
Qixalite Bookable - ooga vs BBC


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 3 years go

^2 zuzu662014616[BBC] Prealpha
Dark Oak Tree95183733Treemonkey
Your Loyal Familiar1448111011Piggy
Windex Furry Spider73154724Jerl Johnson
Default Guy74176814[BBC] Crump
EhToaster9415286Epic Sax Dude
Turtalia ☭0261140[BBC] manfart2021
tuna431310516[BBC] Olive
Chung-Ching Wang802113112[BBC] Guy Incognito



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Default Guy!rcon changelevel koth_cashside_a2b00:18
PiggyBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.00:22
[BBC] CrumpBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.00:24
[BBC] manfart2021BigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.00:30
[BBC] Guy IncognitoBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.00:30
[BBC] PrealphaBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.00:31
[BBC] Crumpchangelevgel plr_dogbread00:32
PiggyBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.01:02
[BBC] Crumpwhut lol03:34
[BBC] Crumpi didnt even know the tele went there03:40
Default Guy*DEAD* bh thriller : unbind w04:32
PiggyBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.04:42
[BBC] Guy IncognitoBigBrainComp has been caught inflating their logs during scrims and matches. Don't believe me? Look up BBC inflation.04:51
[BBC] PrealphaI suck05:55
[BBC] PrealphaHow09:29
[BBC] PrealphaI suck09:32
[BBC] Prealphabut how did you miss the stab09:37
Chung-Ching Wangshut up09:44
[BBC] Prealphafair09:48
[BBC] Crumpmy favorite cereal is life pumpkin spice10:09
[BBC] Olives11 map pool pl_junction10:46
Epic Sax Dudeengineer gaming10:46
[BBC] Guy Incognitonice11:42
Default Guydont cap I want to sleep12:11
[BBC] Crumphow was that not a backstab12:12
Your Loyal Familiargg12:22
[BBC] Olivegg12:32
[BBC] Oliveour pyro has to go to work anyway12:40
[BBC] Olivegg12:41
^2 zuzuGG12:46
[BBC] Prealphagg12:47
Default Guygg12:52
[BBC] Prealpha.ss12:55
[BBC] Oliveoh well 12:57
PiggyWe runnin' this round baybeee13:00
[BBC] Oliveapparently we're just gonna go fo rit13:02
[BBC] Crump!log13:04
[BBC] Oliveyeet13:04
Jerl Johnson.ss13:05
[BBC] Crump!log13:16
[BBC] Crumptreemonkey cut13:28
Jerl Johnsont13:30
[BBC] Guy Incognitot13:35
[BBC] Crumpdoesntw hip me hard enough13:37
EhToasterIll 1v9 idc13:56
Your Loyal Familiarjust rexec then lmao14:02
Default Guy!rcon changelevel koth_cashside_12b14:26
Default Guy!rcon changelevel koth_cashside_a2b14:40
Turtalia ☭Re15:12
tunagg yall15:24
^2 zuzugg15:26
[BBC] Prealphagg15:29
[BBC] Olivegg15:30
[BBC] Guy Incognitogg15:32
EhToasterEz dub15:33
EhToasterGet bent15:37
EhToasterpees on you cutely15:38