swft | sex | 00:01 |
flam | gl hf | 00:03 |
AiShou | [P-REC] Recording... | 00:04 |
| [PURE] The game will be live after 2 restarts. | 00:04 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] uwutters <STEAM_0:0:456342908> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 00:08 |
| [PURE] The game will be live after 1 restarts. | 00:11 |
| [PURE] Going Live. Have Fun! ^^ | 00:17 |
| [PURE] Current score: ap 0:0 Ravens, timeleft: 30:00 | 00:17 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] dax <STEAM_0:1:180809957> connected from Hong Kong | 04:31 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] else <STEAM_0:1:74293025> connected from Malaysia | 05:10 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | WTF | 06:18 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] onlyfans.com/pepelord <STEAM_0:1:67063858> connected from Singapore | 06:30 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] robotaim <STEAM_0:1:198313970> connected from Malaysia | 06:38 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] 36ks <STEAM_0:0:150315291> connected from Singapore | 06:41 |
robotaim | niggative | 07:01 |
inis | oh wtf | 07:39 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] hellstarry <STEAM_0:0:184430571> connected from Hong Kong | 08:27 |
| [PURE] Current score: ap 1:0 Ravens, timeleft: 21:18 | 08:58 |
hellstarry | why bench paradox? | 09:00 |
hellstarry | he is such a good mental mentor | 09:09 |
hellstarry | yo jump | 09:37 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] 4B <STEAM_0:1:97221157> connected from Taiwan | 10:18 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | !votemenu | 11:11 |
hellstarry | !votemenu | 11:24 |
else | !votekick | 11:28 |
| M] "hellstarry" started a vote to kick "4B". | 11:29 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:30 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:30 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:30 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:30 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 11:30 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:31 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:31 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:31 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:31 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:32 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 11:32 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:32 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 11:35 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:35 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 11:35 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:36 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 11:43 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:46 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 11:55 |
| M] Vote failed. Received: "14" Required: "15" | 11:59 |
hellstarry | damn close | 12:02 |
4B | !votemenu | 12:07 |
hellstarry | sry | 12:12 |
| M] "4B" started a vote to kick "hellstarry". | 12:14 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:15 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:15 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:15 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:15 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:16 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:17 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:17 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 12:17 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:18 |
hellstarry | oh no | 12:18 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 12:19 |
RvC Saru.sbr | its annoying | 12:21 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] hellstarry <STEAM_0:0:184430571> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 12:22 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:23 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] hellstarry <STEAM_0:0:184430571> connected from Hong Kong | 12:23 |
dax | LOL | 12:24 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 12:26 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 12:27 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 12:42 |
| M] Vote failed. Received: "2" Required: "15" | 12:42 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] hellstarry <STEAM_0:0:184430571> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 13:30 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] AiShou <STEAM_0:1:128046100> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 13:38 |
robotaim | .ss | 13:56 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | WTF | 14:47 |
robotaim | vice how miss as? | 15:23 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | im bad | 15:26 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | :( | 15:29 |
robotaim | nah | 15:29 |
robotaim | ur best jumper asia | 15:34 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | no thats moonchild | 15:39 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] hellstarry <STEAM_0:0:184430571> connected from Hong Kong | 15:53 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | dont milk on greenpaw | 15:57 |
4B | He was one of us | 16:17 |
4B | ngl | 16:20 |
4B | he is also good | 16:26 |
4B | dont milk on him | 16:31 |
● | <3 | 16:41 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] 4B <STEAM_0:1:97221157> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 17:24 |
hellstarry | abusement park want scrim later? | 17:48 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] 4B <STEAM_0:1:97221157> connected from Taiwan | 17:57 |
inis | pipe jesus.. | 18:32 |
4B | !votemenu | 18:58 |
| M] "4B" started a vote to kick "onlyfans.com/pepelord". | 19:02 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:03 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:03 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:03 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:03 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:04 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:04 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:04 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:04 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:04 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:04 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:05 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:05 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:06 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:06 |
| M] Vote cast for no. | 19:06 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:08 |
| M] Vote cast for yes. | 19:10 |
| M] Vote failed. Received: "10" Required: "14" | 19:33 |
dax | wallbug | 20:09 |
dax | noob | 20:11 |
hellstarry | can i get aishout mentor too? | 20:18 |
dax | aishouT | 20:27 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | whos aishout | 20:28 |
hellstarry | speel wrong | 20:35 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | aiwhisper | 20:38 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | aitalk | 20:40 |
4B | who aishout | 20:41 |
4B | are u dumb | 20:44 |
4B | hellstahry | 20:51 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | jub said | 21:37 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | jub told us | 21:40 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | jub mentioned | 21:43 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | jub secretly said | 21:47 |
robotaim | WTF | 22:44 |
onlyfans.com/pepelord | DUDE | 22:44 |
| [PURE] Current score: ap 2:0 Ravens, timeleft: 07:30 | 22:46 |
robotaim | .ss | 22:49 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | wtf | 23:55 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | blind det? | 23:57 |
4B | u just got RICKROLLED | 24:10 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | LOL | 24:26 |
4B | wtf | 24:28 |
flam | lol | 24:28 |
robotaim | ns vice | 25:37 |
hellstarry | stop trolling | 25:39 |
robotaim | beast mode | 25:42 |
robotaim | ?????? | 25:52 |
dax | ??????? | 25:53 |
robotaim | GreenPaW | 26:15 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] 4B <STEAM_0:1:97221157> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 26:19 |
| [PURE] Current score: ap 3:0 Ravens, timeleft: 02:54 | 27:22 |
robotaim | .ss | 27:25 |
dax | NICE | 27:45 |
dax | jump | 27:46 |
dax | omg | 27:48 |
dax | that actually works | 27:55 |
dax | i tho it just an idea | 28:05 |
| 3EFF3E[PURE] hellstarry <STEAM_0:0:184430571> disconnected (Disconnect by user.) | 28:16 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | FUCK | 28:22 |
Moonchild (Best Asia Jumper) | WAS SOMEONE ON TOP OF ME | 28:29 |
robotaim | GSD down | 29:30 |
robotaim | .ss | 30:18 |
| [PURE] The game has ended, gg! | 30:21 |
| [PURE] Final score: ap 3:0 Ravens. | 30:21 |
| [PURE] Retrieve STV demos here: https://demos.tf/uploads/76561198060490583 | 30:21 |