
Qixalite Bookable - -tss- vs MGE


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 4 years go

-tss- hoosen!2052219926MGE janga7
-tss- pod1442115827MGE Spartan
-tss- Spooky Quadratic Formula1362062016MGE nurf
MGE mori183139938D-Fault
-tss- Mr Cjam1432710615Jäger al-Maslul
-tss- Nitroxturtle1912189212MGE - ¿The Valeyard?
-tss- Chimera821814518uxonk
-tss- caramel.0131226221MGE Ambrosio
-tss- BananaWillRule23217
-tss- OllyDaGreat10226



Toggle Chat
MGE janga7*DEAD* Ambrosio : janga is a silly spy main01:52
MGE mori200 ping pound06:44
MGE moriliterally impossible to play07:30
MGE moribruh wtf is this08:17
MGE janga7ive only died to fucking dumb classes so far08:17
[Pause] Game was paused by MGE Ambrosio14:21
aving ubercharge level for MGE - ¿The Valeyard?14:21
aving ubercharge level for -tss- caramel.14:21
-Fault : sorry14:21
tss- pod : ?14:21
GE Ambrosio : sorry14:21
tss- Spooky Quadratic Formula : ?14:21
tss- Nitroxturtle : what14:21
-Fault : ping14:21
GE mori : i have aids14:21
GE Ambrosio : demo 300 ping14:21
tss- hoosen! : time freeze 14:21
tss- Chimera : what14:21
tss- caramel. : ahh okay14:21
GE Ambrosio : correction14:21
GE Ambrosio : 365 ping14:21
GE janga7 : why are you making it so im in this gamemode for longer than i need to be14:21
GE janga7 : ambro14:21
GE janga7 : fuk u14:21
tss- pod : woah woah14:21
EAD* MGE Spartan : ;(14:21
tss- Spooky Quadratic Formula : x = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/2a14:21
GE Ambrosio : janga is easy14:21
äger al-Maslul : .ss14:21
GE Ambrosio : go for him blue14:21
tss- Spooky Quadratic Formula : funny bind time14:21
GE nurf : .ss14:21
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute14:21
tss- pod : janga copping all the abuse14:21
GE janga7 : I DESERVE IT DW14:21
tss- BananaWillRule : I'm here for you janga14:21
EAD* MGE Spartan : damn thats cute14:21
GE - ¿The Valeyard? : 6s Mains amirite14:21
tss- caramel. : true14:21
tss- pod : hey whats up guys main here14:21
tss- pod : open gang14:21
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes14:21
GE - ¿The Valeyard? : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)14:21
äger al-Maslul : fucking highlander man14:21
tss- pod : :(14:21
äger al-Maslul : its a awful gamemode14:21
GE janga7 : ^14:21
EAD* MGE Spartan : omegalul14:21
EAD* MGE Spartan : angry mge gamers14:21
äger al-Maslul : 6s is objectively superiour14:21
tss- Spooky Quadratic Formula : respawn league experience vs highlander experience14:21
tss- pod : can yall loose cuz u dont like hl?14:21
tss- pod : pls ty14:21
EAD* MGE Spartan : lol 14:21
EAD* MGE Spartan : sure14:21
GE Ambrosio : I let loose all the time14:21
tss- caramel. : ty <314:21
äger al-Maslul : respawn was made cos kodyn and core couldnt get over the fact that their classes are bad14:21
GE - ¿The Valeyard? : UGC Needs to die already14:21
xonk : man my asshole is so loose14:21
tss- pod : ay banana said i get unusual if we win14:21
GE janga7 : its just me and jager who dont like playing against heaviues and engis14:21
tss- pod : so i need unusual14:21
tss- BananaWillRule : No!!! don't throw! i'll have to buy him shit14:21
tss- pod : fuck u14:21
GE Ambrosio : unpausing in 514:21
tss- pod : wheres my money14:21
xonk : fuck14:21
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes14:21
GE Ambrosio : 314:21
xonk : shit14:21
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by MGE Ambrosio...14:21
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...14:21
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...14:21
äger al-Maslul : fuck14:21
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...14:21
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...14:21
äger al-Maslul : penis14:21
estoring ubercharge level for MGE - ¿The Valeyard?14:21
estoring ubercharge level for -tss- caramel.14:21
[Pause] Game is unpaused!14:21
Jäger al-Maslulno its not censored14:25
-tss- podhow15:08
MGE morii have aids and cancer18:11
-tss- hoosen!gr18:45
-tss- OllyDaGreatgg18:45
-tss- BananaWillRulegr18:46
-tss- caramel.gr18:46
-tss- Chimeragr18:47
-tss- podgr18:48
-tss- Spooky Quadratic Formulagg18:48
-tss- Spooky Quadratic Formulagr18:51
MGE nurfgr18:53
Jäger al-Maslulbr18:56
-tss- hoosen!.ss19:10
-tss- Spooky Quadratic Formula.ss19:23
-tss- BananaWillRulegg24:11
-tss- Chimeragg24:11
-tss- podgg24:13
MGE morigg24:13
-tss- OllyDaGreatgg24:13
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...24:14