demos.tfaboutviewereditor - Ke$ha vs TT


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

✿Persephone✿2712194713tt creamy
Dr. Diggle162196124t̬t̬ junkmail
KFC Acid16415171324tT Mackntosh
Pan Man!302816731「TT」 Mike
Frantic Carrier Pigeon15152058The Liquidator
Daddy Ungern014



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[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.0:00
Daddy Ungerni hope your dog swallogs razoe00:02
Pan Man!you're kinda toxic00:03
tT Mackntoshbad creamy00:05
The Liquidatorlol bad00:05
tT Mackntoshsorry for creamy being toxic00:15
TT Plumyeah ignore creamy please00:19
Frantic Carrier Pigeon<300:23
✿Persephone✿ITs ok :c00:24
The Liquidatordont ignore me tho00:33
The Liquidatorur bad 00:41
Frantic Carrier Pigeonthese new highlander maps are kinda funky01:13
TT Plumyeah they limit to 6 players too01:22
Frantic Carrier Pigeonikr is rgl insame01:29
The Liquidatorid like to play hl one day it seems fun01:32
Frantic Carrier Pigeonit is :D01:38
tT Mackntoshbruh what was your strategy tho01:41
tT Mackntoshunlike these other nerds I'm not toxic01:49
Frantic Carrier Pigeonhighlander01:53
tT Mackntoshbut I am curious01:54
Pan Man!strategy=no strategy01:55
The Liquidatori can play next week ya02:47
Frantic Carrier Pigeonnobody wants to scrim us :(02:53
tt creamywe dont 02:59
tt creamyeither03:00
Daddy Ungernfor a reason03:01
tT Mackntoshcreamy03:02
tT Mackntoshbad03:04
Frantic Carrier Pigeon8)03:05
tT Mackntoshno toxicity03:06
t̬t̬ junkmailhave you considered playing in NC03:09
tt creamyor casual03:15
Frantic Carrier Pigeonwe were supposed to be?03:15
The Liquidatoru guys should get good03:18
Pan Man!are you talking to me or creamy?03:19
Frantic Carrier Pigeonidk why they should we should be in AM03:23
The Liquidatoranyone want to play ultiduo? also im lfp for a med or a soldier for ugc ulti05:02
tt creamygotchu05:13
Frantic Carrier Pigeonheavy mge tomi only05:31
The Liquidatorheavy mge tourney05:45
The Liquidatorheavy main?08:32
Dr. Digglenah, just bad08:40
The Liquidatorwats ur main?08:49
Dr. Digglei have 100 hours in the game08:56
Dr. Digglei have none08:58
The Liquidatoroh ay09:01
The Liquidatorwats ur main?10:06
Dr. DiggleI guess scout?10:11
Dr. Digglebad at all10:16
The Liquidatoroh mb10:16
The Liquidatoru should practice scout ull get good10:29
Dr. Digglei play siege and mw10:36
The Liquidatormw?10:49
tt creamymodern warfare10:53
Dr. Digglemodern warfare10:53
The Liquidatoroh ay thats good11:03
The Liquidatordemo/med17:06
The Liquidator/scout17:08
The Liquidator/soldier ig17:36
The Liquidatorill play whatev17:41
The Liquidatoronly ulti17:45
The Liquidatorulti?18:56
The Liquidatormerc the philosopher19:04