demos.tfaboutviewereditor - ∞ vs asdasd


Demo uploaded by Aeryn 2 years go

∞ Novus125189819i have theories
∞ Aeryn679111312Hydro
NINJ@ | CHEESE151152629Barstool Egypt
∞ Vanity LFM1561881116Lotusberry
raVen26171269Liam Liam Liam
∞ Krissy07118171Amorality22
∞ Biggie1601915619vivian tf2
[Cryptic] Cute Boi501714217Roagie v. Rade



Toggle Chat
Bigstuaccept ur murderous toughts00:36
Bigstuthey have guided u trhought your whole life why would the fail you now00:59
Bigstu1 or 2 people is it really a diference in your life course?01:28
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 39 seconds before using it01:39
Bigstuthe human has progressed to a wall01:51
Bigstuthe earth emmits positive energy take off your shoes and socks02:09
Bigstutake off your skin02:13
∞ Aerynthanks you, i like this balls a lot, at Tin Horton... i got balls before at walmart and where all dry and old02:16
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.6 seconds after spawning before healing02:24
Bigstui shall return to my espectatin seat02:40
Bigstuand watch the bloodshed be done02:50
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.1 seconds after spawning before healing03:04
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!03:56
Bigstutest subject eliminated04:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.6 seconds after spawning before healing04:23
Bigstucomence body part collecton04:32
vivian tf2halloween map04:38
Bigstui forgot all ive said so ill go back into just watchin05:04
[STV Stats] RED's medic died with 98% uber05:13
Hydroi reflected the rocket then u did05:25
∞ Aeryngr05:40
∞ Vanity LFM!logs05:54
Bigstuwe are discussin crossbow healing stats06:10
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!07:07
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.5 seconds after spawning before healing07:27
Bigstui hear rd_asteroid robots irl07:49
Bigstustu means rebirth08:55
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.0 seconds after spawning before healing09:11
Lotusberry??? engy10:47
Bigstublue baby10:54
∞ Aeryngr11:22
[Pause] Game was paused by [Cryptic] Cute Boi11:33
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!11:33
Saving ubercharge level for Amorality2211:33
Saving ubercharge level for ∞ Krissy11:33
Barstool Egypt : wow11:33
Barstool Egypt : please no more pause11:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
vivian tf2 : pissing master11:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by [Cryptic] Cute Boi...11:33
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...11:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...11:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...11:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...11:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Roagie v. Rade : bro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Restoring ubercharge level for Amorality2211:33
Restoring ubercharge level for ∞ Krissy11:33
[Pause] Game is unpaused!11:33
Roagie v. Radebro gave me such good weed that I'm acting like a cat. I'm meowing at him and shit :311:33
Hydrobuy the jeff city hoodie11:43
Bigstui will jump on the bed11:45
Bigstui take the role of a silly clown13:18
Bigstuand a prophet13:28
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.9 seconds after spawning before healing15:01
Bigstuim going golfin15:17
NINJ@ | CHEESE!logs17:11
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.17:15
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.17:15
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.17:15
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:15