demos.tfaboutviewereditor #475660 - ESS vs vivid


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

GNDS IntelQuackCore1141518219ladavidson juicypickle
Steev Stanman1871515521Dont you dare
tkeati1881015418the wicked heart
STRM kpzip3021819713Scoobert Doobert
fucker1814111665GOON | beanmachine
[ESS] TheBloodMoon73101884Liam Liam Liam
Mickey12247100VIVID | Taylor
[ѵƇity] ridge2231615015Magic Potato
[ESS] Alltrex1221319114holy fucking shit its taiga



Toggle Chat
the wicked heartridge you forgot to aim for my head buddy02:41
the wicked heartit deals 150 damage02:47
[ѵƇity] ridge???07:10
Scoobert Doobertcope07:14
[ѵƇity] ridge100 ping bruh08:41
the wicked heartcopium 08:47
Scoobert DoobertNo Onions pls :)08:56
Magic Potatoif i could change it i would09:15
Dont you darenice one ridge09:31
Scoobert DoobertI mean I could host a columbia server for our sniper so he has better ping for you09:36
the wicked heartalltrex is cheating why are you scrimming with cheaters10:51
Liam Liam Liamd11:25
Scoobert Doobertyall mind if I ring shoppy?11:27
Scoobert Doobertneed a heavy11:30
Liam Liam LiamYall mind if we ring g0tbot?12:01
Scoobert Doobert!extend12:15
the wicked heart!extend12:15
[ESS] Alltrex!extend12:16
Dont you darego for someone else bot14:09
[ѵƇity] ridgeur so mad14:14
the wicked heartur so bad14:16
the wicked heart*DEAD*14:17
[ѵƇity] ridgeu wish lmao14:20
Dont you dareur 1514:23
the wicked heart*DEAD*14:24
[ѵƇity] ridgepyro polayers be like14:26
[ѵƇity] ridgedead14:44
Scoobert DoobertNo Onions pls :)14:47
GOON | beanmachineheavy gaming14:50
the wicked heartbodyshotted, irrelevant14:50
the wicked heartare you sure you should be playing sniper with that kind of aim?14:58
[ѵƇity] ridgewicked are you upset that you cant do anything as pyro on the best map for you?15:20
Scoobert Doobertdead15:29
the wicked heart*DEAD*15:30
ladavidson juicypickle?17:23
[ѵƇity] ridge?17:29
Dont you darewtf are you doing17:34
[ѵƇity] ridgebeing better17:39
Dont you dareur shit its whatever17:41
Dont you darebot players17:44
GOON | beanmachinestop being goons17:47
[ѵƇity] ridgenc players be like17:51
the wicked heartam players be like17:56
Dont you dareim better tho?17:57
the wicked heartopen18:01
the wicked heartridge open af18:04
[ѵƇity] ridgeim off classing lmao18:05
Dont you dareUR NOT LMAO18:09
the wicked heartcopium18:09
Scoobert Doobertdint ask18:11
[ѵƇity] ridge250 hours on this class18:17
[ѵƇity] ridge1k on soldier18:20
Scoobert Doobertdid I ask?18:26
the wicked heartcope18:27
Dont you dareget a job18:29
the wicked heart^18:31
Scoobert Doobertdo ur own taxes18:36
[ESS] TheBloodMoonchill18:37
[ѵƇity] ridgeawww scoobert do i need to diff you again on demo?18:38
Scoobert Doobertyes :)18:45
the wicked heartego check FAILED18:46
GOON | beanmachineI bet you smell like nickels ridge19:19
[ѵƇity] ridgei do19:22
Scoobert Doobertpls diff me daddy ridge :) I wanna lose my ego19:25
the wicked heartleast egotistical am player19:45
Dont you dareyou suck19:45
Dont you daredont you dare19:49
Scoobert DoobertI suck, but im NC :)20:01
Scoobert Doobertits ok20:05
holy fucking shit its taigatruthfully i wish all of you would stop typing20:09
holy fucking shit its taigamy team included20:13
[ѵƇity] ridgeidk man ur team seems very mad at me20:28
Scoobert Doobertnah I love you <320:37
ladavidson juicypicklebro im shooting blanks21:10
Dont you dareggs22:14
[ѵƇity] ridgeggs22:16
the wicked heartridge forgetting what headshots are 22:17
GOON | beanmachinegg22:18
Scoobert Doobertgg eZ22:18
the wicked heartsmh22:19
[ESS] AlltrexGG22:20
VIVID | TaylorGG22:20
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.22:21
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.22:21
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...22:21