFT Young_Sanitybeast19:54
hot trap cock!!!+quit20:08
hot trap cock!!!!rtd20:14
hot trap cock!!!garbage20:28
hot trap cock!!!wesley: I played aimlabs, dont try20:30
hot trap cock!!!max: ur clearly braindead20:33
hot trap cock!!!THEFISH53: i am immortal20:34
hot trap cock!!!skial players are awful: you suck, whats your gender?20:35
yung turtlemp_timelimit 021:16
hot trap cock!!!how do i get out21:19
EMERALD!rcon mp_timelimit 021:21
hot trap cock!!!how do i get out21:27
hot trap cock!!!how did i21:31
hot trap cock!!!??????????????21:34
Pinhed Larywhat22:01
hot trap cock!!!THEFISH53: i am immortal22:03
hot trap cock!!!*DEAD* turn1p : cry22:04
hot trap cock!!!*DEAD* turn1p : cry22:05
LFT Young_Sanityour scouts are throwing23:14
EMERALDThis but unironically23:20
Junishow does brozier live24:19
florida manhow much buff u had27:03
Junisfacestab smh29:29
hot trap cock!!!what is this goblin movement29:30
hot trap cock!!!everymedic has goblin movement29:39
hot trap cock!!!smh29:43
LFT Young_Sanityhi29:44
LFT Young_Sanity:30:51
LFT Young_Sanity:)30:52
LFT Young_Sanityyour not one to speak30:57
LFT Young_Sanityns31:08
LFT Young_SanityLets goo32:30
hot trap cock!!!gg32:30
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.32:32