
Qixalite Bookable - RED vs SwAG


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 3 years go

yate :3114116513Jimpa
[ඞ[merchant of death143145711SWAG | CaiGaming
[ඞ] NyanHorses42814216swaG | sale
ඞ ckrow115119513l KNUL l
slate :>5212829SWAG | Spyro
[ඞ] eggu0583122SwAG | Fridgidaere



Toggle Chat
[ඞ[merchant of death!add 1000:50
swaG | salelmao00:54
swaG | saleits 700:59
ඞ ckrowLMAO01:05
[ඞ[merchant of deathhi solly :)01:35
ඞ ckrow?01:41
ඞ ckrowuhh03:10
ඞ ckrowdurr03:11
SwAG | Fridgidaeregr03:54
ඞ ckrowbro03:55
SWAG | CaiGaming!puase04:04
SWAG | CaiGaming!pause04:05
aving ubercharge level for [ඞ] eggu04:08
[Pause] Game was paused by swaG | sale04:08
aving ubercharge level for SwAG | Fridgidaere04:08
[Pause] Game is unpaused!04:08
estoring ubercharge level for [ඞ] eggu04:08
estoring ubercharge level for SwAG | Fridgidaere04:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...04:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...04:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...04:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...04:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by swaG | sale...04:08
waG | sale : lmao04:08
late :> : ring popo04:08
late :> : RING POPO04:08
ඞ] eggu : ඞ04:08
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute04:08
ඞ[merchant of death : ring popo04:08
ඞ] eggu : ඞ04:08
late :> : ring popo04:08
wAG | Fridgidaere : our scout's internet is being wacky 04:08
-- Malformed utf8 --04:08
ඞ[merchant of death : ඞ?04:08
ඞ[merchant of death : ඞ04:08
waG | sale : both our scouts have problems04:08
-- Malformed utf8 --04:08
ඞ[merchant of death : ඞ?04:08
yate :3didnt tell us04:09
swaG | salesorry04:15
ඞ ckrowiLFMKLMafoo06:53
[ඞ[merchant of death14909:47
ඞ ckrowfeed me dpkm09:50
ඞ ckrowdpm,09:51
SwAG | Fridgidaeregr10:17
ඞ ckrowggs only10:18
ඞ ckrow!gg11:00
swaG | sale<311:19
l KNUL llove you11:27
[ඞ[merchant of deathlyt11:30
l KNUL lthe deflect o.012:16
ඞ ckrowffe12:26
ඞ ckrowomg14:20
l KNUL lweeeeeeeee14:53
l KNUL lim on da roof 14:55
l KNUL lcome river15:30
l KNUL li wanna say hi15:33
SwAG | Fridgidaeregr17:13
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:16