demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#347980) - AEF vs fragge


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

korean irl40172127831[Bird] Scary-Jello
Qwerty4063130216[bird] bluble___
.cd26425231231[bird] ham
LotzOPixelz [BB]13131627522[Bird] Absoleeut
CarbonTugboat AEF4211625181[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube
spunkie4062331931A Pumpkin



Toggle Chat
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubesex00:02
[bird] hamcan we have 1200 hours of practice?00:05
A PumpkinITS POWER00:43
[Bird] Absoleeutbruh what is this new meta00:50
.cdNo restriction 6s00:59
CarbonTugboat AEFboth teams w/ snipers01:01
CarbonTugboat AEFmeta01:04
A Pumpkinyes sir01:05
spunkieu suck01:09
[bird] bluble___this hurts my feelings01:33
[Bird] Scary-Jellodunno what i expected there02:10
[bird] bluble___haha03:07
CarbonTugboat AEFaww03:45
[bird] hamlol03:47
A Pumpkindude this is power03:47
A Pumpkinfuck demo03:57
CarbonTugboat AEFbest damn scrim04:00
[Bird] Scary-Jellothis is the worst and i love it04:08
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube!givepickaxe04:28
A PumpkinWAIT04:36
A PumpkinWHAT04:37
A PumpkinACTUAL HACKS04:43
[Bird] Scary-Jellobro wtf why are sv_cheats on?04:49
[Bird] Scary-Jelloaddcond 3404:55
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube!rtd05:02
[bird] hamimpulse 10105:03
A Pumpkinbro you switched to normal sniper05:05
A Pumpkinlame05:05
A Pumpkini saw it05:14
[bird] bluble___instantuber05:15
[bird] hamnice uber?05:59
CarbonTugboat AEFyes\06:02
[bird] hamcool06:07
A Pumpkinlmao gotta bodyshot06:23
[bird] bluble___noooooooo06:41
[bird] hamgr06:45
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubegr06:47
[bird] bluble___acatviate aimbot06:52
[Bird] Absoleeutbruh07:31
[Bird] Absoleeut7 health07:33
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubeare you happy pumpkin08:35
A Pumpkinyes08:39
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubefu08:41
A Pumpkinim carrying08:42
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubegr09:19
[bird] hamgr09:19
CarbonTugboat AEFgr09:20
A Pumpkinyeah im throwing09:20
[Bird] Absoleeutgaming09:21
A Pumpkingr09:21
[bird] bluble___gr09:22
A Pumpkinim carrying09:29
[bird] bluble___heck10:07
[bird] bluble___im sad10:13
A Pumpkinnice hack10:40
A Pumpkinjeez use that often huh10:46
[bird] hamvideo game's a slideshow10:49
spunkieprolander but 6s10:55
.cdThe huooooo long dragon10:57
[Bird] Absoleeuthi engi11:10
[Bird] Absoleeutwhats up11:13
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubewho long dragon11:21
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubei long dragon11:24
[bird] hamgr12:05
CarbonTugboat AEFgr12:05
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubegr12:05
[Bird] Absoleeutgamin12:06
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubew13:00
[bird] bluble___m113:11
[Bird] Absoleeutsoldier no13:35
[Bird] Absoleeut:(13:36
[Bird] Absoleeuti just spawned13:40
[bird] hamI was confused..,. then I realized I had 200 ping lol14:39
CarbonTugboat AEFwelcome to the pub16:39
A PumpkinIOADJAS17:28
[Bird] AbsoleeutWOT17:28
[bird] bluble___lagggggg17:29
[Bird] AbsoleeutwoiahiFUasdf17:31
A PumpkinEPIC17:31
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubelol17:32
[Bird] Scary-JelloFUCK17:45
[bird] bluble___why are people invisible?18:06
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubethey playin spy lol18:15
A Pumpkindo record fix in console18:16
[Bird] Absoleeutgamin18:18
A Pumpkinyeah nice hack18:48
[bird] hamMY FOOT19:15
[Bird] Absoleeutwot19:23
[Bird] Absoleeutok19:24
[Bird] Absoleeutaw21:09
[bird] hamwhat did pyro surf???21:11
[bird] bluble___://////21:15
[bird] hamgenius21:23
[Bird] Absoleeutwot21:48
[Pause] Game was paused by A Pumpkin21:57
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!21:57
aving ubercharge level for [bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube21:57
aving ubercharge level for CarbonTugboat AEF21:57
cd : ???21:57
bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube : blu's computer is dying21:57
bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube : bluble's21:57
arbonTugboat AEF : rip21:57
EAD* [bird] bluble___ : im back21:57
punkie : so21:57
bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube : k21:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by A Pumpkin...21:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...21:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...21:57
punkie : we are throwing21:57
cd : 5v6?21:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...21:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...21:57
estoring ubercharge level for [bird] Alcoholic Companion Cube21:57
estoring ubercharge level for CarbonTugboat AEF21:57
[Pause] Game is unpaused!21:57
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubemed drop22:23
[Bird] Scary-Jellonixw22:24
[Bird] Scary-Jellonice22:27
[bird] bluble___haha22:45
[Bird] AbsoleeutIODGFIUDNSIGDNG23:07
CarbonTugboat AEFyes23:07
CarbonTugboat AEFit should have23:10
CarbonTugboat AEFI never saw you23:13
CarbonTugboat AEFnice23:55
[Bird] Absoleeutmed down bois23:56
[Bird] Absoleeutim so cool23:59
A Pumpkinlol24:00
A Pumpkinim so good24:02
[Bird] Absoleeutfroyo where you at24:04
CarbonTugboat AEFgr24:15
[Bird] Scary-Jelloaids24:16
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubegr24:16
[bird] bluble___fuck24:16
[bird] bluble___gr24:18
[bird] hamgr24:18
.cdBroyo where you at24:22
spunkieR U STUOPId24:57
spunkieQWHY DO U BOT25:00
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubeq25:05
[bird] hamq25:16
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubeq25:21
[bird] bluble___bruh25:43
[bird] hamengie down push last26:32
A Pumpkindude this is power26:32
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubewow26:33
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubenice26:35
A Pumpkinloch n load plus sticky26:37
[Bird] Absoleeutdont mind me26:52
[Bird] Absoleeutaw27:44
[Bird] Absoleeutaw28:24
[Bird] Absoleeutwhere tf did u even come from28:31
[bird] bluble___lol28:37
CarbonTugboat AEFdammit29:01
[bird] hamim so cookl29:03
CarbonTugboat AEFI concur29:10
[Bird] Scary-Jelloim so cool29:11
[bird] hamIm also garbage29:24
CarbonTugboat AEFnice one29:33
[Bird] Absoleeutgamin29:35
[Bird] Scary-Jellogaming29:40
A PumpkinEZ29:48
.cdWe frag29:59
A Pumpkinyes30:03
[bird] Alcoholic Companion Cubegg30:06
[Bird] Scary-Jellobruhh30:07
[Bird] Scary-Jellogg30:07
A Pumpkingg30:08
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:09