
Qixalite Bookable - 1nrs vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 4 years go

thepizzaman20131241741021Vada a bordo, Cazzo
Zeus6014314the apex predator of children
Merp126119314IT IS IT IS! Where? run run RUN
6131INDO Gabe



Toggle Chat
EclypHtho try to be faster a00:01
IT IS IT IS! Where? run run RUNgl hf00:03
the apex predator of childrenchase if you DARE!!!!!00:55
[Pause] Game was paused by h4rryr4ya01:25
aving ubercharge level for SUICIDE01:25
aving ubercharge level for INDO Gabe01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : wait01:25
clypH : report to yujicii for pee sabotage!!01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : already gone01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : too late01:25
clypH : evil01:25
ED : tell him to think of waterfalls01:25
NDO Gabe : ok01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : pee01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : now our teammate needs to afk01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : and still have the coke 01:25
4rryr4ya : roger that01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : Large01:25
hil. : wake me up when u guys unpause01:25
hil. : how many grandmothers is he carrying01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : just ate 2 Filet Fish burgers01:25
NDO Gabe : good choice01:25
ED : ew01:25
erpy : The keys you're looking for are Alt-F4 01:25
clypH : imma take a cup of water thanks01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 8 minutes01:25
clypH : heavy box01:25
NDO Gabe : 201:25
hil. : okay01:25
[Pause] Game is unpaused!01:25
estoring ubercharge level for INDO Gabe01:25
estoring ubercharge level for SUICIDE01:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...01:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...01:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...01:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...01:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by h4rryr4ya...01:25
clypH : cool01:25
4rryr4ya : unpausing01:25
clypH : o shit01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 9 minutes01:25
clypH : qix tv retard bro01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : bottom line rule01:25
hil. : qixtv get out01:25
clypH : ye true01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : also, no specs01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : unpause btw, so that they can join01:25
NDO Gabe : in our actual roster01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : McDonalds01:25
NDO Gabe : there is our scout01:25
NDO Gabe : yes what fry is it01:25
clypH : what01:25
clypH : what fry is it01:25
NDO Gabe : carrying his grandmother's coffin he brb01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : just an fyi01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : i think there's a rule, pausing must not be over 5 mins01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes01:25
erp : how long?01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute01:25
hil. : tell him to not drop it01:25
NDO Gabe : it is ok01:25
clypH : Im sorry01:25
clypH : Oh01:25
clypH : lol01:25
eus : my laundry is done already01:25
clypH : ye its alright01:25
4rryr4ya : sorry01:25
4rryr4ya : our scout needs to carry something01:25
erpy : our medic01:25
hil. : ?01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : what?01:25
erp : ?01:25
clypH : ?01:25
he apex predator of children : WAIT01:25
ED : yeah we know01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : k01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : before the game ends01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : i migt finish my fries here01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes01:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : 6 players have 15 minute break period01:25
erp : pls hurry i dontwe dont want to wait01:25
clypH : ye01:25
EAD* thepizzaman2013 : figures01:25
4rryr4ya : damn ugc01:25
hil. : thats a long time01:25
4rryr4ya : yea i know01:25
clypH : dam01:25
ED : its 1501:25
4rryr4ya : not a strict limit.01:25
ED : i guess im wrong01:25
NDO Gabe : ugc moment01:25
clypH : oh god01:25
4rryr4ya : 4.8.3 A pause may last up to a maximum of 15 minutes. *NOTE* 15 minutes is a guideline, 01:25
clypH : its only 401:25
clypH : 1 minute left btw tell your scout01:25
EAD* IT IS IT IS! Where? run run RUN : yeah its 5 min01:25
thepizzaman2013no specs10:42
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...14:32