
Asia HL PUG Server - RED vs pee


Demo uploaded by Clari-tea 3 years go

Sleepy Sleip462016816sea of time
ʟᴏᴡᴋ3ʏ lft2221714834toogle granslate
Fade1331015127boom boom
eros.131611545allah gaming ل هاك الجن
submarine1822110113PADORU PADORU
space movie 1992711817217C. Taunts



Toggle Chat
terrible player[P-REC] I prefer using shadowplays00:03
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~00:11
terrible player--This ubercharge was made possible by Yume Pugs--00:38
terrible playerlol00:42
terrible player--This ubercharge was made possible by Yume Pugs--01:03
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~01:11
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~01:17
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~01:30
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~01:57
submarinewhy does ctaunts want me to die02:03
Sleepy SleipBOOLI02:26
terrible 02:28
terrible 02:30
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~02:33
submarinewhy do 3 people want me dead02:46
terrible player--This ubercharge was made possible by Yume Pugs--02:48
terrible playertroled02:50
toogle granslatesry02:52
sea of timeu volunteered02:53
boom boomfuck you02:54
sea of timeto swap02:55
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~03:42
Epicwindow+-lol my aim04:03
terrible playerits good04:09
terrible player--This ubercharge was made possible by Yume Pugs--04:40
sea of timeLOL04:43
terrible playerpogchamp flanks04:59
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~05:11
Epicwindow+-moonchild op05:25
Epicwindow+-i cna just afk05:27
terrible playernah bro go flank heavy05:45
Sleepy Sleiphow to not miss everything06:24
terrible playerget better06:30
Epicwindow+-funny gameplay06:31
terrible playermge06:32
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~06:51
sea of timeLOL SUB07:02
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~07:12
submarinei just cannot anymore07:14
submarinewhy gale and mc living behind kme07:22
terrible playerwas first map balance07:37
boom boomno07:46
terrible playerno balances?08:11
terrible playerkek08:15
submarineTHAT DOESNT HS08:45
terrible 09:04
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~09:23
terrible playerhaving fun watching submarine die09:46
sea of timeLOL10:07
submarineidk anymore10:10
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~10:29
sea of timefk u10:55
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~11:15
terrible playertroled11:29
sea of timestop tunneling me11:54
sea of timeim a scout11:58
submarineyeah 12:01
sea of timestop12:06
terrible playerisnt that why hes tunneling you12:15
terrible playeryou are a scout12:18
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~12:26
Sleepy Sleipi dont liek sollies12:52
submarinei knew it12:58
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~13:06
toogle granslatebruh13:32
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~14:18
sea of timefuck u14:30
terrible playerbetter question why you walk in with 44 hp14:41
jyn.fuck u15:30
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~15:37
terrible playerpogchamp eros16:08
terrible player~~Uber Faked to Enemy~~16:33
Epicwindow+-i dont know17:16
Epicwindow+-what is our combo17:18
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:18