demos.tfaboutviewereditor - ducak vs ???


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

Quack BriarBro1113101425107Colin?
Quack | YeetonmyFeet2881517317Cute Dad
Quack | nexus25881016pyro
Quack | Jurgles15121114513daemon?
Quack Lemonboi4281389Double D
Quack Scooba01767110kat?
Quack PulseDog2731421221Tatel?
Quack | Alucard2811828021Señor Trotsky?



Toggle Chat
Cute Daduhh02:12
[Pause] Game was paused by kat?02:16
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!02:16
Saving ubercharge level for kat?02:16
Saving ubercharge level for Quack Scooba02:16
pyro : we lost someone02:16
kat? : someone got kicked?02:16
Quack PulseDog : alright02:16
Quack | nexus : oof02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : man02:16
Quack Lemonboi : oof02:16
Quack Lemonboi : he was a bot02:16
Slome : what02:16
Quack Lemonboi : lmao02:16
Quack PulseDog : unfortunate02:16
Quack Scooba : someone joined i think02:16
Quack BriarBro111 : what02:16
Quack Scooba : 'swiftwater victim'02:16
Quack | nexus : frozen gaming02:16
Quack Lemonboi : do you guys know froyo b4nny?02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : no02:16
Quack | Jurgles : I DO02:16
pyro : yes02:16
kat? : i am froyo b4nny02:16
Quack | Jurgles : I love froyo b4nny02:16
Quack | nexus : mmm02:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute02:16
Quack Scooba : might as well take this moment to use the bathroom02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : true02:16
Quack | nexus : 1 m i n u t e02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : bathroom break???02:16
Quack Lemonboi : u guys ever see a child and ram it with your car02:16
Quack | Alucard : chesburber02:16
pyro : we're trying lolo02:16
Tatel? : 10 points if its a girl02:16
Quack Lemonboi : nice02:16
Quack Lemonboi : based02:16
Quack PulseDog : I sometimes see the deer...02:16
Cute Dad : turn based tf2 02:16
Quack | nexus : ay hes back02:16
Quack Lemonboi : isnt it funny how we found an kansas server02:16
Quack | Jurgles : dark skin tomboy gf or big tit goth gf02:16
Quack Lemonboi : like wtf 'kansas' doesnt exist02:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes02:16
Quack PulseDog : its better for me if its kansas02:16
Cute Dad : b t g gf02:16
Quack PulseDog : im west coast02:16
Quack | nexus : water break02:16
Quack | Alucard : ^ based02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : wheast coast02:16
Quack | Alucard : btg best02:16
Quack Lemonboi : omg i love jurgles02:16
Quack PulseDog : weast02:16
Quack | Alucard : btg best02:16
kat? : he's restarting his computer02:16
pyro : he's restarting his computer rn02:16
pyro : lol02:16
Quack PulseDog : kanye wheat02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : gotcha02:16
Tatel? : he is restarting pc. if it doesnt work we have to unpause and let him join and see if that works02:16
Quack | nexus : its wheat coast you mother fucker02:16
Quack Lemonboi : kanye white02:16
Slome : true02:16
Quack PulseDog : alright02:16
pyro : how y'all doin today02:16
Tatel? : we had this issue on lakeside02:16
pyro : any gamer girls?02:16
kat? : snoop catt02:16
Tatel? : im a girl02:16
Quack | nexus : I see hell02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : you stole my question pyro02:16
Tatel? : unless you count my genitals02:16
Quack Lemonboi : im a girl02:16
kat? : i like girls02:16
Quack Scooba : someones mom must have been so stubborn she found out how to pause an online game 02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : me too02:16
pyro : ooo02:16
pyro : women02:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes02:16
Tatel? : waman*02:16
Quack | nexus : mmm manwo02:16
Quack | Jurgles : now im not a furry 02:16
kat? : women scare me :(02:16
Quack | Jurgles : but toy chica 02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : any guilty gear listeners here????02:16
pyro : no02:16
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : :(02:16
