
you have cat to be kitten me - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by blinxy 3 years go

willow2061325511Jackie Chan Memorial Fanpage
hello sunshine296131947bop
くろ1651625515Connie |
guaphead >:)191112191018SkosGo .__o<
Father McGurthy416914321slomp
Cutimus28991460tracker -rng



Toggle Chat
onnie | : hopefully ire doesnt drown in the pacific before he gets to LA0:00
EAM) Cutimus : [P-REC] Recording...00:03
EAM) Father McGurthy : [P-REC] I am going to have so much sex.00:03
EAM) Connie | : [P-REC] Cum Gaming00:03
EAM) willow : [P-REC] Recording...00:03
EAM) Jackie Chan Memorial Fanpage : [P-REC] Recording...00:03
EAM) hello sunshine : [P-REC] I'm gay00:03
EAM) くろ : [P-REC] zzz...00:03
EAM) slomp : [P-REC] Recording...00:03
EAM) SkosGo .__o< : [P-REC] Recording...00:03
EAM) guaphead >:) : [P-REC] L00:03
onnie | : tracker stinky >.<00:04
EAD* くろ : what are you doing03:14
EAD* くろ : your team needs you03:16
EAD* slomp : our med went to get food03:19
ackie Chan Memorial Fanpage : med getting food03:20
EAD* slomp : we went for sav03:22
lomp : sac*03:24
ather McGurthy : LMFAO03:25
EAD* bop : med is hungy03:29
ather McGurthy : resect03:29
ather McGurthy : respect03:36
lomp : this round's gonna be a close one04:13
EAD* Connie | : !!04:18
op : man why you gotta kill him hes getting food04:20
illow : ggs was close04:21
uaphead >:) : do u need paus3e04:26
op : ggs04:27
lomp : our med back lol04:29
ackie Chan Memorial Fanpage : back04:30
kosGo .__o< : no04:30
ather McGurthy : not bad04:33
kosGo .__o< : pausing in scrims is cringe04:33
illow : so is going to eat LOL04:40
kosGo .__o< : .__o< quack04:46
kosGo .__o< : tue04:48
EAM) tracker -rng : *** UBER_USED : D*** 07:21
EAD* guaphead >:) : WTF08:20
EAM) hello sunshine : [P-REC] streaky09:54
EAM) tracker -rng : *** UBER_USED : D*** 11:55
EAD* SkosGo .__o< : .__o< quack13:54
EAM) tracker -rng : *** UBER_USED : D*** 15:41
EAD* bop : i suckj17:04
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.17:20
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.17:20
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.17:20
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:20
EAM) Father McGurthy : [P-REC] Sex Concluded.17:20
EAD*(TEAM) Connie | : [P-REC] Stop record.17:20
EAM) willow : [P-REC] Stop record.17:20
EAM) hello sunshine : [P-REC] you needed worth opponents.17:20
EAM) Jackie Chan Memorial Fanpage : [P-REC] Stop record.17:20
EAM) guaphead >:) : [P-REC] :317:20