
Qixalite Bookable - KFF vs RED


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 3 years go

moon♥candy #forzae1151410817bens0
Jamillia | RGL.gg1171310716boptop
5red10512864not useful
just jazz #ForZae9384610mello
SmashGuy2215978Allen Wrench
【D】 #forzae0992100robot with human hair
2 Percent Milk92149024chicken toucher
g(arfield)-fuel901711022J O S H³²



Toggle Chat
chicken toucher--------WE USED ----------00:21
moon♥candy #forzaeSpellbound Thunder : im going to have an sezuire00:26
【D】 #forzaeProve it!00:28
chicken touchertheres a crit sticky over there and here00:39
g(arfield)-fueltheres a shit over here and over there00:48
【D】 #forzaeProve it!00:49
moon♥candy #forzaewoah rlly?!?!?00:49
melloDUDE, stop telling them my crit stickies ;-;00:58
【D】 #forzaeProve it!01:02
moon♥candy #forzaehahahah!01:04
DerpMan107nice pipes04:27
g(arfield)-fuelfunny dead ringer10:52
chicken toucheryou det???11:27
robot with human hairDEMO DET11:32
just jazz #ForZaenot my best day11:35
moon♥candy #forzaerip in rest12:00
[Pause] Game was paused by Synova17:11
aving ubercharge level for robot with human hair17:11
aving ubercharge level for 【D】 #forzae17:11
amillia | : demo ping spike17:11
ot useful : sadge17:11
llen Wrench : bruh i play with 500 ping17:11
amillia | : fake you're on 80 rn17:11
oon♥candy #forzae : 10017:11
llen Wrench : usally17:11
obot with human hair : derp gets very angry whe u pause scrim!!!!!!!!!17:11
ello : im crying rn17:11
hicken toucher : hes going to beat us17:11
amillia | : f17:11
obot with human hair : help me17:11
hicken toucher : hes very angry right now17:11
erpMan107 : yes very17:11
obot with human hair : hes malding in vc!!!!!17:11
ello : he is screaming at us17:11
ot useful : send help17:11
ello : help17:11
amillia | : quickly run to the canadian border. i'll pick you up17:11
obot with human hair : sos17:11
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute17:11
hicken toucher : funny thing is17:11
oon♥candy #forzae : You don't have enough memory in the Memory Card!17:11
hicken toucher : we are in canada already17:11
obot with human hair : HE'S IN CANADA!!!!17:11
ot useful : . . . _ _ _ . . .17:11
ens0 : outplayed17:11
oon♥candy #forzae : killing my kys rn17:11
amillia | : i'll smuggle you into maine17:11
obot with human hair : ty ilu17:11
ello : no where to run17:11
ens0 : you have to unpause17:11
ens0 : for him to join17:11
oon♥candy #forzae : we know17:11
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Synova...17:11
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...17:11
ens0 : ok17:11
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...17:11
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...17:11
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...17:11
estoring ubercharge level for robot with human hair17:11
estoring ubercharge level for 【D】 #forzae17:11
[Pause] Game is unpaused!17:11
just jazz #ForZaerural internet moment17:24
chicken toucher--------WE USED ----------17:29
【D】 #forzae!pause17:32
g(arfield)-fuelfull pushing when we have missing players18:17