demos.tfaboutviewereditor - FIUBLU vs Glizz


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

icebox8351066Sisyphusian Schizochad
PestbotLIVE8217579The Third
Oooopossum61134824white people moment
Joker Gru22104810Thisisnotajoke
parappa72126311Monty Garlurk
[FIU] l'suspector41146113Crokadize



Toggle Chat
Sisyphusian Schizochadyo0:00
Sisyphusian SchizochadFUIBLU?00:03
white people momentglhf00:04
Sisyphusian SchizochadMORELIKE FUIRED00:08
iaPKscore busted?00:08
Oooopossumgr gr06:10
white people momentgr06:12
Monty Garlurkgr06:23
[Pause] Game was paused by PestbotLIVE07:03
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!07:03
Saving ubercharge level for coolmankid1234507:03
Saving ubercharge level for HHamishK07:03
white people moment : ?07:03
icebox : ???07:03
Oooopossum : spy crashed07:03
white people moment : oh07:03
*DEAD* PestbotLIVE : spy died07:03
*DEAD* Crokadize : oh07:03
icebox : breh07:03
white people moment : take your time07:03
iaPK : nw07:03
Oooopossum : sry07:03
icebox : people people momento07:03
white people moment : np07:03
Monty Garlurk : no prob it happens07:03
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by coolmankid12345...07:03
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...07:03
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...07:03
*DEAD* PestbotLIVE : soldier, im sorry , but im really proud of that reflect07:03
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...07:03
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...07:03
Restoring ubercharge level for coolmankid1234507:03
Restoring ubercharge level for HHamishK07:03
[Pause] Game is unpaused!07:03
coolmankid12345Why is it unpausing07:05
[Pause] Game was paused by PestbotLIVE07:10
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!07:10
Saving ubercharge level for coolmankid1234507:10
Saving ubercharge level for HHamishK07:10
parappa : omg..07:10
shotspike3 : bruh07:10
parappa : why07:10
parappa : dont fucking unpause07:10
PestbotLIVE : yo, why did you unpause coolman07:10
The Third : ah07:10
iaPK : lol07:10
*DEAD* Crokadize : loose ethernet cable moment07:10
iaPK : we didn't07:10
PestbotLIVE : [Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by coolmankid123407:10
white people moment : [TFTrue] The game was unpaused by Oooopossum.07:10
coolmankid12345 : I don't even know the key07:10
white people moment : ?07:10
Oooopossum : i didnt07:10
white people moment : im crying07:10
Oooopossum : i didnt unpause07:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : ?07:10
Oooopossum : stop framing me :(07:10
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute07:10
white people moment : he's gaslighting us07:10
PestbotLIVE : we really arnt07:10
The Third : bwom07:10
white people moment : !rtv07:10
icebox : let's play amongus guys07:10
PestbotLIVE : like ill even take a screenie07:10
white people moment : ok set up the lobby07:10
HHamishK : robert bourassa isnt real07:10
shotspike3 : AMONGUS SEX MOD07:10
icebox : 1256707:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : FUIBLU? more like FUIRED :'(07:10
HHamishK : robert bourassa was never real07:10
icebox : Glizz? more like Jizz07:10
The Third : :'(07:10
white people moment : one sec brother installing among us07:10
coolmankid12345 : :(07:10
HHamishK : robert bourassa will never be real07:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : :'(07:10
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes07:10
The Third : unfortunate spacemen after?07:10
white people moment : !rtd07:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : yo actaully?07:10
coolmankid12345 : Among us later?07:10
white people moment : !unlockall07:10
Oooopossum : certified opossum07:10
Oooopossum : me07:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : 18 man spacemen?07:10
Thisisnotajoke : you guys have dst07:10
white people moment : !win07:10
Oooopossum : <----07:10
HHamishK : help me07:10
Oooopossum : opossum07:10
icebox : anyone wanna cuddle in bathhouse @_@07:10
white people moment : yea07:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : PLEAAAASE07:10
*DEAD* Crokadize : 41236H, 665K > 6S > 236K, 5K > 6S > 236KK, WS 6H07:10
shotspike3 : can I join?!?!?!??!07:10
white people moment : send among us code07:10
icebox : no ur fat07:10
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes07:10
The Third : SOL BADGUY07:10
shotspike3 : :(07:10
white people moment : y'all play tekken?07:10
The Third : FAFNIR07:10
Thisisnotajoke : no one like 07:10
white people moment : i might suck at this game but i'd wipe you in tekken bro07:10
HHamishK : tekken isnt real07:10
Sisyphusian Schizochad : any neganers?07:10
*DEAD* Crokadize : 4/6D > 88RRC, land microdash 2H > lvl3 236S, 5H > 624H WS, 624H07:10
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes07:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by coolmankid12345...07:10
icebox : I hear that dragonball fighter z is a pretty dope game07:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...07:10
coolmankid12345 : y07:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...07:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...07:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...07:10
