
kiji's kafe! :3 | match server - cate vs jteam


Demo uploaded by kiji 2 years go

CATerino1105836RYL TVINKIE
Focus On God124121413sexgod82
Darkfire6277314Amelia Bedelia
ice224626♥ Crow.exe ♥
Amon Gus1142581Mr. Rogers
Pain Seer5739210Ramborux
LTYH 結1110
Mrs. Rogers306



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CATerinohow do i type so fast?00:04
CATerinoHello! This is James, from Tech Support.00:13
sexgod82was gunna crater but nice flex04:07
Mr. RogersPausing04:52
[Pause] Game was paused by Mr. Rogers04:54
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!04:54
aving ubercharge level for Mr. Rogers04:54
aving ubercharge level for LTYH 結04:54
exgod82 : player's game crashed04:54
YL TVINKIE : game crash04:54
ATerino : doesn't crash04:54
ATerino : 8)04:54
ATerino : only game?04:54
r. Rogers : Imagine having your game crash04:54
r. Rogers : couldn't be me04:54
ATerino : shake smh04:54
ATerino : like04:54
ATerino : wth??04:54
ATerino : tell your pc to work04:54
r. Rogers : Omg ikr04:54
-- Malformed utf8 --04:54
amborux : hold on, Imma get my *double seeing* glasses for this game04:54
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute04:54
ATerino : or just like04:54
ATerino : punch the pc04:54
r. Rogers : throw it in the toaster04:54
exgod82 : im cranking 90s morty!04:54
exgod82 : im cranking 90s morty!04:54
e : We are 15 minutes past the match/pause start time and have made it clear that we wish to start. We will get a forfeit win if you do not ready-up or unpause in the next 5 MINUTES, per RGL rules. You must have the minimum required num04:54
ATerino : throw in the WHAT?04:54
ocus On God : mae mae04:54
e : is SourceTV your last player?04:54
e : is SourceTV your last player?04:54
-- Malformed utf8 --04:54
r. Rogers : Unpausing04:54
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Mr. Rogers...04:54
exgod82 : nice shot ((sarcasm)) ((you're bad))04:54
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...04:54
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...04:54
exgod82 : ADMIN!! RDM RDM RDM RDM RDM!!!!04:54
ce : gaben's alt04:54
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...04:54
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...04:54
e : is SourceTV your last player?04:54
ATerino : Hello! This is James, from Tech Support.04:54
estoring ubercharge level for Mr. Rogers04:54
estoring ubercharge level for LTYH 結04:54
[Pause] Game is unpaused!04:54
sexgod82who needs a demo anyway05:18
CATerinowant another pause?06:19
CATerinopp < bb06:40
Mrs. Rogersbruh07:58
Ramboruxholy shit the scout did a get down mr pres09:07
CATerinoi did09:14
CATerinono one said thanks09:20
Mr. RogersGG11:37
sexgod82THE STRAFE11:39
sexgod82MY CLIPS11:42
LTYH 結lol11:47
Mrs. Rogersggs11:47
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.11:49