
Qixalite Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 3 years go

smelly27922231922hood eggroll xD
b25927191849diggy diggy hole enjoyer
bonzi buddy101115211420eva.tohca
burto1973123820i met madison beer
railroad baboon1410199419zadrot ebaniy



Toggle Chat
hood eggroll xDhey smelly can u change ur eyemask please it is annoying me01:25
i met madison beercan we pause03:03
bonzi buddyyes03:06
i met madison beerplayer missing03:07
[Pause] Game was paused by burto03:08
aving ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
aving ubercharge level for hibi03:08
ailroad baboon : pause deez nuts03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by b...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game was paused by b03:08
aving ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
aving ubercharge level for hibi03:08
met madison beer : y03:08
lackcat : gaming03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by b...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game was paused by b03:08
aving ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
aving ubercharge level for hibi03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
ood eggroll xD : poocasmaster : can we at least have 2 ngies03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
ood eggroll xD : *DEAD* Le0p0ld : do you just sit back waiting for uber all day *DEAD* Le0p0ld : sad cunts03:08
ailroad baboon : we have the ultitroll on our fucking team03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : sigma revy : but you play like t he most germs03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : smazza: if you have been to japan you know it all in the lollies03:08
lackcat : raina: owo uwu owo03:08
lackcat : raina: owo uwu owo03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by b...03:08
lackcat : raina: owo uwu owo03:08
lackcat : raina: owo uwu owo03:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...03:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
[Pause] Game was paused by b03:08
aving ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
aving ubercharge level for hibi03:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
lackcat : gimme kiss blake <303:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by b...03:08
[Pause] Game was paused by b03:08
aving ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
aving ubercharge level for hibi03:08
urto : let us know when he is coming back so we can unpause - it doesnt let players join while puased03:08
va.tohca : PLEASE GUYS ITS 11PM03:08
melly : T T03:08
va.tohca : I NEED BED03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
met madison beer : qld internet\03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : Not 100% sure what you're talking about but feel free to contact us via our email: team@cappingtv.com03:08
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute03:08
met madison beer : q;d omtermet03:08
met madison beer : qld internet03:08
urto : is he coming back?03:08
melly : are the yogscast still alive03:08
met madison beer : we dont know03:08
urto : i c03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by b...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...03:08
met madison beer : my friends sister is in the yogscast03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game was paused by burto03:08
aving ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
aving ubercharge level for hibi03:08
ood eggroll xD : the yogscast should finish shadow of deez03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
melly : deez wat03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
iggy diggy hole enjoyer : im sure the yogs are still casting bro 03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
lackcat : bruh03:08
melly : ^03:08
lackcat : u guys come here often?03:08
va.tohca : lol i love monkeys03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by burto...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...03:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...03:08
estoring ubercharge level for railroad baboon03:08
estoring ubercharge level for hibi03:08
[Pause] Game is unpaused!03:08
i met madison beerwhat03:46
i met madison beerhow do u have 03:47
railroad baboonoh03:49
blackcatwere sick03:51
eva.tohcaTJHAT SBANNABLE03:52
i met madison beerwtf03:52
railroad baboonyou didnt?03:52
burtogame bug03:54
i met madison beerno03:55
i met madison beerthats bs03:57
railroad baboonLOL03:57
bonzi buddybeast mode03:59
burtosometimes when paused u get uber04:03
railroad baboonjust better idk04:04
ball part of the plan04:05
burtogenerally it happens to both teams04:08
hibiwell we didnt so 04:15
i met madison beerrand twitch emote04:30
railroad baboonMY TEAM09:12
blackcatMY TEAM09:17
i met madison beerim selling so har10:51
i met madison beeroh its like that oen video11:34
i met madison beerbiggest trolls in ozf11:37
i met madison beerif daddys gonna buy u a mocking bird13:43
i met madison beerimma give u evangelion13:46
i met madison beer- thca13:48
zadrot ebaniy:^)13:53
smellyso true13:55
eva.tohcaeat shot14:13
eva.tohcadie 14:14
hood eggroll xDtkae off the mask17:41
hood eggroll xDplease17:43
i met madison beerdemo down :(20:27
hood eggroll xDlobotomy rflank25:09
hood eggroll xDqwyh 7fi 27:37
zadrot ebaniy:^)29:03
bonzi buddyFUCKL29:03
i met madison beerIM ON MY FUCKIN GRINDET29:15
bonzi buddysee u in the cideo.29:17
i met madison beerGRINDSET29:17
blackcatez med trade29:38
hood eggroll xDi screamed29:47