
Qixalite Booking - AsDz vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 2 years go

Exa22839431470dry water
garcia23633271013singaporean hivemind
Spooky cat!373025261022Carnage
|| ||| | |||| | | || |4733721524C. Taunts
Square Bread34384461341monte



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Carnagego pick up rice mfker00:02
C. Taunts[P-REC] Violence Required.00:04
montecondolences anti for being singaporean00:07
cfopwhat does that mean00:08
tempohow low tf00:27
widevers noob03:34
garciaso pro03:38
|| ||| | |||| | | || |the machina theory06:19
kaldozxi how are u this bad06:23
|| ||| | |||| | | || |the only machina player06:26
singaporean hivemindcan i play pvz2 06:26
Exaim poop tho06:33
montewhy r u chase vers07:22
garciaam puri07:31
singaporean hivemindfucking god engie07:31
[Pause] Game was paused by Fade07:55
Saving ubercharge level for aerial07:55
Saving ubercharge level for Fade07:55
aerial : ?07:55
|| ||| | |||| | | || | : ?07:55
tempo : ?07:55
wide : GRRRRRRRRRR07:55
garcia : ?07:55
singaporean hivemind : xi left the vc07:55
kaldoz : crying?07:55
aerial : HAHAHAA07:55
dry water : unfortunate07:55
Exa : ??????07:55
aerial : LM,FAO07:55
dry water : maybe07:55
|| ||| | |||| | | || | : the ifun sniper07:55
wide : unfortunate07:55
kaldoz : whats new07:55
Xi : they dont listen07:55
aerial : SNIPER DIFFED07:55
Xi : so i wont call07:55
dry water : ya sia07:55
kaldoz : xi dont cry ur just bad07:55
Xi : easy07:55
anti : we are doing very well07:55
monte : :thinking:07:55
kaldoz : ur losing this 1v107:55
anti : we have point soon07:55
kaldoz : not a team fault07:55
dry water : our micro penis too small07:55
anti : trust us07:55
dry water : cannot hear him07:55
wide : !rep me07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
dry water : unfortunately07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
kaldoz : xi dont cry07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
anti : omg07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
singaporean hivemind : ehhhhhhhh sexy lady07:55
CH : oof07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
tempo : is this the way of the rsl champion07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
singaporean hivemind : op op op oppa gangnam style07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
anti : fade so dont spam pls07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
anti : will crash svr07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : STOP CHASING ME U DOGS U ABOUT TO LOSE07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
aerial : AsDz blur : STOP CHASING ME U DOGS U ABOUT TO LOSE07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
aerial : this is for u xi <307:55
aerial : MeDex ❤ : mejyn sound like meiji07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
garcia : I could really use a hug right now07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
aerial : (Spectator) AsDz blur : u are correct but that doesnt mean u are right07:55
wide : lava ur name is literally Juan Dela Cruz07:55
*DEAD* cfop : i am07:55
singaporean hivemind : sorry me07:55
*DEAD* cfop : juan dela cruz07:55
singaporean hivemind : thats me07:55
singaporean hivemind : harold lim07:55
dry water : .ss07:55
Exa : AsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
garcia : Mommy says people my age shouldn't suck their thumbs.07:55
*DEAD* cfop : //07:55
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes07:55
garcia : C'mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell.07:55
garcia : I feel very, very small... please hold me...07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
*DEAD* cfop : edric yeo defiles children07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
Carnage : *DEAD* Frenchie:Marco you suck balls07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
Carnage : mastr:You're bald as shit07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Fade...07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
monte : oppa gangnam style07:55
singaporean hivemind : can i play pvz 2now07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
garcia : I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.Ah shucks... you guys are the best!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
garcia : Mommy says people my age shouldn't suck their thumbs.07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
garcia : C'mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell.07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...07:55
garcia : I feel very, very small... please hold me...07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Carnage : Theos: LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!07:55
Restoring ubercharge level for aerial07:55
Restoring ubercharge level for Fade07:55
[Pause] Game is unpaused!07:55
garciaI'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.Ah shucks... you guys are the best!07:55
garciaC'mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell.08:27
ExaAsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player08:31
garciaMommy says people my age shouldn't suck their thumbs.09:06
cfopthats what edric does09:15
CarnageI tried gg10:18
kaldozcongrats to anyone with 10 points or above10:22
kaldozhow u die10:35
garciaAh shucks... you guys are the best!|10:37
aerialMeDex ❤ : mejyn sound like meiji10:53
ExaAsDz blur : nice try shutting down our best player10:54
