
Qixalite Bookable - fatpog vs humbl


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 2 years go

NigglyToes921113523zombei goasts is a -bullet
crying laughing emoji01312



Toggle Chat
brownswhat was that00:03
brownsis happening to me00:14
brownsim lagging so bad00:33
brownsi cant00:50
brownsits keeps dropping00:54
[Pause] Game was paused by seo00:55
aving ubercharge level for Dapper00:55
aving ubercharge level for crying laughing emoji00:55
eo : lmk when to unpause00:55
uzz : deez00:55
ongZhi : thanks mate00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : oh00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : no worries00:55
rying laughing emoji : did u exec00:55
eo : yes00:55
uzz : ye00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : yea we did00:55
rying laughing emoji : hmm00:55
ongZhi : Ok (YongZhi Uprising)00:55
uzz : rcon exec these nuts00:55
apper : Seo: I'm your Huckleberry00:55
ongZhi : Thanks guys (Return of YongZhi)00:55
uzz : wo de pongyo00:55
rying laughing emoji : i was gonna say maybe we could do a cheeky re exec but nevermind00:55
im : xd00:55
uzz : yo im straight up dying to take a shit 00:55
apper : notices your exec owo00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute00:55
rying laughing emoji : notices your bulging exec *blushes*00:55
uzz : uwu00:55
eo : :blush:00:55
y : owo00:55
rying laughing emoji : can we merc a scout00:55
rying laughing emoji : owo uwu owo00:55
ongZhi : uwu (Uprising of YongZhi)00:55
im : :flustered:00:55
apper : Notices your throbbing exec :W:00:55
EAD* browns : i think my internet died00:55
apper : :O00:55
eo : who?00:55
rying laughing emoji : browni is tango down00:55
uzz : yo please hurry I gotta go to my wage cuck job00:55
ongZhi : Hello (YongZhi's Divine Revenge)00:55
rying laughing emoji : surely let us merc smazza00:55
rying laughing emoji : hes not THAT good00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : nah merc cooki lol00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes00:55
ongZhi : merc me00:55
apper : sameee00:55
y : merc paulsen00:55
rbmA : young nurf surely00:55
rying laughing emoji : ok but fr who can we merc00:55
apper : paulsen lemme merc your arms00:55
uzz : doge.exe incident 201900:55
rying laughing emoji : phiphi?00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes00:55
eo : let me check with the other nubs on my team00:55
im : :V00:55
rying laughing emoji : hes (open) btw00:55
eo : yeah00:55
eo : alright we're happy to have you merc phihpi00:55
uzz : the phiphi merc incident 202100:55
apper : shes a runner 00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : blame me when we lost this map to phi phi00:55
uzz : cum00:55
apper : shes a track staarrr00:55
ongZhi : shes a runner00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : *lose, lol tenses are hard00:55
ongZhi : buy my merch00:55
apper : Yo share link 00:55
ongZhi :
y : subscribing00:55
apper : 15 dollars for sub00:55
ongZhi : for you i can make it 2000:55
apper : im buying 2 00:55
rying laughing emoji : umm phiphi was on my team last season00:55
apper : IM BUYING 300:55
rying laughing emoji : not officially00:55
ongZhi : ultimate yonzhig00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes00:55
uzz : can we hurry up I gotta crank the ol tractor00:55
apper : phi phi do you love me are you riding 00:55
ongZhi : can we hurry up I gotta do chem homework00:55
uzz : tell us when the gamer joins00:55
y : lick some ethanol00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : when they are sending client info00:55
apper : ?00:55
apper : who 00:55
apper : the fuck 00:55
y : ?00:55
ombei goasts is a -bullet : they can't join fully until we unpause00:55
apper : llicks ethnol00:55
ongZhi : do you know Joe?00:55
y : whos joe00:55
rying laughing emoji : whos joe00:55
uzz : Joe Biden00:55
ongZhi : idk im asking u00:55
eo : i think joe is friends with candice00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes00:55
ongZhi : :(00:55
apper : what 00:55
y : joe biden deez nutz00:55
apper : wait00:55
apper : wait 00:55
ongZhi : who is candice?00:55
apper : wait00:55
rying laughing emoji : joe swanson00:55
eo : B)00:55
apper : wheres candice00:55
y : whos candice00:55
uzz : Joe ''you aint black'' Biden00:55
im : are those two friends with Meg?00:55
rying laughing emoji : whos jim00:55
y : whos meg00:55
ongZhi : whos meg?00:55
y : whos jim00:55
apper : hamood backwards is hamood00:55
ongZhi : no its damooh00:55
apper : DAmooh my nUTS fit in ya mouthhh00:55
apper : :)))))))))))))))00:55
y : LMAO00:55
y : shut up idiot00:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes00:55
ongZhi : damood?00:55
apper : what is your favourite room 00:55
eo : ghost room00:55
ongZhi : probably this room00:55
y : are you cute00:55
apper : ?00:55
apper : ofc00:55
apper : PHI PHI 00:55
rying laughing emoji : ok unpause00:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by seo...00:55
ongZhi : phiphi a runner phi a trackstarr00:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...00:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...00:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...00:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...00:55
estoring ubercharge level for Dapper00:55
estoring ubercharge level for crying laughing emoji00:55
[Pause] Game is unpaused!00:55
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...26:14