demos.tfaboutviewereditor - BLU vs f i sh


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

f i sh5
Jirafa351028241138-VVV- pablo
sides1652626718-VVV-Dr Sex
💧 Aqua 💧251028171229peazy
a totally normal lemon452823635Shife
AFerociousTeddyBearSlayer4672718638-VVV- Seyfish
potat0132418163-VVV- Fish



Toggle Chat
-VVV- SeyfishUGH00:02
-VVV- Fishikke00:02
-VVV- Seyfishwow00:03
-VVV- pablofunny flex00:46
-VVV- Seyfishfornite01:02
💧 Aqua 💧nice as01:19
-VVV- Fishnice ass01:23
💧 Aqua 💧no01:25
-VVV- Fishok01:29
-VVV- Seyfishgr02:18
-VVV- Fishnice02:21
-VVV- pabloy is our name focking fish02:27
-VVV- pabloonly pablo02:29
-VVV- pablocan u pause?04:36
-VVV- pabloafk04:36
-VVV- Seyfishjood :c04:53
-VVV- Fishpause05:08
-VVV- Seyfish!pauze05:11
-VVV- Fishwhat05:12
-VVV- Fishohno05:14
peazypablo afk..05:19
aving ubercharge level for -VVV- Fish05:23
[Pause] Game was paused by AFerociousTeddyBearSlayer05:23
aving ubercharge level for potat05:23
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!05:23
ides : ffs05:23
VVV- Seyfish : !unpause05:23
VVV- pablo : lol05:23
otat : jess dyde05:23
VVV- pablo : i'm back05:23
VVV- Fish : elevator music05:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by AFerociousTeddyBearSlayer...05:23
ides : hurry up!!!!!105:23
otat : dude05:23
VVV- Seyfish : id no work05:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...05:23
EAD* peazy : pablo meet esco at the bar05:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...05:23
-- Malformed utf8 --05:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...05:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...05:23
estoring ubercharge level for potat05:23
estoring ubercharge level for -VVV- Fish05:23
[Pause] Game is unpaused!05:23
VVV- Seyfish : ayyeee05:23
FerociousTeddyBearSlayer : why is he afk?05:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute05:23
-- Malformed utf8 --05:23
EAD* peazy : ty05:23
VVV- Fish : ok thanks05:23
-- Malformed utf8 --05:23
irafa : pausing mix :/05:23
VVV- Seyfish : Yeah cause we got an afk05:23
ides : afk moment05:23
ides : (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)05:23
-- Malformed utf8 --05:23
VVV- Seyfish : well this isnt a good time to leave on 05:23
VVV- Seyfish : so yes05:23
EAD* peazy : escalator music playing in the background05:23
VVV- Fish : work05:23
irafa : meh05:23
VVV- Seyfish : well i had to throw up05:23
VVV- Seyfish : but for the rest good05:23
VVV- Seyfish : wby05:23
-- Malformed utf8 --05:23
ides : flex seal tastes like pepsi05:23
💧 Aqua 💧shit05:37
-VVV- Fishpablo dance05:37
-VVV- SeyfishOHHH05:49
-VVV- FishOIIMG05:49
-VVV- pablobruh shife bad05:52
Shifebtw, why did i unpause the game. i didnt do shit06:30
-VVV- Seyfishuh 06:45
-VVV- Seyfishspy?06:46
-VVV- Fishbagen06:48
-VVV- pablojirafa u have hacx06:48
Jirafale spy play06:50
-VVV- SeyfishArent off classes not allowed?06:51
-VVV- Fishnice08:12
-VVV- Seyfishgr08:15
a totally normal lemoncan we not play offclass08:24
peazywe dont got08:37
-VVV- Seyfish:D08:54
-VVV- Fishnice09:52
-VVV- Seyfishgr09:53
💧 Aqua 💧my ears10:29
-VVV- Fishgaming10:33
-VVV- pablohomosexual11:34
a totally normal lemonthen we can offclass12:06
a totally normal lemonif you can12:10
-VVV- Seyfishon final12:10
sidesa heavy and an engi?13:26
sidesisnt it ONE offclass?13:33
-VVV- Fishidk13:40
-VVV- pablotoo op14:58
a totally normal lemontoo op16:24
-VVV- Seyfishah i failed the funny :D17:09
-VVV- Fishnice17:13
-VVV- Seyfishgr17:16
-VVV- Seyfishno offclass18:08
-VVV- Seyfishoh ok18:10
-VVV- SeyfishLol18:12
peazyoffclasses allowed just on the last defense / attacks18:30
peazyor bvig stalemates18:33
-VVV- pablou lil shit18:43
-VVV- pablospawn camp18:53
Jirafalook behind you19:00
-VVV- Seyfishok imma look back in spawn19:08
-VVV- Seyfishno20:26
sidesshife u bitch!!!!!!!120:28
-VVV- pablomash potato20:37
-VVV- pablocode name for potato ded20:50
-VVV- Fishsides :(21:08
-VVV- Fishi was so close21:11
sidesmelee go brrr21:21
-VVV- pabloy u take that med pack21:38
-VVV- pablonot pog21:45
-VVV- pabloillegal21:46
-VVV- pabloevery time23:04
-VVV- pabloepic prank bro23:49
a totally normal lemontoo op 26:15
a totally normal lemonfix valve26:19
-VVV- Fishen26:28
-VVV- pabloscout is fair 26:30
-VVV- pabloman26:30
-VVV- FishJe deteste26:35
a totally normal lemonno his leg fast26:37
a totally normal lemontoo fast26:40
Jirafapistol > heavy26:56
-VVV- pablon127:06
-VVV- pabloevery our push goes to literal shit27:41
-VVV- pablohehe27:58
-VVV- pabloi tried to be funny28:56
-VVV- Fishniiiceee29:18
sides21 hp moment29:20
-VVV- pabloomg 3rd score29:21
sides(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)29:21
-VVV- Seyfishgg29:23
-VVV- pablopls give me money29:23
-VVV- FishIm so good29:24
-VVV- Fishi win29:25
peazy30 second poggers29:33
-VVV- pablowe don't have a medic :I30:01
Jirafaheavy to mid30:01
Jirafanice rules30:04
-VVV- pablooh 10 secs30:05
peazygg wp30:06
-VVV- Fisheeeeee30:07
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:13