Restoring ubercharge level for coolmankid1234507:10
Restoring ubercharge level for HHamishK07:10
[Pause] Game is unpaused!07:10
[Pause] Game was paused by PestbotLIVE07:14
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!07:14
Saving ubercharge level for coolmankid1234507:14
Saving ubercharge level for HHamishK07:14
PestbotLIVE : COOLMAN07:14
Sisyphusian Schizochad : :07:14
Oooopossum : bruh STOP07:14
coolmankid12345 : Bro why is it the enter key07:14
shotspike3 : bruh stop why07:14
PestbotLIVE : CUT IT OUT07:14
coolmankid12345 : Idk wtf07:14
iaPK : It wasn't coolbozo07:14
white people moment : COME ON COOLMAN07:14
coolmankid12345 : Every time I hit enter to open chat it unpauses07:14
Oooopossum : ur ticking the time down07:14
Oooopossum : stop it07:14
Oooopossum : dont talk07:14
white people moment : [TFTrue] The game was unpaused by coolmankid1234507:14
PestbotLIVE : why is your chat button enter07:14
Oooopossum : no talking 07:14
shotspike3 : JUST PRESS Y07:14
iaPK : me when07:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute07:14
The Third : yyyyyy07:14
*DEAD* Crokadize : 2H > 214K, 5K > 214H > 623H > 236K, c.S, c.S > 6H WS, 6H07:14
PestbotLIVE : who the hell makes their chat button enter like what07:14
iaPK : what are you saying07:14
white people moment : enter.07:14
Tex : y07:14
iaPK : wtf is 2H > bullshit07:14
coolmankid12345 : I was hitting enter cause my chat seems to be acting goofy07:14
Oooopossum : our spy just legit left our chat sorry07:14
white people moment : mine too07:14
white people moment : it's okay07:14
PestbotLIVE : the only way you could be unpausing is if your hitting enter in your console07:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes07:14
coolmankid12345 : I am not07:14
white people moment : send his address, i'll step in.07:14
PestbotLIVE : like you activily have to type pause and hit enter07:14
iaPK : check the logs07:14
Oooopossum : heavy i like ur cosmetics07:14
white people moment : thanks07:14
white people moment : merry christmas07:14
Oooopossum : I gotta get more drip for my heavy07:14
PestbotLIVE : unless you somehow have enter bound to pause which is ridiculous07:14
iaPK : what do you have?07:14
Sisyphusian Schizochad : dripless07:14
*DEAD* Crokadize : EWGF, EWGF, Crouch Dash, n, 4, d/f + 1, 4, Screw!, Forward Dash, Crouch Dash + 307:14
white people moment : my drip lackin for the rest of my classes07:14
iaPK : get the jotaro gear07:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes07:14
white people moment : game has been pasued for 3 years07:14
*DEAD* Crokadize : YOOO07:14
white people moment : LETS GO FLARE GUN DROP07:14
*DEAD* Crokadize : FLARE GUN07:14
white people moment : WE FARMIN DROPS07:14
coolmankid12345 : I'm scared to press butoons on my keyboard07:14
The Third : FF3>B3,F1>BF2,3F3>B3,F1,3>W!>BF2,1,DF207:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes07:14
white people moment : gonna start unboxing07:14
iaPK : nice07:14
white people moment : thanks07:14
white people moment : probably 5 cents 07:14
Oooopossum : So07:14
Oooopossum : do you all like tf207:14
PestbotLIVE : anybody got pyro cosmetics or weapons they dont want cause i uh*slurp* want those07:14
white people moment : no i hate this game.............07:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes07:14
iaPK : I need that for my sticky07:14
*DEAD* Crokadize : can you guys hit prom night 1.7?07:14
white people moment : what07:14
The Third : what07:14
white people moment : vote kick 07:14
white people moment : he's a bot07:14
Oooopossum : our spy is being a dingus07:14
shotspike3 : rip spy, we aint palying with a spy I guess07:14
white people moment : damn07:14
white people moment : what happened?07:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes07:14
PestbotLIVE : laptop dead07:14
shotspike3 : our spy wont be joing back massive L07:14
white people moment : we cool with waiting a little more if you need so07:14
The Third : WTF07:14
iaPK : charge that shit bro07:14
HHamishK : rene levesque07:14
shotspike3 : we will get DQ if we go over 15 min timeout07:14
PestbotLIVE : wed love to wait a while longer but rgl rules my man07:14
white people moment : alright07:14
white people moment : do what you gotta do07:14
shotspike3 : we unpausing we gotta play07:14
white people moment : alright07:14
iaPK : coo07:14
white people moment : gl gl07:14
The Third : 6S > 236KK > 66RRCC~j.K > jc, j.S > delay j.H > CL j.623H07:14
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes07:14
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by PestbotLIVE...07:14
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...07:14
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...07:14
icebox : no spies? no damsels?07:14
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...07:14
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...07:14
Restoring ubercharge level for coolmankid1234507:14
Restoring ubercharge level for HHamishK07:14
[Pause] Game is unpaused!07:14
white people momentgr10:54
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.11:02
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.11:02
[SOAP] No configuration found for koth_lakeside_r2, loading fallback configuration from koth_lakeside_r.cfg.11:02