demos.tfaboutviewereditor - ??? vs sadf


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

Colin?34141004Quack BriarBro111
Cute Dad18451362Quack | YeetonmyFeet
pyro113512615Quack | nexus
daemon?9851354Quack | Jurgles
Double D976823Quack Lemonboi
kat?0151851Quack Scooba
Tatel?17291128Quack PulseDog
Señor Trotsky?80141418Quack | Alucard



Toggle Chat
Quack PulseDogsome of our people need to go bathroom01:09
Quack | nexusp a u s e01:14
Quack | YeetonmyFeetyeah can we get a pause?01:16
Quack PulseDogthey are requesting a pause01:16
[Pause] Game was paused by kat?01:20
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!01:20
Saving ubercharge level for kat?01:20
Saving ubercharge level for Quack Scooba01:20
pyro : bruh01:20
kat? : little piss boys01:20
Quack Scooba : bathroom01:20
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : they gotta pisssssssssssss01:20
Quack PulseDog : they are like01:20
Quack | nexus : this is a bad place to pause01:20
pyro : piss babies01:20
Quack | nexus : ngl01:20
Quack PulseDog : high schoolers01:20
Tatel? : dont bruh them pyro01:20
Colin? : piss babies01:20
Quack Lemonboi : can we all leave and watch the b4nny stream01:20
Tatel? : they waited 10m for our pause01:20
Quack PulseDog : they need to go right as we start01:20
Quack | YeetonmyFeet : thanks for the new name01:20
Quack Scooba : ngl01:20
Quack | nexus : GOD SAKE YEET01:20
Quack Lemonboi : YEEET01:20
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : im trolling01:20
Quack | nexus : MY GOD01:20
Quack Scooba : makes me wanna kill bind too01:20
Quack Lemonboi : FOR FUCKS SAKE'01:20
Quack PulseDog : actual tosser01:20
Quack | nexus : UNBIND YOUR KILL BIND01:20
Quack Scooba : i would do it01:20
Slome : fatherless01:20
Cute Dad : ill kill bind01:20
daemon? : Any Demo Main Cant Put Down Minigun DPS, All They Know Is Crater, Reload Sticky Launcher, Twerk, Eat Hot Chip And Lie :joy::joy:01:20
*DEAD* Quack | YeetonmyFeet : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO01:20
Quack Scooba : dew it01:20
Quack Lemonboi : maidenless01:20
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute01:20
Slome : no01:20
Quack PulseDog : alright01:20
Quack PulseDog : we ready01:20
Quack | nexus : im always here01:20
Quack Scooba : grab the remote01:20
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by kat?...01:20
Slome : orphanless01:20
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...01:20
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...01:20
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...01:20
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...01:20
Restoring ubercharge level for kat?01:20
Restoring ubercharge level for Quack Scooba01:20
[Pause] Game is unpaused!01:20
Quack | YeetonmyFeetfirst blood01:22
Quack | nexusUM01:22
Señor Trotsky?Nice06:42
Quack Lemonboiily to soldier10:33
Quack Lemonboi<310:37
Cute Dad<310:54
Cute Dadlol13:36
Señor Trotsky?gr14:48
Quack | YeetonmyFeetgr14:49
Quack | nexusgr14:50
Quack | Jurglesgr14:52
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.14:55
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.14:55