
- poop vs tomboy


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

purple [シ]1571430326santi
Thane241121181033simp! |
B3AST [シ]1961713131Kitty™
OGtrumpet [シ]01615



Toggle Chat
purple [シ]xd00:37
santiSTOP LAGIGNG04:40
OGtrumpet [シ]get a better server04:51
santidont live in india04:58
simp! | catgirlcare.orgbeastw05:27
B3AST [シ]hacks05:34
wwither♡rip 08:23
simp! | catgirlcare.orgwhy the feed08:30
wwither♡you were low i figured why not08:36
simp! | catgirlcare.orgwtf is happenin09:21
Kitty™Looking for demo bf, jumping around is a must!09:47
TTV/tw1tchsh0tLooking for big titty medic GF. Landing arrows is a must09:52
purple [シ]CONFORM HERE > > >
wwither♡rip i suck 10:14
purple [シ]gr11:36
wwither♡aw damn gr11:38
TTV/tw1tchsh0twhat was that trap11:40
simp! | catgirlcare.orgnruhj12:01
simp! | catgirlcare.orgnbeast13:26
simp! | catgirlcare.orglmao14:45
simp! | catgirlcare.orgi forgot last mid15:22
B3AST [シ]same15:26
Toastiesmh my head15:28
simp! | catgirlcare.orgthe team throwin so15:28
CopMCcoppery tho16:11
wwither♡cuz i suck 16:16
simp! | catgirlcare.orgcan u taunt again17:36
santidamn thats toxic man17:56
santimy feelings are hurt 17:59
OGtrumpet [シ]ye18:53
wwither♡yeah 18:54
[Pause] Game was paused by TTV/tw1tchsh0t18:59
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!18:59
aving ubercharge level for Kitty™18:59
aving ubercharge level for OGtrumpet [シ]18:59
EAD* simp! | : man18:59
EAD* simp! | : the scrim pause18:59
oastie : my bad santi18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : my team hates me 18:59
oastie : i didn't meant too taunt18:59
EAD* simp! | : can i taunt on you18:59
oastie : my finger slipped18:59
anti : >:(18:59
oastie : if u can kill me :)18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : tfw your med kill binds18:59
EAD* simp! | : i dont want to18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : Looking for big titty medic GF. Landing arrows is a must18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : tell me when he is sending client info18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
[Pause] Game was paused by Corwin18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* simp! | : if you have big boobs, please add me as i am in need of a mommy gf or a femboy bf.18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : im so bad 18:59
oastie : his power went out18:59
oastie : we are getting ringer18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : lft med low nc18:59
EAD* simp! | : let me ring18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : ass18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : lmao 18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : :trolled:18:59
oastie : ok simp18:59
EAD* simp! | : let me ring ur team18:59
oastie : get in here18:59
EAD* simp! | : i will do it18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : im a simp so what18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : lft 18:59
EAD* simp! | : no ur not kid18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : med nc18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : yeah im a simp, simply slamin you!18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : Looking for big titty medic GF. Landing arrows is a must18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes18:59
EAD* simp! | : simp! LFT low nc demoman18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : ogtrumpet adopt me 18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : ok mom18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : O.O18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : uwu18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : you're as useless as a comatose toddler with a nerf gun during Pearl Harbor18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : ik :(18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : ching chong your opinion is wrong18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : im gonna stick me thumbs in your eyes and hold on til yer dead18:59
EAD* simp! | : can we unpause18:59
EAD* simp! | : 5v618:59
oastie : 8)18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : nope18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : no18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : nah one sec 18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : can we unpause18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : nope18:59
oastie : hold up18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : SourceTV is on spectator18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : he should sub for us18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : tbh18:59
orwin : You finna get a ringer god dam18:59
EAD* simp! | : fr18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : yup18:59
orwin : HURRY18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : im finna ring your asshole18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : impaintent fucks hold up18:59
TV/tw1tchsh0t : 5 gum feels how chew to it18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes18:59
EAD* simp! | : twitch u said that to a 14 yp18:59
EAD* simp! | : got u in 4k18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : let me in 18:59
EAD* simp! | : these frames are goin down down 18:59
EAD* simp! | : hurry tf up18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : stfu18:59
EAD* simp! | : please18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : fuck you18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : hang on bb 18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!18:59
oastie : sirry18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : his computer is takin a sec 18:59
EAD* OGtrumpet [シ] : we are gonna take forever now bitch18:59
EAD* B3AST [シ] : lets wait until their entire team leavesr and we win by default18:59
oastie : watch some porn in the mean time18:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by simp! |
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...18:59
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!18:59
aving ubercharge level for Kitty™18:59
aving ubercharge level for OGtrumpet [シ]18:59
EAD* Kitty™ : no i want in on your team!18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by TTV/tw1tchsh0t...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game was paused by TTV/tw1tchsh0t18:59
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!18:59
aving ubercharge level for Kitty™18:59
aving ubercharge level for OGtrumpet [シ]18:59
EAD* simp! | : scuffed18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by TTV/tw1tchsh0t...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...18:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...18:59
EAD* wwither♡ : hang on 18:59
estoring ubercharge level for Kitty™18:59
estoring ubercharge level for OGtrumpet [シ]18:59
[Pause] Game is unpaused!18:59
Kitty™i killed for you 19:05
Toastieshit on 19:06
marcelineis that a womenw19:17
CopMCcopperyoung child19:28
Kitty™whats a woman?19:30
TTV/tw1tchsh0the hasnt dropped his balls yet19:30
simp! | catgirlcare.orgLMAO21:00
B3AST [シ]gg21:22
wwither♡ouch twitch 28:01
wwither♡lmfao 28:04
marcelineyo woman28:15
simp! | catgirlcare.orglol28:32
wwither♡i beef28:37
simp! | catgirlcare.orggg30:05
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:08