
Qixalite Bookable - makmu vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 4 years go

Calypso23111716419바나나 맜있어
fug :DD2142115734KINO Deluxe Quarter Pack
brandon_basketball_1156228192159bitp > hdl
o21871119719Kirill Petrenko



Toggle Chat
wheres my sorryjub00:09
wheres my sorryjub00:11
wheres my sorrysaw my double?00:28
wheres my sorryin process00:32
wheres my sorrywhat is narwhal doing? :thinking:02:54
wheres my sorrywhat is narwhal doing? :thinking:03:01
wheres my sorrywhat is narwhal doing? :thinking:03:08
5 push up after every deathskevin wanna mge?03:11
wheres my sorrywhat is narwhal doing? :thinking:03:37
wheres my sorry-- Malformed utf8 --03:52
wheres my sorrywhat is narwhal doing? :thinking:04:10
5 push up after every deathsOMG CARNIVAL ARROWS04:25
5 push up after every deathsCARNIVAL SO GOOD04:31
5 push up after every deathsDIV204:32
5 push up after every deathsDIV204:33
5 push up after every deathsDIV204:34
wheres my sorryhes actually a good medic04:40
5 push up after every deathsshut the fuck up04:46
wheres my sorryi just played last map04:53
jubkeep on like this and no hazeem mentor04:57
5 push up after every deathsok ah yes05:04
wheres my sorrywhat do u know starry05:07
5 push up after every deathsye ikr he is good05:09
5 push up after every deathsactually insane05:14
5 push up after every deathsmost underrated medic ive ever seen05:23
wheres my sorryno he was rly good at this team05:28
5 push up after every deathsok05:37
5 push up after every deathsfinally the div2 team is winning a div 3 team06:21
Maha Vajiralongkornthey lose to nrg but win this team06:40
wheres my sorrythey got rolled last map06:42
5 push up after every deathsi saw that06:50
5 push up after every deathslaughing so hard06:53
5 push up after every deathsrahmed06:58
5 push up after every deathslmfao06:59
wheres my sorryi think they got rolled cus i merc as demo last map07:04
wheres my sorryim just good07:09
5 push up after every deathsworse than submarine07:09
wheres my sorry:D07:10
jubblue team throwing to get into div 3?07:10
5 push up after every deathsYE RIGHT07:13
5 push up after every deathsHAZEEM SO GOOD07:16
5 push up after every deathsBEAST07:18
jubred team if u wanna play div 3 u cant do this07:23
wheres my sorrythanku thanku07:24
hayed152( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)08:00
5 push up after every deathswho is maha08:05
Maha Vajiralongkornback cap again in lan and i will beat u up at the parking gagrage08:18
wheres my sorryron08:38
5 push up after every deathsLOOK AT THAT SURF08:41
wheres my sorrymy mentee08:41
ParaKiss(° ͜ °)08:42
5 push up after every deathsLOOK AT THAT08:44
5 push up after every deathsINSANE 08:46
Maha Vajiralongkorntru08:50
wheres my sorrystarry u rly need to look in the mirror before talking09:08
5 push up after every deathswhats wrong with my face?09:21
5 push up after every deathshm?09:24
wheres my sorryure just blinded by ur ego to see other people's potential09:27
wheres my sorry:D09:31
Maha Vajiralongkornslait triple pre now or no balls09:34
5 push up after every deathsOK09:36
5 push up after every deathsyes sir09:39
wheres my sorryAHHAHA09:42
hayed152(╯ ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)╯┻━┻09:45
wheres my sorryim kidding09:47
fug :DDuwu whats this? Ur dead? :3309:48
wheres my sorryam i09:49
5 push up after every deathsyes sir 09:52
5 push up after every deathsppl speedshot lets go11:29
5 push up after every deathsrip blood 11:52
fug :DDuwu whats this? Ur dead? :3311:55
wheres my sorrywhat is narwhal doing? :thinking:11:58
hayed152ALT TABBED11:59
5 push up after every deathsblood is really optimistic yesterday before fighting your team hazeem12:19
wheres my sorrywym12:31
fug :DDuwu whats this? Ur dead? :3312:56
wheres my sorryhe thought they could win12:59
wheres my sorry?13:02
fug :DDholo13:08
fug :DDu got me13:09
fug :DDkille13:11
hayed152( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)13:13
fug :DDi was looking at chat13:14
fug :DDinstead of the game13:16
fug :DDur fault13:17
wheres my sorryjub14:35
wheres my sorrycome discord14:38
hayed152( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)14:46
jubcome xenia discorsd14:49
wheres my sorryono calypso16:54
Maha Vajiralongkorncaalypso.......16:55
5 push up after every deathswhy the fuck blue team only med and demo play their side17:44
5 push up after every deathsOMG CALYPSO19:23
jubslair need sub?19:41
5 push up after every deathsbruh is calypso better on scout than soldier?19:42
jubbetter than u19:49
5 push up after every deathsok kevin19:57
wheres my sorrycalypso god soldier20:01
jubis that the best u can do?20:04
ParaKiss(° ͜ °)20:44
5 push up after every deathsRIP BLOOD AGAIN................21:18
5 push up after every deathsdo you think ur team will be bumped to div1? hz22:21
wheres my sorryif joes team doesnt die, i wont get bumped22:38
ParaKiss(° ͜ °)22:43
5 push up after every deathsmaybe both together :)22:51
5 push up after every deathswho is brandon basketball23:07
hayed152wait wat26:01
KINO Deluxe Quarter Pack#28:24
5 push up after every deathsred team so good28:40
hayed152( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)29:02
fug :DDim retardd LOL29:10
Kirill Petrenkoggs30:05
바나나 맜있어ggs30:07
bitp > hdlgg30:07
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:08