
- RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

(Herbst)Frozen Pegasus17429231317n1L3
Hey Gringo!1923026419kptz
kaper331024111049Fisherman Mamadu
poly #TF2Center4182316183Nugget



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poly #TF2Centerns00:53
thumb1 sticky kills me from 13002:16
thumbseems legit02:19
thumbdoes that hit me09:39
thumbwhen im 2 miles away lmfao09:44
poly #TF2Centerns10:46
kptzN1 kaper11:08
Hey Gringo!that s a lot for a tf2 proplayer12:09
kapersuck my dick u wrothless cunt14:05
Scofieldsit down14:09
rvsk0!rep their pocket14:24
poly #TF2CenterwTF15:18
thumb3 shots splashed your med and did 016:50
thumbholy shit this game sometiems lel16:55
(Herbst)Frozen Pegasusu17:06
Nuggetyou guys are retard18:05
thumbnugget youve been getting fucked the entire game.. idk why youre piping up lol18:26
Nugget3-1 pal :)18:36
jevenNugget : 3-1 pal :)18:57
kptzcry more + ratiod19:11
rvsk0you're still losing and bad at the game19:15
thumbwtf are you doing you retard?19:19
poly #TF2Centerwtf are u doing with your life19:28
kptzGet ratiod kid19:50
poly #TF2CenterUr mother is your father20:25
kaperur cringe 20:41
kapershut ur mouth20:43
jevenur mom is gay as well20:43
jeveni fucked him TOO20:48
jevendoggy styled him on a prayer matt20:53
jevenur my son20:55
Nugget4-1 stay retard20:56
Nuggetnice kritz retard21:56
thumbnugget go to bed you salty idiot22:15
kptzcry more thumn22:23
Nuggetok baby22:30
poly #TF2Centernt23:12
kptz4-1 cry23:18
kptzTbf u are impressive. 1st game in 3 months and u manage to be worse than me.25:38
kptzgood job lads25:41
jevenu got tripled26:06
jevenand doubled26:07
jevenby 2 girls26:09
jevenwho are ur mom26:14
jevenbit ch26:15
kptzCry more 4-126:16
thumb凸( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )凸26:36
Fisherman Mamaduehehhe n1 med26:46
Nuggetyeah the offclass tactic when you guys are being shitty26:46
Nuggetclassic :)26:48
poly #TF2Centerty26:49
thumbmate youre literally at 20 deaths in a lobby.. shhhh27:03
poly #TF2CenterWhy is it so easy to say something toxic and so hard to say something positive27:08
Nuggetim at 14 actually27:09
Nuggettry more retard27:13
thumbbasically 20 boo27:22
thumbshhh its ok27:24
Nuggetlearn to count, retard :)27:31
kptzmate u are losing 4-1, just pipe down27:37
thumbyeah ... coz i can see your kills27:38
thumbsilly salty child27:41
thumbgo to bed lol27:43
Nuggetyeah im medic, retard :)27:51
kptzu are dogshit hahaah28:04
Scofieldkinda ez28:10
Nugget5-1, retards28:10
thumbimagine trying to stack a lobby and still have your medic die 20 times28:32
rvsk0bad but easy game29:09
Nugget'hehehe guys i was merely pretending ahahahha'29:25
kptzgg ez. please practice more29:54
thumbi hope you open players find inner piece over night.30:04
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:08