
Qixalite Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 4 years go

Tissueman39231425424pasir ris gangster
feeling: mald18162327723submarine
ParaKiss2361830413♔ zigger ♔
feeling: bald33131423820map of the soul
Calypso34121626717sleazerville is ma home



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washed julliane[P-REC] Recording...00:04
feeling: maldi hate ziggers00:47
♔ zigger ♔why00:53
washed jullianeany cappers??01:01
sleazerville is ma homeIFUN01:13
washed jullianegale dont feed plss01:27
sleazerville is ma home[D|Turkey III] xaxau : shut the fuck up01:32
feeling: maldwWHTRA01:32
pasir ris gangsterwhy so ez01:38
washed jullianei am ur biggest supporter01:42
washed jullianedont dissapoint me01:46
submarineIM STUCK02:47
washed jullianesubmarine just fulltime sniper already03:25
sleazerville is ma homeLOL03:41
washed jullianeNARWHAL NEED SUB LOL03:48
map of the soulwhy06:29
map of the soulwhy are you there carnival06:34
///i was watchign something else 06:39
map of the soul?06:41
map of the soulcmon..06:42
||||||||||tell me when u have uber09:02
||||||||||i will taunt09:04
||||||||||i will give u09:08
feeling: maldwhy09:11
washed jullianeI WILL TELL U09:12
///i have 09:18
sleazerville is ma homeWE'RE 7509:21
||||||||||i will tell u when09:24
||||||||||taunting in 309:27
///liar 09:31
||||||||||im taunting on point15:01
ParaKissdrugs ur so lucky16:21
||||||||||my team blows21:26
sleazerville is ma homewhere team24:19
map of the soulWe have Nanoblade25:01
||||||||||my team blows so much cock25:35
||||||||||genji so bad25:38
||||||||||report genji25:40
sleazerville is ma home[D|Turkey III] xaxau : mad cuz bad25:43
submarinedidnt know genji was black25:47
feeling: maldur black25:54
feeling: maldLOL26:27
||||||||||'they are all weak' -gale26:34
||||||||||BRO U TOOK 15026:38
♔ zigger ♔fuck27:01
feeling: maldFYCJ27:03
sleazerville is ma homeLOL27:04
||||||||||can u rez29:28
||||||||||gg close game29:59
pasir ris gangstergg close game30:06
feeling: maldgg close game30:08
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:09