demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

My Boggart is Capitalism932706Inna
Tell me I'm Pretty842900Endrit
Squirrel_BVC doggo726704Sw3ny
long meatball chain1113910chris chan incest tape download



Toggle Chat
long meatball chaingl hf00:01
Luka Endermanwait for the crash00:04
Endritour dewmo trilloing00:47
Endritour demo trolling00:51
Endritthis is shit 02:29
Endritdemo troll02:38
chris chan incest tape downloadGG demo afk02:41
chris chan incest tape downloadty demo02:46
chris chan incest tape downloadty02:47
Endritty orange02:49
chris chan incest tape downloadme afk02:56
Sw3nysorry for this02:58
MrSmithersget someone then03:00
Endrithes coming03:43
Endritjust end04:46
Endrithes crashing04:48
Endrit!mplimit 2 sorry05:09
MrSmithersget merc05:18
Endritwe have to leave either way05:23
chris chan incest tape downloadno05:23
Endritwhat can we do05:31
MrSmithersi mean05:35
MrSmithersat least turn up to map 1 on time05:39
MrSmithersso you have time to sort this05:43
Endrithow do we know were gonna have like pc problems05:55
MrSmithersturn up on tiome anyway06:06
Endrit?????? how06:10
My Boggart is Capitalismthats why you turn up on time06:10
Squirrel_BVC doggoyou don't, so turn up on time06:11
My Boggart is Capitalismin case06:14
Endritwhen u cannt access the game how do u do it06:16
Endritwe want to scrim more than u06:24
Endritbut we cant06:26
long meatball chainare you actually trying to say this isn't your fault?06:27
Endritit isnt06:30
chris chan incest tape downloadbro we were like 13 mins late06:30
Endritits just unfortunate06:32
long meatball chainwho are you blaming it on?06:33
chris chan incest tape downloadlike chill06:34
Endritblaming it on bad luck06:40
Endritlike what do we do06:46
Endrittell me06:48
long meatball chainbad luck or shit preparation?06:48
Endritwhat do i do right now06:52
long meatball chainapologise and fuck off06:58
Endritmy demo is crashing06:58
Endritwe did07:02
Endrita million times07:04
Endritur just british retards07:07
long meatball chainyeah okay kid07:10
Endritliterally check chat logs07:21
long meatball chainI don't see you fucking off in them07:28
long meatball chaingo on, do 07:32
Endritwhat ?07:33
long meatball chainone07:33
chris chan incest tape downloadcope seethe dilate07:36
Endritwhat are u trying to say07:41
Endritlike genuinely07:43
My Boggart is Capitalismhey that guy understood07:57
My Boggart is Capitalismchris chan incest tape download left the game08:04
long meatball chainsorry, you called us british retards so english might not be a good choice for communication08:09
long meatball chainhow do you say fuck off in your language?08:14
Endritok mos ma thi guxhen e karit08:18
Endrittqifsha ropt08:22
long meatball chaingreat, do that08:24
Tell me I'm PrettyGG09:05
long meatball chaingg game09:07
youngrich99gg i quess09:12
long meatball chainomg he did it09:14
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.09:14