
WiLLmaTiC's Server - VS vs Cld.IX


Demo uploaded by WiLLmaTiC 4 years go

fallin351214617Leafs Grow
BananaFernGamer100192140Supreme Gentleman
Tank135158128Cpt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard
Several Ducks091217213SirTurdle



Toggle Chat
Several Ducksgr05:05
[Pause] Game was paused by SpiderJew10:53
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!10:53
aving ubercharge level for Several Ducks10:53
aving ubercharge level for Supreme Gentleman10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : our soldier is afk10:53
EAD* Tank : our solly af10:53
EAD* Tank : afk10:53
eafs Grow : lets goooo10:53
irTurdle : gentlemen i have come to say the n word10:53
everal Ducks : -_-10:53
aeko : ☐ Not REKT ☑ REKT10:53
iLLmaTiC : np10:53
eafs Grow : [Location:] RGL Vending Machine 10:53
irTurdle : Soldier: *aims at ground* [Skill Intensifies]10:53
aeko : wait guys help my screen is frozen10:53
eafs Grow : [Location:] RGL Vending Machine 10:53
eafs Grow : [Location:] RGL Vending Machine 10:53
iLLmaTiC : monkaS10:53
eafs Grow : [Location:] RGL Vending Machine 10:53
eafs Grow : I don't WANT to confirm my email address! I HATE confirming my email address! *rips the door off my mini-fridge*10:53
eafs Grow : [Location:] RGL Vending Machine 10:53
aeko : guys seriously it's frozen and it says loading in the middle10:53
iLLmaTiC : ngl id rather be playing poe right now10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
EAD* Tank : Beggars bazooka10:53
irTurdle : that means you got banned maeko10:53
eafs Grow : Will says its my turn to play sniper10:53
irTurdle : they are processing the vac ban10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : her parents tore her wires out10:53
irTurdle : nice cheats10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
ube : tacocat: there should be No Restrictions Highlander10:53
eafs Grow : HAHHAHAHAHHA10:53
aeko : How did they catch me10:53
eafs Grow : wtf 10:53
eafs Grow : crackhead parents10:53
aeko : i bought lmaobox premium10:53
irTurdle : because my cheats detected yours10:53
aeko : :O10:53
everal Ducks : DC :(10:53
irTurdle : i have lmaobox+ premium10:53
eafs Grow : [Location:] RGL Vending Machine 10:53
aeko : NAO10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : yea we need a ringer10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : oh rip10:53
eafs Grow : oki10:53
aeko : No way10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : do you know any decent snipers? 10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : me10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : i'll ring10:53
irTurdle : me10:53
iLLmaTiC : ill ring :)10:53
eafs Grow : me10:53
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes10:53
ube : fuk u wil10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : her parents legit ripped her wires out this is scuffed10:53
ube : fuk u sper10:53
iLLmaTiC : yo wtf10:53
irTurdle : woman?10:53
eafs Grow : let me play sniper10:53
irTurdle : where10:53
upreme Gentleman : lmao10:53
eafs Grow : or will will bann you10:53
irTurdle : god i wish i could talk to a female 10:53
upreme Gentleman : >implying turdle isnt the best egirl10:53
aeko : retweet10:53
iLLmaTiC : tfw no gf so you spend money on tf2 hats10:53
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes10:53
iLLmaTiC : PepeHands10:53
EAD* ydna : tf > gf10:53
aeko : ☐ Not REKT ☑ REKT10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : im lookin for a sniper rn10:53
eafs Grow : 300 dollhairs on yellowbelt10:53
upreme Gentleman : all women do is lie, get free hats, and eat hot chip10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : nerd10:53
iLLmaTiC : 600 thank you10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : can we ring quacks?10:53
eafs Grow : sure10:53
iLLmaTiC : who is that lol10:53
aeko : damn10:53
eafs Grow : the soldier10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : soldier10:53
eafs Grow : lmfao10:53
eafs Grow : yea10:53
eafs Grow : why not10:53
aeko : didn't have to disrespect him like that will10:53
eafs Grow : HAHHAHAHAHHA10:53
iLLmaTiC : nah i legit dont know him10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : oh rip I thought it was the sniper that you guys lost10:53
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes10:53
eafs Grow : just ring em lol10:53
EAD* BananaFernGamer : our sniper isnt even here rn fml10:53
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes10:53
eafs Grow : so 10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : i got you guys a sniper10:53
aeko : we good10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : we have a ringer ty10:53
iLLmaTiC : word10:53
pt. Eyetoke Endhavebeard : aight cool10:53
EAD* SpiderJew : we are just waiting for him to connect10:53
eafs Grow : LETS GO QUAcks10:53
everal Ducks : there we go10:53
upreme Gentleman : unpause to connect10:53
everal Ducks : kk rdy?10:53
eafs Grow : ye10:53
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Tank...10:53
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...10:53
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...10:53
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...10:53
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...10:53
estoring ubercharge level for Several Ducks10:53
estoring ubercharge level for Supreme Gentleman10:53
[Pause] Game is unpaused!10:53
Several Ducksgg15:46
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...15:48
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.15:48
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.15:48