
Asia HL PUG Server - shit vs RED


Demo uploaded by Clari-tea 4 years go

obamamium ANGEL HALO231071615Wakashira
//-_-\\811912511Character ViruS
BLUE IN GREEN1951111314Leon.
LOSE riddlefacts13611766SpyMemes
Olivia Oldein094980boston toaster
vilaine trace de sperme2311816023Foxrain
en🎃rbic101111305Spooky Dinofire16



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obamamium ANGEL HALOi'm not00:03
obamamium ANGEL HALOi never played scout in hl b400:07
Wakashirame too00:16
obamamium ANGEL HALOjust uber cody00:46
obamamium ANGEL HALOhe will do beyond kaleido level plays00:59
obamamium ANGEL HALOwith the ubers01:02
Wakashirabruh heavys voice is super fucking deep01:08
en🎃rbicslavic moment01:16
vilaine trace de spermethats 103:18
Spooky Dinofire16does that count04:04
vilaine trace de spermeno04:08
Spooky Dinofire16aight04:11
Foxraingang nam style04:33
vilaine trace de spermetyes04:46
vilaine trace de spermethank i04:48
boston toasterUnfortunate®05:23
Spooky Dinofire16double kill06:22
Spooky Dinofire16pog06:23
Spooky Dinofire16thats 207:41
Spooky Dinofire16air blastttt09:16
Spooky Dinofire16shit09:18
vilaine trace de spermeoppa gnagnam style 09:18
Spooky Dinofire16ggs09:19
Spooky Dinofire16so i got 2 kills on sub09:26
Spooky Dinofire16not good enough09:29
vilaine trace de spermesghut the 09:31
Foxrainwhy get pain me09:36
obamamium ANGEL HALOup fuck the shut09:49
obamamium ANGEL HALO(團隊) LOSE riddlefacts : This jag was made possible by raid shadow legends.10:02
obamamium ANGEL HALO(團隊) LOSE riddlefacts : This jag was made possible by raid shadow legends.10:04
obamamium ANGEL HALO(團隊) LOSE riddlefacts : This jag was made possible by raid shadow legends.10:08
Spooky Dinofire16pp lol10:09
obamamium ANGEL HALO(團隊) LOSE riddlefacts : This eureka effect was made possible by NordVPN.10:12
boston toasterchinese tf210:14
boston toastersmh10:15
obamamium ANGEL HALO(團隊) LOSE riddlefacts : This eureka effect was made possible by NordVPN.10:23
obamamium ANGEL HALO(團隊) LOSE riddlefacts : This eureka effect was made possible by NordVPN.10:31
Spooky Dinofire16that splash damage12:51
Spooky Dinofire16waht the fuck14:18
Foxrainis our spy fucking afk15:50
obamamium ANGEL HALOdefend the old place17:17
vilaine trace de spermethats 317:39
vilaine trace de sperme2 more bro17:41
vilaine trace de spermewtf how u not kill me 18:11
vilaine trace de spermewhen i leave spaewn18:14
Foxrainfucking hell18:40
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...18:40