demos.tfaboutviewereditor #475660 - vivid vs ESS


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

ladavidson juicypickle19121714138GNDS IntelQuackCore
Dont you dare278816619Steev Stanman
the wicked heart124119815tkeati
Scoobert Doobert931818018STRM kpzip
GOON | beanmachine3111712722fucker
Liam Liam Liam76141643[ESS] TheBloodMoon
VIVID | Taylor4769200Mickey
Magic Potato1301015117[ѵƇity] ridge
holy fucking shit its taiga252101327[ESS] Alltrex



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Liam Liam Liamhey ridge how old r u>00:51
the wicked heartold man!00:56
Scoobert Doobertknew it00:59
Scoobert Doobertwanna know if I can date ridge or not :)01:15
fucker 01:20
[ESS] AlltrexRidge is a minor01:23
Scoobert Doobertgood ;)01:29
the wicked heartsauce or loss?01:31
fucker 01:32
[ESS] TheBloodMoondepends on the saucve01:41
[ESS] TheBloodMoonSpaghettis sauce pls01:50
[ѵƇity] ridgethats what i get for an ego ig02:48
[ESS] Alltrexl02:56
[ESS] Alltrexridge smells03:00
the wicked heartfr03:12
Scoobert Doobertno ego, only soup03:14
[ѵƇity] ridgens03:40
fuckerwhy is that ur pfp06:09
Dont you darewym06:19
fuckerforget i asked06:24
Dont you darewym06:26
Scoobert Doobertanyone here read homestuck?06:29
the wicked heartopen?08:32
Scoobert DoobertNo Onions pls :)08:35
GOON | beanmachinegr10:39
Scoobert DoobertNo Onions pls :)11:34
Scoobert Doobert· ͜ .11:35
[ѵƇity] ridgethat trap is banned btw scoobert12:00
the wicked heartwhat trap12:27
the wicked heartthere is no trap12:30
[ѵƇity] ridgethe shottuer trp your demo had12:33
[ѵƇity] ridgeits legit banned in rgl12:37
the wicked heartare you sure there was a trap13:16
the wicked hearti dont see one13:18
the wicked heartdid we win17:39
[ѵƇity] ridgewhat are you doing19:25
the wicked heartridge is cheating votekick him19:25
Dont you dareim better19:32
Scoobert Doobertyall f1, ridge uses lmao box19:35
the wicked heartwtf null is better19:42
GOON | beanmachinegg19:47
VIVID | Taylorgg19:48
Liam Liam LiamGG19:52
Scoobert Doobertgg19:53
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.19:55
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.19:55
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...19:55