
Qixalite Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 2 years go

ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ12531110겁네달료 JAK



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bred[P-REC] Salted Cashews00:03
hrkk렉권 머야00:38
[Pause] Game was paused by starnight00:43
aving ubercharge level for starnight00:43
aving ubercharge level for song00:43
EAD* hrkk : ?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 메이크00:43
EAD* starnight : 핑 안정화좀00:43
EAD* hrkk : 터졌냐?00:43
azenca : 메이크님00:43
EAD* hrkk : 핑?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
azenca : 동남아에서 하시나보네00:43
ong : But it's not enough. Tempus is still rotten. With too many rotten people. Somebody has to do this.00:43
EAD* starnight : 에바야00:43
ong : And when I got on Tempus all those years ago. I knew i had to do it. No. I was the only one who could.00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
spoir : ØRA eskimo : ur gonna lose00:43
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-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I understood that bullying jumpers was a crime. There was no other way, the world HAD TO BE FIXED! A purpose given to me.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Only I could do it. Who else could have done it?! AND COME THIS FAR?! Would they have kept going?!00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : The only one... Who can create a new ME.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : /00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
EAD* hrkk : 어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Since Boshy's appearance six years ago, Tempus wars for ranks have stopped and wallpogo rates have been reduced by over 70%.00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : I have become Justice. The only hope for mankind. Heh. Wipe me? Is that really the right thing to do?00:43
ong : Thats right, I am Boshy. And what can you do? Wipe me right here? Hear this. I'm not only Boshy00:43
ong : but I am also the God of the New World. Boshy has become law in the world we now live. He's the one maintaining order.00:43
spoir : ✔00:43
spoir : ✔00:43
spoir : ✔00:43
spoir : ✔00:43
spoir : ✔00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by starnight...00:43
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...00:43
-- Malformed utf8 --00:43
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...00:43
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...00:43
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...00:43
estoring ubercharge level for starnight00:43
estoring ubercharge level for song00:43
[Pause] Game is unpaused!00:43
마늘살해자떡상 중 00:56
hrkk어그로였음 사실01:43
espoir왜 쏨02:29
hrkk근접이 안써짐02:35
starnight얼탱이가 없네04:48
hrkk어? 너좀 한다 디지니스 들어올래?05:15
hrkk애비디지니스 말고07:43
hrkk밀리팸으로 바꿈07:45
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...09:53