demos.tfaboutviewereditor - lecok vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

Pat Boone371422201120o/
Electro-junkier [☢=☣]111118231015you cant even speek enlesh
packet Binges1231025224Crollikk
abdula gaming21132624526cento
Luka Enderman52101322162iveR Random 👌
Soprano C02412



Toggle Chat
abdula gamingoh all800:07
abdula gaming5v5 yey00:10
Luka Endermanlol02:59
Crollikkok how03:06
Crollikkhow we died here03:11
you cant even speek enleshmge10:14
Pat Boonedont ever10:21
Luka Endermandont11:32
Crollikkwhat other choice did I have11:45
Luka Endermanxd11:50
Luka Endermanjk11:51
CrollikkLuka Enderman : its called self damage the mechanic that punishes u for hitting shots tooo closeeeee12:10
iveR Random 👌.........12:12
Pat BooneLOOOOL12:17
iveR Random 👌WHAT MORE12:18
iveR Random 👌almost got you again12:23
Pat Boonenah12:26
Luka Endermanyes12:30
abdula gamingout of ammo12:32
iveR Random 👌you guys were so afraid back there between lobby and spawn12:33
abdula gamingsucks ;c12:36
abdula gamingiver stfu12:43
iveR Random 👌ez14:12
iveR Random 👌noob down14:15
Pat Booneyes 3v1 is quite ezx14:18
iveR Random 👌noob down14:19
Pat Boone!rep our pocket14:58
Pat Boonedominated17:18
you cant even speek enleshENGINEER GAMING18:01
you cant even speek enleshlyso jednooki inzynier gaming20:31
you cant even speek enleshlyso jedno oki sniper geyming20:40
you cant even speek enleshlyso jednooki sniper gaminglyso jednooki sniper gaminglyso jednooki sniper gaminglyso jednooki sniper gaminglyso jednooki snipe23:14
Crollikkiron nerves24:26
Crollikksoprano blood indeed24:34
iveR Random 👌arrow to the knee25:30
Luka Endermany25:50
you cant even speek enleshENGINER GAMING25:53
abdula gamingye25:57
you cant even speek enleshlyso jednooki sniper gaming26:32
you cant even speek enleshheacker27:41
you cant even speek enleshteamy27:48
you cant even speek enleshi go demo27:51
you cant even speek enleshknight27:54
Luka Endermanwhos a hacker28:05
you cant even speek enleshyoui28:11
Luka Endermanty for the compliment28:17
CrollikkLuka Enderman : its called self damage the mechanic that punishes u for hitting shots tooo closeeeee28:17
Luka Endermanwhat is that bind crollikk28:55
Crollikkfrom back when we played hl scrims29:28
you cant even speek enleshvety good uber29:29
you cant even speek enleshmedick29:30
Crollikkfew seasons ago29:33
Luka Endermangg30:06
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:08