
Qixalite Bookable - APE vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 4 years go

APES Toxic1010157612loled u
APES flam161315121721ABNA Tissueman
APES vice1372424312ABNA Spud
APES fany1471920714ABNA moooooooooonchild
APES :32936106ABNA Rubyks
APES swft216913522ุABNA meejaey 80cm/360
791ABNA Gale



Toggle Chat
APES swftglhf00:01
BNA Spud : (TEAM) RY4N :3 : sub to my onlyfan05:41
BNA Spud : u guys rdy?05:41
PES flam : ok05:41
PES flam : ready05:41
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by ABNA Spud...05:41
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...05:41
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...05:41
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...05:41
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...05:41
estoring ubercharge level for APES swft05:41
[Pause] Game is unpaused!05:41
[Pause] Game was paused by ABNA moooooooooonchild05:41
aving ubercharge level for ABNA Gale05:41
aving ubercharge level for APES swft05:41
PES flam : wtf?05:41
BNA Spud : pepehands05:41
PES vice : rip05:41
BNA Gale : rubyks died05:41
BNA Spud : demo timout05:41
BNA Spud : LOLS05:41
BNA Spud : soz 1 sec ahj05:41
BNA Spud : Xd05:41
PES :3 : np05:41
BNA Spud : rubkys did a funni05:41
BNA Spud : ecksdi05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : my demo screamed in discord after winning 1 round then never talked after that05:41
PES vice : LOL05:41
BNA Gale : LOL05:41
BNA Spud : ez funny05:41
BNA Spud : so guys05:41
BNA Spud : anyone up for genshin05:41
BNA Spud : :D05:41
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : sry for this05:41
BNA Spud : this indian05:41
BNA Spud : can give tech support05:41
BNA Spud : but cant have wifi05:41
BNA Spud : smh05:41
BNA Spud : >:C05:41
BNA Gale : he didnt invest in good internet like me im sorry05:41
BNA Gale : for one of my own05:41
BNA Spud : mumbai moment05:41
BNA Spud : where my deli routing at05:41
BNA Spud : bro05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : wtf05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : uh05:41
PES vice : WTF05:41
PES flam : what05:41
PES swft : wtf05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : uh05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : LMFAO05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : UH05:41
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes05:41
BNA Spud : sorry'05:41
BNA Spud : we wintrading05:41
BNA Spud : for content05:41
PES vice : rubyks no response?05:41
BNA Spud : no05:41
BNA Spud : he rs05:41
PES vice : holy shit05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : zzz05:41
BNA Spud : LOLS05:41
BNA Spud : wifi down05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : guys im really sorry for my race05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : i fucking HATE indians05:41
PES vice : wtf05:41
PES vice : caught on stream05:41
PES vice : ifun flame moonchild rn05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : its ok05:41
BNA moooooooooonchild : i hate indians, especially those named carnival05:41
PES vice : WTF05:41
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes05:41
BNA Spud : bro rubkys power went put05:41
BNA Spud : AHHAHAHA05:41
BNA Spud : his house black05:41
BNA Spud : like my die05:41
PES vice : what th efuck05:41
PES vice : for real?05:41
BNA Spud : yes05:41
PES vice : LOL05:41
BNA Spud : i think05:41
PES vice : thats very sad05:41
BNA Spud : cause he say05:41
BNA Spud : no powah05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : this is so scuffed05:41
BNA Spud : to net05:41
BNA Spud : ouo05:41
BNA Spud : but guys05:41
BNA Spud : rmb05:41
BNA Spud : (TEAM) RY4N :3 : sub to my onlyfan05:41
BNA Spud : (TEAM) RY4N :3 : sub to my onlyfan05:41
BNA Spud : (TEAM) RY4N :3 : sub to my onlyfan05:41
BNA Spud : (TEAM) RY4N :3 : sub to my onlyfan05:41
BNA Spud : (TEAM) RY4N :3 : sub to my onlyfan05:41
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes05:41
PES flam : how long05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : i for the love of god didnt know spec bind works in pause05:41
PEC* ABNA Gale : i want to cry05:41
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes05:41
BNA Spud : we unpausing we gonna use drugs for now05:41
BNA Spud : osz05:41
BNA Spud : XD05:41
BNA Spud : unpausing05:41
ABNA moooooooooonchild?09:19
APES :3uh09:21
APES :3LOL09:30
APES viceI BEEF22:30
ABNA Spudya22:32
APES vice:(22:34
ABNA Spudlols22:36
ABNA Spudi died there for sure22:40
ABNA SpudLOLS22:41
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:09