demos.tfaboutviewereditor #492405 - CRAB vs BNGR


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

larguu20121214918hart the monk #rip
ISTNDWBNGER12618001:CRAB: Flying Soldier
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan)171016151430BNGR | Av3r4ge
:CRAB: NattyRet1231610513BNGR | Rabidwolf2000
JonnyBigPlays1471014212BNGR | Scoobert Doobert
weakest bulgaria enjoyer8815131020BNGR | Sin Kiske Has Dandy Step
Noudele26139818BNGR | NotAWeeb
Helloppl65155156100BNGR | Dotshin
PkFireBad1701917612BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽
20011BNGR | fex



Toggle Chat
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 12 seconds00:21
BNGR | fexwhat's your ringer?00:33
Totally not a Weebhi00:36
PkFireBadno ringer00:38
:CRAB: NattyRetHe's actually a member00:40
Helloppl65on our team00:42
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan)no ringer he's rostered00:44
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds00:46
hart the monk #ripI whole-Hartedly apologize for destroying you00:55
hart the monk #rip>:)01:00
[Pause] Game was paused by :CRAB: Flying Soldier01:01
[Pause] Ubercharges are also paused01:01
BNGR | Scoobert Doobert : No Onions pls :)01:01
Noudele : i hart you01:01
BNGR | fex : ?01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : ?01:01
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : ?01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : ?01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : ?01:01
BNGR | Dotshin : WAKE UP.01:01
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan) : bro ffs our soldier has to l;eavbe01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | Rabidwolf2000 : ?01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : bruh01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : f01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : FD01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : f01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | fex : f01:01
hart the monk #rip : does he really01:01
Noudele : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
hart the monk #rip : cmon 01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
hart the monk #rip : exams dont matter01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : zzzzzzz01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | fex : eee01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : can we finish this up i want to sleep01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | Scoobert Doobert : i work at 7 EST, and im an accountant, im still here01:01
Totally not a Weeb : F01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
Helloppl65 : i hate everything01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute01:01
BNGR | fex : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : i want to make a lot of homework01:01
Totally not a Weeb : same01:01
Helloppl65 : dont we all01:01
Totally not a Weeb : i wanna be a speech teacher and ruin the lives of children01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : how do i play soldier01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : i want to dream01:01
BNGR | Scoobert Doobert : anyone here read homestuck :)01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : i want to dream with u01:01
Totally not a Weeb : mm we ring your soldier01:01
BNGR | Dotshin : can i ring for crab :)01:01
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : no01:01
Totally not a Weeb : yes01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : you are part of BNGR01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : no01:01
BNGR | Dotshin : :(01:01
BNGR | Dotshin : nope01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : its in your name01:01
BNGR | Dotshin : i leave the team RIGHT NOW01:01
Noudele : yes he can01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : !!!!!01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : bngr gamers01:01
hart the monk #rip : .ss01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : .ss01:01
BNGR | Noudele : HEY GUYS01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : leave01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : he's bngr gamer01:01
BNGR | Noudele : i am the spy01:01
hart the monk #rip : u guys got a gamer?01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : kill bind now!!!!01:01
BNGR | fex : oh my god we have 2 meds now!!!11!101:01
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes01:01
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan) : no ffs01:01
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan) : actual trash 01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : thrash01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : where ringer01:01
Noudele : frick you im leaving bunger boys01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : thrash metal 01:01
:CRAB: NattyRet : We're trying01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : !!!!01:01
:CRAB: NattyRet : Two of our players fucking dipped01:01
hart the monk #rip : Yea thats ass01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : YO01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : can i hear alcest01:01
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : i love black metal but for softy owo ppl01:01
Totally not a Weeb : life is pain01:01
BNGR | Scoobert Doobert : yall can only pause for 5 minutes :|01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : 5 minute pause!!!!01:01
:CRAB: NattyRet : Life is seriously 01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : that's life01:01
:CRAB: NattyRet : Pain01:01
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan) : god this is pain01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : zzz01:01
Helloppl65 : someone on their way01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : o ok01:01
JonnyBigPlays : we got someone01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : who you gt01:01
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : got01:01
Helloppl65 : rostered01:01
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan) : hes rostere01:01
JonnyBigPlays : rostered teammate 01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : o01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : dorito01:01
hart the monk #rip : lets go baby01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : if its dorito i die01:01
BNGR | fex : tic tac toe\01:01
JonnyBigPlays : its larguu 01:01
BNGR | fex : _|_|_01:01
BNGR | fex : | |01:01
BNGR | fex : fuck01:01
BNGR | fex : _|_|_01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : how do i play soldier01:01
*DEAD* BNGR | fex : _|_|_01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : {01:01
*DEAD* BNGR | fex : | |01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : Ñ01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : look at that!!!!01:01
:CRAB: NattyRet : We may have a different ringer01:01
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes01:01
*DEAD* BNGR | fex : holy fuckj01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : 6 MINUTES!!!!!!01:01
BNGR | Dotshin : WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:01
DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan) : ok ok we got something01:01
BNGR | Scoobert Doobert : you cant be paused anymore01:01
*DEAD* BNGR | fex : you guys have to confirm unpause btw01:01
BNGR | Scoobert Doobert : you gotta unpause01:01
JonnyBigPlays : we're very sorry01:01
BNGR | Av3r4ge : WAKE UP!!!!!!01:01
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽ : hello fex01:01
*DEAD* BNGR | fex : what ringer?01:01
hart the monk #rip : all good bro01:01
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by DedProtectr (Big Tet Fan)...01:01
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...01:01
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...01:01
*DEAD* BNGR | fex : send to mevia discrod01:01
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...01:01
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...01:01
hart the monk #rip : more tf2 = epic01:01
[Pause] Game is unpaused!01:01
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds01:13
BNGR | Av3r4geLETS GO02:34
BNGR | Rabidwolf2000LMAO02:40
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽hello where is ur awper02:56
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 172 seconds before using it03:13
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 151 seconds before using it03:17
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.1 seconds after spawning before healing03:40
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽so close04:35
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.1 seconds after spawning before healing04:35
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!06:42
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽i 07:15
[STV Stats] BLU spent 18.3 seconds after spawning before healing07:28
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 95% uber08:29
BNGR | Av3r4gehow do i play soldier08:35
BNGR | Scoobert DoobertNo Onions pls :)08:39
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 93 seconds before using it09:57
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!10:07
BNGR | Av3r4gei hate you10:08
hart the monk #ripI Hart Tf210:12
BNGR | Av3r4gehow do i play soldier10:14
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.8 seconds after spawning before healing10:23
hart the monk #rip.ss11:14
BNGR | sunbather | ☁ ☽.ss11:24
BNGR | Av3r4gehow do i play soldier11:24
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 32 seconds11:32
hart the monk #rip.ss11:44
BNGR | Rabidwolf2000hi dot11:51
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds11:52
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!13:13
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 136 seconds before using it13:23
BNGR | Scoobert Doobertgg17:41
BNGR | Av3r4gegg17:42
BNGR | NotAWeebgg17:43
weakest bulgaria enjoyerok im gonna stream killing myself now17:45
:CRAB: NattyRetgg17:47
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.17:48
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.17:48
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:48