
Newbie Mixes - FEMBOY vs TF2tm


Demo uploaded by KevinIsPwn | 2 years go

lord setch126111082447 undiagnosed mental illnesses
Airwick ONLY FANS113209817Airwick Enjoyer
SnazzySMM112177316Tommy Pickles (Very Cool)
Dimple #TF2Center133126611Croc Enthusiast
Harusrl :30711860Airborne #DeleteTF2CC



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ooga booga[P-REC] Recording...00:04
Masonatorwho's gonna pull out the forbidden 6 sniper meta00:11
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!03:33
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds04:51
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 164 seconds before using it05:05
Masonatormfw when no flashing05:29
SnazzySMMHOW COULD YOU ALL DIE AT ONCE- The administrator05:38
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.7 seconds after spawning before healing06:37
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 35 seconds07:34
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 130 seconds before using it08:52
JaguarMORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!09:07
M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!!ns 09:08
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 136 seconds before using it09:49
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!12:28
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds14:06
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 235 seconds before using it15:21
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 80 seconds before using it15:26
[Pause] Game was paused by Jaguar15:40
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!15:40
Saving ubercharge level for Airborne #DeleteTF2CC15:40
Saving ubercharge level for Harusrl :315:40
Croc Enthusiast : gr15:40
Croc Enthusiast : !Log15:40
*SPEC* Masonator : me when no flashing :(15:40
Airwick Enjoyer : !log15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : I accidentally removed the black paint from my all-father15:40
Airwick Enjoyer : !log15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute15:40
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : .SS15:40
*SPEC* Masonator : .ss15:40
*SPEC* ooga booga : ready15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Demoknight is so fun15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : wish i could paly it here15:40
Airwick Enjoyer : demoknight tf215:40
*DEAD* lord setch : scout gaming15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : i love my pirate themed dubstep 15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : my guy's using bathroom, back momentarily, then we're ready15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : some of the best animation ive seen in a non-corporate music video15:40
Airwick Enjoyer : someones game crashed15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : readddddddyyyyyyy15:40
Airborne #DeleteTF2CC : soooooooo whaaaaaattttt15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : so i'm waiting for your coach to also be ready, dad15:40
*DEAD* lord setch : father?15:40
Airwick Enjoyer : lore15:40
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : amogus15:40
*SPEC* Masonator : sussy15:40
*DEAD* lord setch : MACHINE, TURN BACK NOW...15:40
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : shrimple as that15:40
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : it's actually quite clamplicated15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : i'm 2 old to be airborne's son (probably)15:40
Airborne #DeleteTF2CC : ;)15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : limbo, lust, all gone15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : is griff still talking?15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : with gluttony soon to follow15:40
Airborne #DeleteTF2CC : you just work on your next vid jag15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : we're well over 5 minutes15:40
Airwick Enjoyer : i love limbo15:40
*DEAD* SacredEyes : yes15:40
*DEAD* lord setch : sand15:40
*DEAD* SacredEyes : we are buggering him15:40
*DEAD* lord setch : is so good15:40
*SPEC* Masonator : blue team is slow smh my head15:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes15:40
*DEAD* lord setch : tastes very nice15:40
Croc Enthusiast : We also had a crash15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Ah, free at last15:40
*SPEC* ooga booga : ?15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : well he can get back in once the game resumes...15:40
*DEAD* SacredEyes : our soldier cant reconnect15:40
*SPEC* ooga booga : i said we were ready15:40
Airborne #DeleteTF2CC : griff says sthu jag15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : yeah i missed that apparently15:40
*SPEC* Jaguar : unpause it Griffulz15:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by ooga booga...15:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...15:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...15:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...15:40
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Your kind know nothing but hunger15:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...15:40
*SPEC* Masonator : clearly if blue had jaguar they'd be ready already15:40
Restoring ubercharge level for Airborne #DeleteTF2CC15:40
Restoring ubercharge level for Harusrl :315:40
[Pause] Game is unpaused!15:40
Jaguar༼ᕤ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽ᕤ15:45
SnazzySMMpurged all life from the upper layers15:48
[STV Stats] BLU spent 14.6 seconds after spawning before healing17:02