Tatel? : is that megatrons doing it?02:16
Quack PulseDog : average guilty gear enjoyer02:16
Tatel? : im more of a megadeth enjoyer02:16
Quack Lemonboi : im not a furry, but froyo freddy fazbear is fine af02:16
Quack | nexus : dododododododododdododo02:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes02:16
Quack | Jurgles : ultrakill???02:16
pyro : i'm a furry02:16
Tatel? : eh thats ight02:16
Quack Lemonboi : SEX02:16
Quack | Jurgles : gamer02:16
pyro : any other furries in chat02:16
pyro : furries rise 02:16
Slome : die02:16
Tatel? : more like peace sells and rust in peace02:16
Quack PulseDog : the average pause experience02:16
Quack BriarBro111 : no 02:16
Quack Scooba : a02:16
Quack Lemonboi : froyo foxy02:16
Quack | nexus : slome toxic02:16
Tatel? : we are going to unpause and see if he can join02:16
Cute Dad : he just keeps getting insta kicked02:16
Quack | nexus : doesnt even have quack in his name02:16
Tatel? : im a quack02:16
pyro : dsf02:16
kat? : we good to unpause?02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
Quack PulseDog : we can restart02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by kat?...02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...02:16
Quack Lemonboi : i am quack02:16
Quack | Alucard : .___o< quack02:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...02:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...02:16
Quack Scooba : ok02:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...02:16
Restoring ubercharge level for kat?02:16
Restoring ubercharge level for Quack Scooba02:16
[Pause] Game is unpaused!02:16
Quack PulseDogare we still palying?02:25
Quack PulseDogplaying*02:27
[Pause] Game was paused by kat?02:55
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!02:55
Saving ubercharge level for kat?02:55
Saving ubercharge level for Quack Scooba02:55
Quack | nexus : bruh02:55
kat? : sorry, he can't get in02:55
Quack | nexus : scam02:55
Quack PulseDog : alright02:55
Quack PulseDog : well02:55
kat? : we're getting a ringer02:55
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : bruh!!!!02:55
Quack PulseDog : kk02:55
Quack PulseDog : are we restarting?02:55
Quack | Alucard : rip02:55
kat? : we don't have to, we're just gonna get another dude in here02:55
Quack PulseDog : alr02:55
Quack Lemonboi : HeY dO yOu gUyS kNoW oBsEr?02:55
Quack Scooba : yes02:55
Tatel? : hes my favorite furry creator02:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute02:55
Quack Scooba : there is another02:55
Quack PulseDog : newcomer highlander experience02:55
Quack | nexus : Hold on I just got a ringer request for a swiftwater game02:55
Quack Scooba : hrthr02:55
Quack | Alucard : my friend max has something important to say to u 02:55
Quack | Alucard : ha boobies02:55
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : shut02:55
Tatel? : hi max!02:55
Quack | nexus : is max dropkickable?02:55
Tatel? : my friend candice has a word02:55
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : *vineboom sfx*02:55
Quack Lemonboi : do you guys know dondald trunmp is a spy main02:55
Quack PulseDog : whos a 'dropkickable'02:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes02:55
Quack | nexus : dondald trunmop*02:55
Tatel? : he seems more like an engineer enjoyer02:55
Quack Lemonboi : ima engie enjoyer :D02:55
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : heavy/engie02:55
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : both are walls02:55
Quack | nexus : Man this game is going at lightspeed!02:55
Tatel? : ikr02:55
Tatel? : unfortunate tech difficulties sorry02:55
Quack BriarBro111 : your good 02:55
Slome : we dont have uber and we didnt kill 3 of you02:55
Tatel? : no im not02:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes02:55
Quack | nexus : Slome stfu02:55
Quack Lemonboi : slome wat r u talkin about02:55
Quack | nexus : Slome is the real red spy02:55
Slome : cope02:55
Quack Lemonboi : +ratio02:55
