demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

ZiKorNik2091323118bF Laiker
Lord of the Rats JAY.125178911yuluz



Toggle Chat
Lord of the Rats JAY.are you guys having good server connection?00:53
verkleits ok yeah00:57
Lord of the Rats JAY.k01:01
Lord of the Rats JAY.prolly just my shit scottish wifi01:08
bF Laikerwtfff08:18
Lord of the Rats JAY.canwe pause for one sec?14:46
Theseusscout lagged out14:54
bF Laikerthen pause15:00
[Pause] Game was paused by Lord of the Rats JAY.15:25
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!15:25
aving ubercharge level for Etefi'15:25
aving ubercharge level for sherlock15:25
heseus : ty15:25
uluz : ??15:25
heseus : read chat _--15:25
uluz : -=--15:25
EAD* sherlock : anyone into nightcore./15:25
hern : 0________o15:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute15:25
hern : unbindall; hud_saytext_time 4015:25
EAD* sherlock : among us later?15:25
EAD* sherlock : i send code now15:25
erkle : stop15:25
hern : overwatch later?15:25
heseus : ready?15:25
ord of the Rats JAY. : omg please ??15:25
ord of the Rats JAY. : imagine playing ow 15:25
heseus : ready?15:25
F Laiker : ye15:25
uluz : yes15:25
heseus : k15:25
hern : eay15:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Lord of the Rats JAY....15:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...15:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...15:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...15:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...15:25
estoring ubercharge level for Etefi'15:25
estoring ubercharge level for sherlock15:25
[Pause] Game is unpaused!15:25
Theseusnice pause position15:49
Lord of the Rats JAY.pause uber glitch?16:46
Lord of the Rats JAY.doesn't matter if so16:52
bF Laikerno he just spawned then16:54
Lord of the Rats JAY.just wodnering16:55
Lord of the Rats JAY.huh16:58
Lord of the Rats JAY.oke17:00
maclincan i pause for net restart?22:07
maclinlagging bad22:09
Theseusspawncamping 5v6 24:50
[Pause] Game was paused by Lord of the Rats JAY.24:59
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!24:59
aving ubercharge level for Etefi'24:59
aving ubercharge level for sherlock24:59
oth : ...24:59
uluz : whats with your scouts internet?24:59
EAD* mobyz : problems.24:59
EAD* verkle : dw24:59
heseus : what do you want me to say24:59
hern : wtf no eat her net ..................24:59
EAD* verkle : its fine24:59
heseus : he has bad internet24:59
heseus : some people have that24:59
herlock : use thernet24:59
oth : tell him to close his window24:59
heseus : ah ty - good advide24:59
oth : wifi's gettong out24:59
oth : dumbass24:59
EAD* ZiKorNik : damn true24:59
hern : amateur24:59
heseus : thats a good shout actually24:59
herlock : move ur router24:59
heseus : passing it on rn24:59
EAD* verkle : shake garlic over router24:59
hern : use a cup and string for comms24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : mhm24:59
heseus : circle of salt around his pc24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute24:59
uluz : dont forget the voodoo dolls24:59
hern : [Pause] Gamw erihbawefg iuhae4t uh34 tdnfgv24:59
oth : summon the open demon24:59
EAD* verkle : phone for an upgrade rn24:59
uluz : gotta get thems internet jujus24:59
hern : type quit ping in console24:59
hern : :D24:59
oth : lpay while standing up24:59
oth : markiplier style24:59
oth : if he can do it so can you24:59
EAD* Etefi' : If you type 'quit smoking' into console, Spy will say no.24:59
hern : he ywaht s going on yhere pmarklypleri24:59
oth : hes 5'324:59
EAD* verkle : A soldier once asked Eminem for his autograph. Eminem replied with, '!add mge retard'.24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes24:59
hern : outlaw : basenall24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : !add 424:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : anyone??24:59
herlock : guys u dont need a scout, rup24:59
EAD* verkle : A soldier once asked Eminem for his autograph. Eminem replied with, 'Sure, if I can have yours'.24:59
heseus : guys he got the mf cheese up in here24:59
uluz : !add ammomod ez elo 24:59
hern : selling d@d whoopee, pm for offers.24:59
EAD* mobyz : 90fps best fps24:59
EAD* verkle : !add 2224:59
EAD* verkle : bzrk- : Hey uwu :3 I'm a wittle s-s-shy~~ can we stuffy our bummies with cummies? Nya x324:59
heseus : too focused on the cheese forgot about the trap smh24:59
uluz : shadden beats pub noobz24:59
oth : what do you guys think about 4 cheese pizza24:59
oth : im about to make one24:59
heseus : 5 cheeze ponza24:59
herlock : fov_desired 2024:59
oth : theseus24:59
oth : kys24:59
heseus : moth24:59
oth : 4 cheese only24:59
EAD* verkle : смешные яйца : just shut up fucking open worm24:59
oth : please24:59
uluz : woaahhh24:59
heseus : 5 cheese? got da lasanga on top24:59
uluz : banned for toxic?24:59
hern : wtf no tsic...24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : thesus is literally my favoirite hero24:59
oth : what even is the 5th cheese24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes24:59
oth : lasanga not cheese24:59
uluz : lasango24:59
heseus : 5th cheese is breast milk cheese :c24:59
EAD* verkle : garfield24:59
hern : lasanstop24:59
oth : YES24:59
heseus : tasty24:59
oth : add me on farmville24:59
heseus : gardfekd24:59
EAD* verkle : garfield has obesity24:59