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 49 seconds before using it17:48
[Pause] Game was paused by Jaguar18:16
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!18:16
Saving ubercharge level for Airborne #DeleteTF2CC18:16
Saving ubercharge level for Harusrl :318:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : WHOOO18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : speed round18:16
*DEAD* lord setch : the BM18:16
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : gr18:16
*SPEC* Masonator : truly one of the mixes of all time18:16
*SPEC* Jaguar : yes18:16
*DEAD* Croc Enthusiast : !log18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : One of the mixes ever18:16
Juanelo : it was a miracle18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : truly THE mix of all time18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : the mix ever18:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute18:16
*SPEC* Masonator : blue team died out of pity18:16
*DEAD* Croc Enthusiast : No mix can compare to this very one18:16
Juanelo : im so bad at meat shots18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : I thought there was a 6 character limit for names18:16
Juanelo : thank you god18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : is your team name femboy18:16
*DEAD* lord setch : yes.18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : based18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : yes.18:16
Juanelo : thats sad18:16
*SPEC* Masonator : hot18:16
Juanelo : but yes18:16
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : based18:16
SacredEyes : based18:16
*DEAD* lord setch : smash melee X team fortress 218:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : purged all life from the upper layers, and yet they remain unsatiated.18:16
*DEAD* Croc Enthusiast : I wish18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : smash team18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : As do you18:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Youve taken everything from me machine18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : is it gay to kiss the homies gn if im not wearing socks18:16
SacredEyes : yes18:16
*DEAD* Dimple #TF2Center : no18:16
*DEAD* Dimple #TF2Center : i do it all the time18:16
SacredEyes : always wear protection18:16
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : yes18:16
Juanelo : i really love diane foxington18:16
SacredEyes : gay18:16
*DEAD* lord setch : ._.18:16
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : its gay even with socks 18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : johnny sins better18:16
*DEAD* lord setch : all tf2 players are furries confirmed?>!?!1/118:16
*SPEC* Jaguar : readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy18:16
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes18:16
SacredEyes : it depends on the socks18:16
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : no all socks 18:16
M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : BIG BOOTY FEM BYRO COMFIRM18:16
*SPEC* Masonator : how do you just now know that the entire tf2 population is furries18:16
SacredEyes : if its crew cut its hetero, if its leggings its homo18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : FEMPYRO :Hot_Face:18:16
*SPEC* Masonator : true18:16
M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : KEKW18:16
Juanelo : im a pyro main and i really love diane foxington!18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : sniper :Hot_Face:18:16
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Tick tock, heavy like a brinks truck, lookin like im tip-top, shining like a wristwatch18:16
SacredEyes : pyro main :dies:18:16
*SPEC* ooga booga : ready18:16
*SPEC* Masonator : sniper gets no women18:16
*SPEC* Jaguar : do it up griffman18:16
Juanelo : :skull:18:16
*DEAD* Airwick Enjoyer : he gets men18:16
M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : I love my femboy furries18:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by ooga booga...18:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...18:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...18:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...18:16
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...18:16
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : sniper is hot!!18:16
Restoring ubercharge level for Airborne #DeleteTF2CC18:16
Restoring ubercharge level for Harusrl :318:16
[Pause] Game is unpaused!18:16
Airwick Enjoyerreal18:19
SacredEyessniper is hot!!18:19
Croc Enthusiastfr18:24
Masonatorslowly coming to the consensus that femboy furries are hot18:44
Jaguarit's... possible.19:06
Jaguarplausible even19:13
ooga boogaaparently19:17
Masonatorjaguar exposed live on stream20:00
Jaguarself exposed20:08
MasonatorI swear if haru doesnt flash his team20:52
Jaguarit's... possible.20:59
ooga boogacan you switch off the rescue ranger, its supposed to be banned, right?21:34
ooga boogaand the wrangler21:42
ooga boogawrong whitelist aparently21:52
Masonatorsmh my head banned weapons21:53
Jaguaryeah no rescure ranger or wrangler please21:57
Jaguarthere's rgl issues with whitelists lately22:05
ooga boogacan you tell him in mumble jag22:14
Jaguarwe are22:17
ooga boogaok22:19
Masonatorme when red engi cheating22:23
ooga boogaty22:25
Juaneloim sorry didnt know22:32
Masonatorall good lol22:46
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 215 seconds before using it23:12