garciaGee whiz! That was fun. Good playing!11:32
cfoplet me get pack13:56
widego under turkey14:06
widelet's be friends14:08
singaporean hivemindok14:12
singaporean hivemindyou trakcekd me14:29
kaldozxi do something15:32
cfopone day edric returns home from his work as a sergent he finds CONTENT RAILING HIS WIFE (CLARITEA)15:33
cfopone day edric returns home from his work as a sergent he finds CONTENT RAILING HIS WIFE (CLARITEA)16:10
singaporean hivemindmy frames16:15
monteoppa gangnam style16:16
monteoppa gangnam style16:28
monteoppa gangnam style16:29
cfopone day edric returns home from his work as a sergent he finds CONTENT RAILING HIS WIFE (CLARITEA)16:32
carcan i join blue16:39
singaporean hivemindcan you go pyro16:48
carvehicular manslaughter is not a joke.16:54
cfopone day edric returns home from his work as a sergent he finds CONTENT RAILING HIS WIFE (CLARITEA)17:44
montewhy man19:13
montetfuck u ifun19:49
cari think blue wins this20:37
antihow kaldoz21:48
antiu hack21:52
|| ||| | |||| | | || |[;'wlesa.21:53
|| ||| | |||| | | || |lkaswl;fasd21:54
singaporean hivemindmari kita singapura!22:50
Carnageyour mother?23:26
Square Breadsheesh24:30
singaporean hivemindlava sub25:36
dry waterns26:50
carIt is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.26:54
caryoure welcome27:02
carA shrimp's heart is in its head.27:19
singaporean hivemindmine is in the refrigerator27:28
carMost wasabi we eat in the U.S. isn't really wasabi27:35
singaporean hivemindits horerasdichs27:41
carThe Deadliest Job In the Country Is: President27:51
carThe Average American Throws Away 4.4 Pounds Of Trash Daily28:10
carIn Some States, There Are More Cows Than People28:28
carAmericans Eat About 100 Acres Of Pizza Each Day28:47
antihow r u not edea28:57
carThe United States' Debt Per Person Is $54,00029:07
carThe U.S. Government Poisoned People During Prohibition29:27
carYou Don't Need a Driver's License To Compete in NASCAR29:47
carRussia Sold Alaska to the United States for Pennies30:07
carMost Americans Spend Less Than 5 Years at Each Job30:14
carCurrent Events: Guy Fawkes Day30:40
carTwitter sacks half of staff as Musk launches overhaul31:00
carSouth Korea miners survive nine days underground on coffee31:11
carNorth Korea: Kim Jong-un wants America's attention31:33
car'Unpredecented, unlawful, un-American': Biden warns democracy at risk as midterms loom31:46
carAmerican Jailed For 4 Weeks For Slapping Singapore Airlines Crew Member32:02
carAmerican Jewish Committee urges Amazon to pull antisemitic film Kyrie Irving promoted33:15
carMan attempted car attack outside Pentagon and said 'I hate America,' court documents say33:46
carAmericans die younger in states run by conservatives34:01
carThe Native American Influence Among Us34:26
|| ||| | |||| | | || |ROFL34:50
carAmericans' Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low35:04
carChina leads Asia stocks higher, dollar advances as rate hikes loom35:15
carUS crude oil exports to Asia poised to hit record high35:21
carSingapore ranked second globally for best talent, only Asian nation in top 2035:27
montecar what stocks should i invest in this year35:29
montephub stocks skyrocketing35:40
carinvest now35:48
carregret later35:51
singaporean hivemindphub traffic decreased 20% in november35:53
carSaudi Arabia Cuts Oil Prices For Asia35:57
carwhat is this comeback36:02
carAsia shares slip, Fed flags higher rates for longer36:09
cfopone day edric returns home from his work as a sergent he finds CONTENT RAILING HIS WIFE (CLARITEA)36:09
carAsia stocks tumble after US Fed says more rate hikes likely36:21
carItaewon crush: South Korea demands justice for young as thousands protest36:58
carHong Kong's shares soar 7.4% after Chinese news report saying local officials were told to dial back COVID controls.37:10
carChinese Officials Signal No Change to 'Zero-COVID' Policy37:22
carSpain briefly closes airspace over risks from Chinese rocket debris37:37
carPutin seeks to kindle anti-Western sentiment among Asian leaders37:59
kaldoz1hp HAHA38:20
carHere's what we know about the rebound in Chinese stocks this week38:41
carAl-Qaeda, terrorism and threat to democracy38:49
antiim so abd38:53
carUS embraces traditional Chinese medicine38:59
carAsian economies may have to brace for rising debt and capital flight39:08
carNew means to tackle Asian wasp39:15
Asian WaspCincinnati man charged with federal hate crime after attacking Asian American student at UC39:37
Asian WaspAs inflation rises, could European support for Ukraine wobble?40:11
Asian WaspDebt rules in Europe are changing. And that could have big repercussions in the bond markets40:16
Asian WaspEurope's bank bosses push back against perceived ECB intrusion40:23
Asian WaspGerman Chancellor Scholz Lands in Beijing to Meet China's Xi Amid Europe Tension40:32
Asian WaspEurope temperature rise more than twice global average40:53
Asian WaspNketiah using heartache as fuel for European glory41:13
Asian WaspScholz asks China to press Russia to end its war41:22
Asian WaspTikTok tells European users its staff in China get access to their data41:34
Asian WaspWhat is Listenbourg? The fake European country meant to fool Americans42:03
Asian WaspEurope: Stocks sink after Fed news42:22
Asian WaspU.S. weapons sales in Europe are booming as Russia's war in Ukraine continues to rage42:35
Asian WaspMalta launches first-ever national health workforce strategy42:53