Quack PulseDog : slome is ringing???!?!?!?!?!??//??!?/?!?!?02:55
Cute Dad : were not down 3...02:55
Quack | nexus : Hes a senor02:55
*DEAD* Colin? : pp02:55
Quack | nexus : oh no02:55
Tatel? : -ratio unless there are femboys02:55
Quack PulseDog : i believe u02:55
*DEAD* Colin? : :)02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : up 7...02:55
Quack Lemonboi : A MEXICAN02:55
Quack | nexus : =ratio02:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes02:55
Quack PulseDog : LMAO02:55
Quack PulseDog : YEET KILLBIND02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : UHHHHHHHHH02:55
Quack | nexus : YEET FUCKING02:55
Quack | nexus : IDIOT02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : CRACKED02:55
Quack | Jurgles : LMAO02:55
Quack BriarBro111 : yeet02:55
kat? : im gonna unpause so he can get in02:55
Quack Scooba : makes me wanna press killbind02:55
Quack PulseDog : naw he carries02:55
Quack Lemonboi : YEET U FUCKING IMBECILE02:55
Quack | nexus : YEET THE GAMER02:55
Tatel? : yall still got it tbh02:55
Quack PulseDog : we need the medium ammo pack02:55
Slome : mentally disabled 02:55
Quack Scooba : curious george02:55
Quack | nexus : ima unbind my killbind because of what yeet did02:55
Quack Lemonboi : yeet wtf did u EXPECT to happen02:55
Quack Scooba : do we even need killbinds02:55
Quack Scooba : cus like02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : I am blind02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : lol02:55
Quack Scooba : hehe02:55
Quack | nexus : You dont know how to type02:55
Quack Scooba : what if i press my kill bind02:55
Quack | Jurgles : he cant read smh02:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes02:55
Quack Lemonboi : maybe i shuld killbind, thatd be funny02:55
Quack | nexus : lemon.......02:55
*DEAD* pyro : are you guys interested in restarting? just cause this is really awkward and long and to see if our ringer can join?02:55
Quack Lemonboi : yea we shuld restaret honestly02:55
Quack PulseDog : alright thats fine02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : no02:55
Quack BriarBro111 : yea02:55
Quack | Jurgles : its fine with me02:55
kat? : how do we restart?02:55
Tatel? : sorry boys :(02:55
Quack | nexus : Yeet02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : jk02:55
Quack | nexus : stfu02:55
Quack PulseDog : pretty siure02:55
*DEAD* pyro : sorry for all this02:55
Quack PulseDog : mp_restartgame02:55
Quack | Jurgles : it fine02:55
Quack BriarBro111 : yeet stfu02:55
Slome : i am going to depopulate a school with lead02:55
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : nah it good02:55
Quack PulseDog : or rcon02:55
Quack | Alucard : it alr02:55
*DEAD* pyro : something always has to go wrong lmao02:55
Tatel? : slome thats hot02:55
Quack PulseDog : rcon mp_restartgame 102:55
Quack | nexus : yeet ima dropkick for this02:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by kat?...02:55
Cute Dad : R_fuck_go_back02:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...02:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...02:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...02:55
Quack Lemonboi : red team after this, u wanna recreate meet the spy02:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...02:55
Restoring ubercharge level for kat?02:55
Restoring ubercharge level for Quack Scooba02:55
[Pause] Game is unpaused!02:55
Cute Dadfight03:15
Quack | nexusdemo ded03:29
Quack Scoobago03:30
Quack PulseDogkekw03:42
pyroty guys!03:50
kat?ty so much03:51
Quack | nexusslome is the real red spy03:52
Quack | nexusslome is on two calls04:03
Quack Lemonboiily to spy14:48
Señor Trotsky?<314:52
Quack PulseDoggh29:30
Cute Dadgg29:31
Señor Trotsky?gh29:32
Quack | nexusgh29:34
Quack | Jurglesgh29:35
Quack | YeetonmyFeetgr29:35
Quack | Alucardgh29:36
Quack Lemonboigg29:36
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.29:37
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.29:37