
- RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

Robot00060260/40 | SpiderJew
freeblink ridge20361660/40 | DUNCE
freeblink Volca_22220360/40 | Saturn
ryuk down!302307F.O BOSS
Pete o' Fial0176136040 MEECHI
Techdra00130360/40 | Boyz II Mensch
freeblink Acadium408
Ryuk 60/401817



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[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.0:00
Ryuk 60/40can i play spy00:07
Pete o' Fialfunny scrims are funny00:08
Zorrorandom role scrims00:15
gboogberdo u guys want a player00:16
freeblink ridge!logs00:18
60/40 | Saturn.ss00:21
6040 MEECHIya00:23
6040 MEECHIpls00:25
60/40 | DUNCEyes00:27
Pete o' Fialhonestly random class scrims would be funny00:28
60/40 | SpiderJewyes pls00:29
60/40 | Boyz II Mensch that would be sick00:29
60/40 | SpiderJewget us a player00:31
6040 MEECHIYES00:35
6040 MEECHIYES00:37
6040 MEECHIYES00:38
Pete o' Fialactually we have dnd in 10 minutes00:42
60/40 | Boyz II Menschdo you play dnd as a team??>00:50
60/40 | SpiderJew10 mins of gaming00:55
Techdra5 of the 9 play00:57
Zorrohalf of us know each other irl00:58
60/40 | SpiderJew2 more rounds00:59
60/40 | Boyz II Menschoh that sounds so fun01:03
60/40 | SpiderJew8v801:05
60/40 | Boyz II Mensch8v801:12
60/40 | Boyz II Menschpro pro lander01:15
gboogberjenius lander01:22
Pete o' Fialhonestly i would love to do this another time01:25
60/40 | DUNCEyeah we have a melee tournament after this01:28
freeblink Acadiumlol Spiderjew01:31
60/40 | Boyz II Menschyeah no problem01:31
60/40 | SpiderJewsure <301:32
Pete o' Fialtalk to ridge about this01:34
freeblink AcadiumWasn't even shooting at you01:34
60/40 | DUNCEwe all play as one character01:34
Ryuk 60/40can i play spy next time01:36
60/40 | DUNCEits not fair01:39
Pete o' Fialconvince him01:40
Pete o' Fialplease01:46