uluz : boorger24:59
hern : !add skyrim24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : garfield sense a disturbance in the force24:59
uluz : !add coom24:59
heseus : garnfielmd is my favourite dog24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : anyone think scotland will score any goals this euros??24:59
EAD* verkle : idc :D24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes24:59
EAD* verkle : isnt it scotland v england 24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : mhm24:59
EAD* mobyz : zhern. whats ur name on discord24:59
EAD* mobyz : the server24:59
heseus : i thought euros was football not gold24:59
oth : maxim24:59
heseus : golf24:59
oth : zhernovic24:59
EAD* verkle : Maxim24:59
heseus : could be wrong24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : what's a golf?24:59
heseus : golfketball24:59
hern : mob its the same i think24:59
hern : also jay we play tf2 do you think we care about sports24:59
oth : 8D more like ççççç24:59
oth : ^24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : bro i play tf2 and i care about sports24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes24:59
hern : nonetheless up eh queen 24:59
oth : esports24:59
EAD* verkle : Futból24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : le futbol is tres shit though ngl24:59
oth : cristiano ronaldo faz anúncios de champô24:59
heseus : he got da 4 cheese pizza cookin up in his oven, you think he got time for mf golf 24:59
EAD* verkle : 4 cheese24:59
oth : not cookin yet24:59
heseus : 4cheese.com24:59
uluz : lol imagine needing oven24:59
oth : after scrim in 30 minute24:59
uluz : i just use my overheating laptop24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : nice24:59
oth : i use yogurt as a topping24:59
hern : >laptop24:59
oth : so good24:59
herlock : is it true that every girl in scotland has a beard24:59
oth : yes24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : yeah, me24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes24:59
herlock : thats a turnoff sorry24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : i have all the gfs24:59
EAD* verkle : men24:59
oth : yes24:59
herlock : ayo i have scrim 2124:59
hern : all girls in scotland have penises24:59
EAD* verkle : did his mum restart internet24:59
oth : i dont want to play gully24:59
EAD* verkle : why 6 min24:59
uluz : every guy in scotland is a femboy and you cant change my mind24:59
hern : they hide it under their kilts24:59
oth : keep the pause going24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : i wish everyone was femboy :c24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : haha jk24:59
oth : moth24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : unless..24:59
EAD* Etefi' : o. O24:59
EAD* bF Laiker : u have a merc or sub24:59
uluz : dude can you neighbours get a sub?24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes24:59
heseus : can you ready up pls24:59
oth : my team captain is a bitch24:59
heseus : im bored of waiting24:59
herlock : ayo get a sub mfs24:59
oth : he wont give me the medal24:59
hern : my team captain is so cute im gonna have sex with him24:59
oth : THE open participation medal24:59
EAD* verkle : who 24:59
uluz : guys get sub plz24:59
EAD* Lord of the Rats JAY. : imagine etf2l medals24:59
oth : sherlick24:59
oth : ;)24:59
heseus : he is back soon24:59
heseus : dw24:59
EAD* verkle : OUR MED HAS PREM HL 2124:59
EAD* verkle : PLS SUB24:59
herlock : suslock24:59
oth : ugc medals pog24:59
heseus : sherlick these nuts24:59
oth : avenue24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 8 minutes24:59
hern : mobyz shark trader pass it on24:59
EAD* verkle : fruit mixes medal24:59
herlock : fuck!24:59
oth : is a nice name24:59
EAD* mobyz : zhern. 3keys24:59
oth : unpausing in 1 min24:59
EAD* mobyz : i buyng 2keys 5ref24:59
EAD* mobyz : not shark24:59
EAD* mobyz : dont bully24:59
uluz : were unpausing in 1 min24:59
oth : u only pause in officials24:59
EAD* verkle : ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss24:59
heseus : im unpausing yo mama24:59
oth : thats what habibs sister told me24:59
oth : she is christian24:59
EAD* mobyz : zhern24:59
[Pause] Game has been paused for 9 minutes24:59
EAD* mobyz : 2keys 15ref. final offer24:59
oth : !unpause24:59
uluz : !unpause24:59
uluz : unpause24:59
EAD* verkle : !rtv24:59
heseus : !unpause24:59
EAD* mobyz : rtd24:59
herlock : !add 424:59
heseus : !rockdavote24:59
EAD* verkle : !rtd24:59
EAD* bF Laiker : retarded24:59
EAD* verkle : !votekick24:59
oth : !tp24:59
EAD* bF Laiker : ban24:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by yuluz...24:59
EAD* mobyz : zheernnnnnnnn24:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...24:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...24:59
oth : !thirdperson24:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...24:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...24:59
oth : !robot24:59
estoring ubercharge level for Etefi'24:59
estoring ubercharge level for sherlock24:59
[Pause] Game is unpaused!24:59
mothselling danger shield25:48
mothwe need cheesus27:39
mothbless up27:43
verklejust end27:54
verklenext map27:58
zhernour med is gone28:11
zhernOUR MED28:12
Lord of the Rats JAY.gully?30:09
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:13