demos.tfaboutviewereditor - BLU vs RED


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

лолевонт (тф)437222666the_human_kite76
T O F F E E197318720ViZ
Sate Rmeny17922191022galaxy
Stalol22101713631Shamanoud #cp_canterlot_wg_b2
wlg ツ1652712544лолевонт(пубг)
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare19630121217лолевонт (кс)
NotAEnglishBomber181912241Leon Trotsky 1917
I JUST CAME26319161348nuVVVVVVV!!!
picture1653954629Lord of the Night



Toggle Chat
wlg ツ!rep our engi00:58
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareteam diff ://09:02
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareis your pyro aight?09:58
pictureim sad10:43
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareim getting baited harcore dude11:48
Midunesti nane, nane nane, saresuch a cheliabyinsk flank11:57
Shamanoud #cp_canterlot_wg_b2э12:04
Stalolchernobyl obl'ast12:19
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareif i see your pyro in the floor one more time on god13:15
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareez16:50
Sate RmenyLEL16:56
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare!rcon kick TOFEE17:11
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare!rcon kick TOFFE17:19
T O F F E E:(17:21
picture!rcon kick TOFFEE17:24
wlg ツKitty, I can't hold it longer. I am going to put my load for 8 seconds in you. X317:29
wlg ツYes, daddy! UvU fill me with your hot liquid UwU pop the uber *nuzzles your medi gun* 17:31
NotAEnglishBomberleila: pls spy check pyro mezzo keeps on stabbing me17:32
wlg ツHello, this is catman17:33
wlg ツTwice heavy of the season...17:34
Stalolwell don't that beat all17:35
wlg ツMost accurate tomislav in the world...17:36
лолевонт (кс):D17:45
лолевонт (кс)tsar'17:54
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare!rcon kick wlg18:11
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sarens18:41
wlg ツguys20:28
wlg ツwhy throw :c20:32
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare!rcon kick galaxy22:26
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sarelaggy ass bich22:31
wlg ツ!rep our med22:53
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare!rcon kick sate rmeny22:56
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareso its fair22:58
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare8v822:59
Midunesti nane, nane nane, saregalaxy23:17
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sareyou turk?23:18
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sarewith that erdogan connection?23:28
galaxywhy r u asking?23:28
Midunesti nane, nane nane, saredropping packets so much you in the floor23:36
galaxyyes i know23:48
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare:c23:58
galaxyi sold my wife for internet connection24:08
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sarerip24:17
Sate Rmenyns head shot24:38
Lord of the Nightthx24:48
Midunesti nane, nane nane, sare!end24:56