demos.tfaboutviewereditor - wwRED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by yosh 4 years go

capper2491112813wG Derpboy
howard23915121325wG Rio
kactuswactus1751520914monsieur rat
bob1192018124wG Walrex
dogeWW1141316116wG sin_k4rma
home videos01388110this is BEANS



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home videosthats retarded00:43
monsieur ratyea00:45
monsieur ratit is00:46
[Pause] Game was paused by kactuswactus07:49
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!07:49
aving ubercharge level for home videos07:49
aving ubercharge level for this is BEANS07:49
actuswactus : rekusos mic07:49
G sin_k4rma : .07:49
actuswactus : broken07:49
onsieur rat : kk07:49
G Walrex : thats a mood07:49
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute07:49
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes07:49
actuswactus : unpausing07:49
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by kactuswactus...07:49
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...07:49
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...07:49
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...07:49
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...07:49
estoring ubercharge level for home videos07:49
estoring ubercharge level for this is BEANS07:49
[Pause] Game is unpaused!07:49
wG sin_k4rmaggs30:06
wG Derpboy5cp PogFuckingChamp30:06
wG Riogg30:06
wG Derpboyggs30:06
wG Walrex0-0 be like30:08
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:09
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.30:09
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:09
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:09