demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#4614) - Catyo vs TIB!


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

[TIB] i do not represent tib8514181036[TIB!] ddos god gibus
keritz16220141618[TIB!] Dozyme
SS_AgentSully102207917[TIB!] ItsYourBoi_John😈👺
pyro gameing from the game tf218220121326[TIB!] Mr.Bobby
pun my waifu <32110212911[TIB!] SilverStar1811
Pauly3366161[TIB] A hat loli
Dokla Fear My Engie Skill6796221[TIB!] Yorelei
Dream for catyotech0221130419[TIB!] Yama



Toggle Chat
[TIB!] Dozymeglhf00:02
[TIB] i do not represent tib[P-REC] Recording...00:04
[TIB!] Yoreleiglhf00:04
[TIB!] Migz[P-REC] Recording, Hope we have a good game!00:04
[TIB!] Yama*DEAD* SilverStar1811 : gaming00:07
[TIB] i do not represent tibo shet00:14
[TIB!]Russkenshortgun : youre really bad ngl00:16
[TIB!] DozymeItsYourBoi_John: Kinda cringe bro ngl00:18
[TIB!] MigzWhat teh fak00:36
keritzhl process lol00:45
[TIB!] Migzwhy so toxic lah00:45
keritzmy frames dying01:16
[TIB!] Yamaso is mine01:19
[TIB] i do not represent tibpoger02:30
[TIB!] MigzPOGGERS02:31
Paulyepic game02:33
Dokla Fear My Engie Skilllemme play engie brooo 02:34
Paulywe win02:35
Dokla Fear My Engie Skilli main call engie02:42
[TIB!] Yamahi dokla02:59
[TIB] i do not represent tibbeef spy03:14
keritzpun beef03:16
Dokla Fear My Engie SkillBroo lemmee engieee04:34
Dokla Fear My Engie Skillezzz04:37
O_Ohl match in process?05:02
[TIB!] Dozymeyes05:06
O_Obasically casual05:18
[TIB!] Yamatf05:33
[TIB!] Yamathat didn't count as a backstab lol05:37
Dokla Fear My Engie SkillOK GIMMME ENGIE NOW06:08
[TIB] i do not represent tibyooo06:13
Dokla Fear My Engie Skillwahsdpfasf06:13
keritzn1 pun07:15
O_Ofull ad07:22
[TIB] i do not represent tibshhhh07:26
O_O(̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ▾ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿)07:29
[TIB!] Yamabeef :(07:35
[TIB] i do not represent tibrq??07:55
[TIB] i do not represent tibdouble engi??08:04
[TIB!] Migzpffff08:09
keritzwtf heavy09:02
[TIB!] Mr.Bobbyyes09:08
keritzlate spawn bruh09:14
♫-Alastor-Reaps♫wtf I got stuck10:01
[TIB!] Yama*DEAD* SilverStar1811 : gaming10:05
Fishysub me10:28
Fishysub me pls10:41
[TIB] i do not represent tibwho10:44
[TIB] i do not represent tib8)10:50
pyro gameing from the game tf2u find one urself10:52
[TIB!] Yamafishy?11:03
[TIB] i do not represent tibgo migz!!!11:05
[TIB!] SilverStar1811my first death :o11:12
keritzruss no fear11:25
keritzeveryone at 111:29
[TIB] i do not represent tibbrbrrr11:54
[TIB!] Yamabruh12:34
♫-Alastor-Reaps♫THAT HIT REG13:07
♫-Alastor-Reaps♫WTF IS THIS SERVER13:09
♫-Alastor-Reaps♫90 PING13:11
keritzframes are dying13:15
[TIB!] YamaLOL13:31
keritzmy frames are dying13:35
[TIB!] Yamasad13:40
keritzi cant even rocket jump properly13:40
[TIB!] ddos god gibusLOL14:00
[TIB!] Dozymesurprise14:01
pun my waifu <3crits14:03
[TIB] i do not represent tibwere u 5 hp14:45
[TIB] i do not represent tibwtf14:49
[TIB!]Russnice one15:24
keritzlol ty15:30
pun my waifu <3that switch15:33
[TIB!] Yamawow nice shot17:31
keritzdid I even hit ddos17:37
[TIB!]Russ3 bang17:42
keritzim gonna restart my laptop17:44
[TIB!] YamaRIGHT NOW?17:49
[TIB!]Russfnaf jumpscare18:30
[TIB!] Yamabeef18:48
Dream for catyotechu19:38
[TIB!]Russi am getting sweaty wtf20:23
♫-Alastor-Reaps♫where tf is keritz20:28
[TIB!] Yamahe restarded his pv20:32
[TIB!] Yamapc20:34
[TIB!]Russhe reset pc20:35
[TIB!] SilverStar1811no pause?20:37
[TIB!] Yoreleipause?20:41
[TIB!] Yamano20:42
keritzwrong team21:37
[TIB!] Dozymelol21:46
[TIB!] MigzPhlog VS Phlog23:36
[TIB!] MigzPhlogchamp23:40
[TIB!] Dozymelol23:45
[TIB!] Dozymei was bait23:47
keritzi keep forgetting this is hl24:23
[TIB!] Yamalol24:27
[TIB!] MigzPOGGERS24:45
[TIB!]Russbro thye bomb25:52
[TIB!] Yamaoh26:21
[TIB!] MigzPhloggersss26:28
aving ubercharge level for [TIB] A hat loli26:39
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!26:39
aving ubercharge level for Dream for catyotech26:39
[Pause] Game was paused by Dream for catyotech26:39
EAD* [TIB!] Dozyme : ah26:39
[Pause] Game is unpaused!26:39
estoring ubercharge level for [TIB] A hat loli26:39
estoring ubercharge level for Dream for catyotech26:39
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...26:39
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...26:39
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...26:39
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...26:39
EAD* [TIB!]Russ : i got get water26:39
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Dream for catyotech...26:39
ream for catyotech : wait26:39
eritz : dude u pause when im in a snipers way26:39
EAD* [TIB!]Russ : breh ok26:39
EAD* Dokla Fear My Engie Skill : ok i can finally pee26:39
S_AgentSully : what?26:39
TIB!] Yorelei : ?26:39
EAD* [TIB!] Dozyme : wtf26:39
ream for catyotech : gimme a sec26:39
EAD* [TIB] A hat loli : Oh26:39
EAD* [TIB!] Yama : what?26:39
EAD* [TIB!] Dozyme : wat26:39
keritzpyro sewer???27:12
[TIB!] Migzlmao28:36
[TIB!] Migzclassic moment28:39
keritzramen dont afk28:44
[TIB] A hat loliepic uber29:22
keritzdokla just fed up29:33
[TIB!] MigzUber on classic sniper, pretty poggers if you ask me29:45
[TIB] i do not represent tib10 sec29:54
[TIB] i do not represent tibany win29:55
pun my waifu <3ez30:02
Dream for catyotechgg30:05
[TIB!] SilverStar1811gg30:05
[TIB] A hat loligg30:08
[TIB!] Dozymegg30:08
Dokla Fear My Engie SkillWOAH NICE DRY PUSH30:08
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:09