
Qixalite Bookable - DOOHKY vs RED


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 2 years go

jimbobs car12481139SPONGEQUAN (bang bus)
ping = (ping + 100);90161157Rahclan: Maccers
the lovable scrungus1714549peanut pal
Pootis11798411bohemian like you
narwool542575pm me about lord of the rings
slideshow medic093171Rahmed
ez$ kelly6385115jimsgims
Jimbob DOOMHICKY11181309crab batter



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the lovable scrungusours sound like college undergrads dying00:07
froggyi sound like an old man dying00:08
froggyjimbob is the old man00:17
Jimbob DOOMHICKYyeah well i watched a sketchek video from 4 years ago so00:24
Jimbob DOOMHICKYim the better pyro00:26
Jimbob DOOMHICKYjust saying00:28
narwoolspy det :flushed:00:45
Pootisspy duck00:51
narwoolhe det :flushed:00:58
bohemian like youhi friends01:05
Jimbob DOOMHICKYckrow if u chase me im going to promptly switch to craftkitty spy and do nothing01:09
Jimbob DOOMHICKYrip heavy03:33
Jimbob DOOMHICKYso sad03:36
bohemian like youMY ENGOIE03:38
bohemian like youHES TORLLING 03:40
Rahclan: Maccerswrong config04:32
slideshow medicoh wrong config yeah04:48
slideshow medicweklll04:52
jimbobs carjust keep playing its coo04:53
slideshow medicwe can use logs04:55
jimbobs carfor now04:57
Rahclan: Maccersyou're taking the wrong svs dumbass06:58
slideshow medici forgot config :(07:21
bohemian like youTIME>>>07:24
slideshow medicpretend07:25
Rahclan: Maccerstime!?!?07:26
Pootisaround 507:27
jimbobs car5 to 607:30
SPONGEQUAN (bang bus)i think07:33
SPONGEQUAN (bang bus)12?07:34
jimbobs car!log07:35
slideshow mediclike 1307:37
Rahclan: Maccersi say about 14 minutes07:38
the lovable scrungus707:39
Rahclan: Maccersyou scuk07:40
the lovable scrungusminutes07:41
Jimbob DOOMHICKYit was like 3 minute07:42
peanut pali think it was 1807:45
jimbobs carexactly07:46
peanut palis this how main plays07:50
Pootis12 seconds07:51
Rahclan: Maccersi say 30 second07:52
SPONGEQUAN (bang bus)you got dat 20 minute time07:53
jimbobs car7:07 exactly07:55
slideshow medicwe suck07:56
crab batterdid you guys even cap 1st?07:57
slideshow medicwe forfeit07:57
jimbobs caractually07:59
Rahclan: Maccersim going to start a timer as setup ends08:05
the lovable scrunguswe 4fit08:06
slideshow medici dont remember08:06
slideshow medicour time was 7 with setup08:15
Jimbob DOOMHICKYyou 4fit08:16
Jimbob DOOMHICKYi dont08:17
ping = (ping + 100);diklan :308:20
jimbobs carhi dikclan btw ily08:23
Rahclan: Maccers:308:24
jimbobs carim08:27
Rahclan: Maccersidk u people08:28
jimbobs carmeknez08:28
Rahclan: MaccersWRONG SVS YOU RETARD08:39
Jimbob DOOMHICKY*DEAD* scouty : who is this jimbob character08:47
jimbobs carjimbob is huge brain11:18
Rahclan: Maccersi live11:19
Jimbob DOOMHICKYj chilling11:20
Rahclan: Maccersbitch11:20
ping = (ping + 100);LMFAO12:47
Jimbob DOOMHICKYidk who this yogrrt guy is but i hate him14:54
jimsgimssmh so do i15:07
ping = (ping + 100);same 15:08