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 222 seconds before using it23:18
Croc Enthusiastgr23:34
Masonatoromg haru flashed23:35
Croc Enthusiast!Logs23:37
JaguarMORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!24:41
SnazzySMMTick tock, heavy like a brinks truck, lookin like im tip-top, shining like a wristwatch24:51
Masonatorthis stalemate shall be decided through a heavy boxing battle25:28
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!26:22
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 98 seconds before using it26:24
Masonatorgah damn26:39
[Pause] Game was paused by Jaguar26:45
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!26:45
Saving ubercharge level for Airborne #DeleteTF2CC26:45
Saving ubercharge level for Harusrl :326:45
Croc Enthusiast : gr26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : fat rip26:45
Croc Enthusiast : !log26:45
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : that was the game of all ever time the26:45
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : gay sex26:45
Airwick Enjoyer : !log26:45
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Tick tock, heavy like a brinks truck, lookin like im tip-top, shining like a wristwatch26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : .ss26:45
SacredEyes : gay sex prevails26:45
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : .ss26:45
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Buff tf2 mercs gaming26:45
Juanelo : 26:45
Tommy Pickles (Very Cool) : !log26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*SPEC* Reversed : !log26:45
Tommy Pickles (Very Cool) : !log26:45
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Buff scout26:45
Juanelo : lets fucking go my mom is making hots sauce26:45
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Tick tock, heavy like a brinks truck, lookin like im tip-top, shining like a wristwatch26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
Juanelo : woooooooooo26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
Croc Enthusiast : Nerf snoiper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* SnazzySMM : Tick tock, heavy like a brinks truck, lookin like im tip-top, shining like a wristwatch26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
SacredEyes : buff sniper as in sexy topless or buff sniper as in make him stronge26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : Buff snioper26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : you know26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : SacredEyes : buff sniper as in sexy topless or buff sniper as in make him stronge26:45
SacredEyes : ew a quote collector26:45
SacredEyes : stinky smelly26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : SacredEyes : buff sniper as in sexy topless or buff sniper as in make him stronge26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : *DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : SacredEyes : buff sniper as in sexy topless or buff sniper as in make him strongeSacredEyes26:45
*DEAD* lord setch : is spy buff merc or twink spy26:45
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes26:45
Airwick Enjoyer : spy is a top26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : SacredEyes : ew a quote collectorSacredEyes : stinky smelly26:45
SacredEyes : twink26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : femboy spy26:45
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : twink26:45
Airwick Enjoyer : stop26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : femboy boy26:45
*SPEC* Jaguar : readdddyyyyyyyyy26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : airwick cant handle the femboy spy thoughts26:45
Airwick Enjoyer : i love femboys26:45
Juanelo : i love diane foxington!26:45
SacredEyes : femman 26:45
Airwick Enjoyer : but not femboy spy26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : You cant handle a real linux user26:45
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes26:45
Croc Enthusiast : Airwick is a brand of air related products femboys are his life26:45
*DEAD* M4xW3LL!!!!111!!!11!!!! : BRU I LUB ROBLUX26:45
*SPEC* ooga booga : ready26:45
SacredEyes : new airwick douche products26:45
*SPEC* Jaguar : do it up26:45
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by ooga booga...26:45
*DEAD* lord setch : i love foxes26:45
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...26:45
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...26:45
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...26:45
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...26:45
*DEAD* Harusrl :3 : femboys26:45
*SPEC* Masonator : fimally26:45
Restoring ubercharge level for Airborne #DeleteTF2CC26:45
Restoring ubercharge level for Harusrl :326:45
[Pause] Game is unpaused!26:45
Airwick EnjoyerYOOOOO26:58
Masonatorhow much is airwick only fans27:38
Airwick ONLY FANS2 dollar27:44
Airwick ONLY FANSfeet picks27:47
Masonatorfair price27:52
Croc EnthusiastAirwick is a minor27:54
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.2 seconds after spawning before healing27:57
Airwick Enjoyerreal28:02
Airwick ONLY FANSfeet picks28:10
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.7 seconds after spawning before healing29:20
Croc EnthusiastGG WP30:04
Airwick Enjoyergg30:12
Croc Enthusiast!logs30:12
Masonatornewbie mixes players rolling a d20 to see whether they tell their team they're doing something30:12
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14
ooga booga[P-REC] Stop record.30:14