demos.tfaboutviewereditor - Prime vs 1.21


Demo uploaded by 3 years go

damn1351313821icky sticky spades slicky♠
Prime Jw.201613135171.21GW zoey
Prime Sanity1641415315macron
Prime mcats146876131.21GW Shylo
Prime K20128891gollywobbler



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[Pause] Game was paused by liaaammm06:00
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!06:00
Saving ubercharge level for gollywobbler06:00
Saving ubercharge level for Prime K206:00
liaaammm : 2 min06:00
1.21GW zoey : sure thing06:00
1.21GW zoey : so06:00
liaaammm : needs to restart game 06:00
1.21GW zoey : pretty solid match so far06:00
1.21GW zoey : im having fun, hbu06:00
Prime Jw. : 50dpm lower06:00
1.21GW zoey : that doesnt answer my question06:00
Prime Jw. : 100dpm challenge06:00
Prime K2 : excuse jw06:00
ace : young man gonna tilt if this pause lowers his dpm06:00
1.21GW zoey : i cannot compare hours /2 weeks unfortunately06:00
Prime mcats : 100 dpm fr06:00
Prime Jw. : wym06:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute06:00
ace : did i even get to 100 dpm first half?06:00
ace : i thought i was at like 7006:00
ace : i was on feed pov06:00
Prime Jw. : no im talking about me right now with this sniper06:00
1.21GW zoey : yea?06:00
1.21GW zoey : snipers in this match have been sad06:00
Prime Jw. : charles barkley fan?06:00
1.21GW zoey : we r basketball fans06:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes06:00
1.21GW zoey : spades is celtics fan i am lakers fan06:00
ace : NOT BARKLEY06:00
liaaammm : unpausing06:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by liaaammm...06:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...06:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...06:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...06:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...06:00
Restoring ubercharge level for gollywobbler06:00
Restoring ubercharge level for Prime K206:00
[Pause] Game is unpaused!06:00
Prime SanityMASSIVE06:06
Prime SanityMASSIVE06:11
Prime SanityMASSIVE06:22
liaaammmwhere did you come from10:16
1.21GW zoeygr14:16
1.21GW zoeynice rocket14:20
Prime SanityMASSIVE17:06
Prime SanityMASSIVE18:18
Prime SanityDont evah19:06
Prime Sanityash pfp gives me the power19:24
1.21GW zoeyms27:37
Prime SanityMASSIVE27:37
1.21GW zoeyns27:38
1.21GW zoeywoo30:05
icky sticky spades slicky♠MASSIVE30:05
1.21GW zoeygh30:08
1.21GW zoeythis is a great match30:11
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14