
Jump Academy (Chicago) Advanced - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by bnuuy 2 years go

raven -IYSMITL-34142026718REERO
namaste at home dad782019735Rave_AC LFT
feel bad hit for the winter1871326014mur
magic3121314103merry math #PerfectPour



Toggle Chat
*DEAD*(TEAM) Rave_AC LFT : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) namaste at home dad : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) jackthesipper : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) *************1 : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) magic : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) merry math #PerfectPour : [P-REC] omar00:04
(TEAM) mur : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) raven -IYSMITL- : [P-REC] START00:04
(TEAM) marilyn : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
*DEAD* jackthesipper : dumb fucking kids00:58
Andrew : nt01:00
*DEAD* jackthesipper : obsessed with me01:00
*DEAD* REERO : 22001:02
*DEAD* merry math #PerfectPour : stfu01:03
jackthesipper : what the fuck02:39
merry math #PerfectPour : wow loafe03:08
merry math #PerfectPour : fuck you03:09
*DEAD* jackthesipper : lol03:12
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 20 seconds03:44
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 169 seconds before using it06:04
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!06:07
*DEAD* jackthesipper : magic leg hurt06:18
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.0 seconds after spawning before healing06:37
feel bad hit for the winter : airshot last push07:02
[STV Stats] RED spent 10.1 seconds after spawning before healing08:07
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray08:31
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray08:32
*DEAD* jackthesipper : what the fuck10:05
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 78 seconds before using it10:27
*DEAD* feel bad hit for the winter : LOL10:48
*DEAD* marilyn : yr so ghood12:56
*DEAD* Andrew : macron13:05
merry math #PerfectPour : [D|Knight I] please be nice : im love nose13:09
*DEAD* *************1 : what13:10
*DEAD* Andrew : dont forget13:11
*DEAD* *************1 : about what13:14
Andrew : ur mine <313:20
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!15:10
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.2 seconds after spawning before healing15:45
*DEAD* jackthesipper : reero you had like a 6 second respawn17:40
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 85 seconds before using it18:21
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 106 seconds before using it18:40
*************1 : dont little kid19:02
merry math #PerfectPour : loafe why do you suck19:03
jackthesipper : im gonna threaten the backcap19:06
*DEAD* merry math #PerfectPour : loafe u got nothing on me20:24
merry math #PerfectPour : im king james20:26
*DEAD* jackthesipper : ur a baiting kid20:35
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 41 seconds before using it21:54
*DEAD* Rave_AC LFT : wtr df22:00
*DEAD* Rave_AC LFT : aqfd.a's22:01
*DEAD* Rave_AC LFT : a22:02
magic : uh22:24
magic : wind22:27
merry math #PerfectPour : loafe lmao22:31
merry math #PerfectPour : u bad22:33
jackthesipper : lmao22:35
raven -IYSMITL- : drake watch out22:54
*DEAD* feel bad hit for the winter : MR PRESIDENT REERO23:07
*DEAD* REERO : FR23:09
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 31 seconds before using it24:57
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray25:52
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray25:56
raven -IYSMITL- : oops25:59
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray26:02
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray26:03
*DEAD* marilyn : u dont hit those26:32
feel bad hit for the winter : oops26:48
feel bad hit for the winter : i wanted 2 airshot trace26:57
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray27:02
raven -IYSMITL- : /spray27:03
mur : i died 2 seconds into mid27:09
*DEAD* jackthesipper : dont even think about it 28:51
*DEAD* merry math #PerfectPour : you cant kill me28:56
*DEAD* merry math #PerfectPour : i kill myself28:58
Andrew : LOL'28:58
*DEAD* merry math #PerfectPour : king james29:00
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.6 seconds after spawning before healing29:18
*************1 : dont ever29:59
jackthesipper : this is proof that you two need me30:09
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14
(TEAM) Rave_AC LFT : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14
(TEAM) namaste at home dad : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14
(TEAM) jackthesipper : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14
(TEAM) *************1 : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14
(TEAM) magic : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14
(TEAM) raven -IYSMITL- : [P-REC] END30:14
(TEAM) merry math #PerfectPour : [P-REC] omar done30:14
(TEAM) mur : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14
(TEAM) marilyn : [P-REC] Stop record.30:14