demos.tfaboutviewereditor - cat vs bad


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

femboy collector4342511432saucy jack
jacket2694021454esports athlete
maru loves you418303313DerpMan107
dm if stainless steel & single613614319Pxls_
Cute Is What We Aim
Clockwick10118214last name highlander
Spazz32832300:D holy fuck. :D
Triwq14023200rice cooker expert
five inch graves210411712Casapillar
100NSR vs. BBJ
1121robot with human hair
200this is a. sandwick.



Toggle Chat
Cute Is What We Aim Forgg00:08
dm if stainless steel & singledone?00:12
NSR vs. BBJgg00:12
dm if stainless steel & singlegg00:14
ttv.pub_winner.wtftalking abouit being done hold on00:20
dm if stainless steel & singleok00:24
dm if stainless steel & singlelmk00:25
ttv.pub_winner.wtfunless someone said something else, i think we';re done lol00:31
ttv.pub_winner.wtfpeople leaving00:33
Clockwickyea :(00:36
dm if stainless steel & singlesorry about that. tyfp tho00:55
Clockwickthuth : i have no idea how you arent in newcomer02:19
dm if stainless steel & single[Player] SilentAssasin2013 : do you guys think that scout knows what a penis is02:24
mayo maker 2000clockwick04:22
mayo maker 2000wanna know what I use as melee when I play medic?04:33
Clockwickis it the vow04:40
mayo maker 2000come to the truck04:49
Clockwicki hate uit05:08
mayo maker 2000XD05:12
jacketBYUING UNUISIAL (80 FER)06:05
ClockwickBYUIGN UNUSAL 06:15
jacketthuth : i have no idea how you arent in newcomer06:36
Clockwickthuth : i have no idea how you arent in newcomer06:39
dm if stainless steel & single: )08:26
mayo maker 2000people use the name of my state as an insult09:57
mayo maker 2000that's how good stuff is10:03
mayo maker 2000BAHIA10:06
Clockwicktime to get shanked in brazil10:09
dm if stainless steel & singlei was wrong. going to brazil isnt so bad10:12
mayo maker 2000people who are born here are called Baianas10:33
mayo maker 2000which means10:43
mayo maker 2000lazy bay10:47
five inch graves:(10:58
mayo maker 2000beta12:34
mayo maker 2000look at me12:38
mayo maker 2000de cria12:49
mayo maker 2000people say my med is 'de cria'13:05
five inch graves:(22:54
Clockwickrest in piss am loser23:01
jacketthuth : i have no idea how you arent in newcomer29:42
jacketRUP OR FF31:02
robot with human hairff31:06
dm if stainless steel & singleff31:11
Clockwickany girls here? especially tomboy goth gamer girls? id love to queue with you sometime! add me im not like the other guys! :D31:11
dm if stainless steel & singlechad readying up with 732:49
TriwqRUP OR FF33:15
TriwqRUP OR FF33:41
saucy jackff33:48
esports athletewe deny your rnger34:09
dm if stainless steel & singleman wtf34:14
dm if stainless steel & singlethats fucked up34:17
dm if stainless steel & singlewe accept ur ringer34:24
femboy collectori deny your life34:26
jacketRUP OR FF34:33
last name highlandermy dad denied cancer 3 times:)34:52
dm if stainless steel & singlebased35:00
TreesRUswhat a chad35:01
five inch gravesmy dad hates me :)35:05
robot with human hairyo my dad hates me too :DDDDDDDDDDDD35:12
dm if stainless steel & singletell your dad he's awesome for me35:13
Clockwickmy dads pretty cool35:14
dm if stainless steel & singlealr35:14
Cute Is What We Aim Formy dad hates you too35:16
Clockwicksucks to be you guys lol35:17
esports athleteour tl (father less) having issues36:00
dm if stainless steel & singleunfortunate36:04
Clockwickwhats new36:08
dm if stainless steel & singleits fine i was like 20 mins late to our first scrim36:25
Clockwickthe fatherless epidemic is truly a major problem we simply dont discuss enough36:49
saucy jacklolol36:56
dm if stainless steel & singlenew policy: dads for everyone36:59
Clockwicki mean look at this server how many peoples dads are gone / hate them36:59
Clockwickits clear it has horrible effects37:06
dm if stainless steel & singleim going to propose this to congress37:07
Clockwickwe are literally playing tf37:10
robot with human hairat least 4 on our team :D37:11
saucy jackyea37:18
jacketRUP OR FF38:27
five inch gravesRUP OR FF38:33
elektroour soldier cant join the server :P38:42
robot with human hairXD38:45
elektromight need a new one :P38:46
dm if stainless steel & singlewell shit38:47
dm if stainless steel & singleuhh38:47
dm if stainless steel & singlenew server @ broke38:51
robot with human hairneed a new server ^_^38:54
Cute Is What We Aim Forall g39:02
Cute Is What We Aim Formaking one now39:04
femboy collectorno39:06
Clockwicki love omlettes39:08
saucy jackwhen i shit, my d touch the wat : Every 66.7 ticks, a second passes in Africa. Together we can stop this39:12