demos.tfaboutviewereditor #490720 - gaysex vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Jamillia 2 years go

sloppy konebi151198813ligoboi (grecko)
gen62183616Asian Persuasion
Yukio okumura21167310StickNinja
SSS | Harusrl :304145153Spacebar?



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gensorry wrong bind00:02
The Clownyay!!00:12
SSS | Harusrl :3gay sex01:08
[STV Stats] RED spent 16.1 seconds after spawning before healing03:18
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.5 seconds after spawning before healing05:17
The Clownforce a nature05:23
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!05:34
ligoboi (grecko)we do a little trolling05:36
SSS | Harusrl :3gay sex05:41
ligoboi (grecko)stop saying gay sex 05:50
The Clownminiscule amounts of tomfoolery05:51
TheDuckedDuckedGoosegay sex05:56
Asian PersuasionDo you want one of us to off-class fulltime?06:17
sloppy konebistfu06:23
SSS | Harusrl :3gay sex06:51
The Clownyou can only offclass during last holds or if theres been a last stalemate i believe07:07
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!07:16
ShazamProboscis Power07:16
Asian PersuasionI know but we're trying to learn and not roll07:55
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 10 seconds09:26
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!09:33
ligoboi (grecko)trickstab09:54
charmerm ur not supposed to offclass....10:01
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.6 seconds after spawning before healing10:04
charmwhat the actual shrimp10:06
ligoboi (grecko)its on classing wdym10:20
SSS | Harusrl :3quite clam-picated10:26
charmi am reporting you!10:26
The Clownoff classing is playing classes that arent the 6s classes10:36
sloppy konebistfu10:44
sloppy konebibro10:45
charmthis shmuck just offclassed to spy, im reporting this jabroni!11:05
SSS | Harusrl :3erm ur not on last hold11:31
TheDuckedDuckedGooseyou muffle toe11:37
TheDuckedDuckedGoosethis goingy woingy is offclassing to sniper12:40
ligoboi (grecko)is using an smg off classing?12:40
TheDuckedDuckedGooseI am crying about it right now12:42
The Clownbeing sniper is offclassing12:57
[STV Stats] BLU spent 14.9 seconds after spawning before healing13:10
sweet daffodilholy shazam13:30
charmgg 13:36
ligoboi (grecko)i feel no shame13:37
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.13:37
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.13:37
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...13:37