
✿ senko-san - sayo vs BLU


Demo uploaded by recess :3 4 years go

Senzawa!301111417ttv maj2fried
ZUZ12541520IAmSixSyllables BR
KG. loosey lucy goosey9271224ODDLOG BR.
lobster lawn mower14431525thyme ♪
l4 fl4me16331434menace
Hank "Sus" Hill21921310Cold_



Toggle Chat
menacegamer wipe00:59
lobster lawn mowerbro our scout went to our second 02:04
menacesticky tank02:13
menacesv_weeb 102:55
ZUZsv_noob 103:44
menaceim not sure how i feel about your mental stability03:51
l4 fl4mekd ?03:56
menacewe do a little trolling04:15
thyme ♪we do a little trolling04:22
menacewe are pretending to be bad05:24
thyme ♪we do a little trolling05:31
Cold_we do a little trolling05:35
menacewhat div are you06:02
Hank "Sus" Hillam06:06
l4 fl4meam06:06
thyme ♪does anyone have a bind of that really wacky face? it kind of looks llike this: (0_>0)06:39
menacei got a kill06:51
menaceBLIUND DET??????????08:07
menacehmm today i will troll08:25
thyme ♪^^ clueless08:39
Senzawa! 09:07
thyme ♪you just got trolled!! trolololo!!09:11
menace-- Malformed utf8 --09:45
thyme ♪you just got trolled!! trolololo!!09:49
l4 fl4mewhat div r u09:55
ttv maj2friedam?10:04
menacewe do a little scrimming10:51
ttv maj2friedgg11:09
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.11:11
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.11:11
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.11:11
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...11:11