demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Moarry 2 years go

IWCBSTE la cucaracha771862272659Davidredface
Jin Mu-Won4318533138Throbby
notkadenk3493923275Cucumber Boy
Hyperion311462411529Wizard Sanity
DrexxoHD41836371032maleficent ⸸
Moarry58956442148hoeless valorant sessions



Toggle Chat
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.00:25
sexwhere team00:33
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.00:38
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.03:05
[SOAP] Your attacker had 55 health remaining.03:12
[SOAP] Your attacker had 59 health remaining.05:07
IWCBSTE la cucarachaare you plaung with a steering wheel america05:13
AMERICA IS IN THE HOUSEkkkkkkkkkkk05:29
IWCBSTE la cucarachasame'05:37
[SOAP] Your attacker had 127 health remaining.06:15
[SOAP] Your attacker had 159 health remaining.06:33
[SOAP] Your attacker had 8 health remaining.08:32
[SOAP] Your attacker had 83 health remaining.09:28
[SOAP] Your attacker had 76 health remaining.09:34
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.09:39
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.09:54
[SOAP] Your attacker had 193 health remaining.10:08
[SOAP] Your attacker had 83 health remaining.10:21
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.10:30
[SOAP] Your attacker had 75 health remaining.10:39
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.10:53
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.11:09
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.11:20
[SOAP] Your attacker had 200 health remaining.11:39
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.11:51
[SOAP] Your attacker had 178 health remaining.11:56
[SOAP] Your attacker had 65 health remaining.12:34
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.12:42
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.12:54
[SOAP] Your attacker had 229 health remaining.13:10
[SOAP] Your attacker had 200 health remaining.13:34
Hyperionwe need a ringer pyro14:13
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.14:24
AMERICA IS IN THE HOUSEI can play pyro, and when I die I just change teams14:30
[SOAP] Your attacker had 204 health remaining.14:32
Jin Mu-Wonbeaned14:39
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.14:46
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.14:57
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.15:26
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.15:48
Wizard SanityMLB Player16:03
Throbbyrup or u will watch the MLS16:14
[SOAP] Your attacker had 25 health remaining.16:32
SOMETHINGnow exclusively streaming on apple tv+16:45
[SOAP] Your attacker had 109 health remaining.17:16
IWCBSTE la cucarachahello chat17:17
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.17:27
[SOAP] Your attacker had 37 health remaining.17:37
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.17:41
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.18:03
Cucumber Boyyoooo18:07
[SOAP] Your attacker had 152 health remaining.18:13
[SOAP] Your attacker had 200 health remaining.18:22
[SOAP] Your attacker had 332 health remaining.18:25
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.18:28
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.18:33
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.18:53
[SOAP] Your attacker had 249 health remaining.19:05
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.19:32
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.19:32
Hyperion[P-REC] Recording...19:37
notkadenk[P-REC] Recording...19:37
DrexxoHD[P-REC] Recording...19:37
SOMETHING[P-REC] Recording...19:37
Jin Mu-Won[P-REC] Recording...19:37
eddieu got called24:14
Wizard Sanityloser.26:21
[LogsTF] To see the stats from the previous rounds, type: .ss27:00
Wizard Sanitybro named him self after a skyblock wepoan27:24
IWCBSTE la cucarachayoure too good28:02
Wizard SanityBRO WHAT28:30
Wizard SanityWTF29:25
Wizard SanityHES GOATED29:28
Wizard SanityI COULD NEVER29:30
Wizard Sanityloser.29:53
Wizard Sanityactually29:55
Wizard SanityWhyy30:25
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.33:15
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.33:15
Jin Mu-Won[P-REC] Stop record.33:15
SOMETHING[P-REC] Stop record.33:15
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...33:15
notkadenk[P-REC] Stop record.33:15
DrexxoHD[P-REC] Stop record.33:15
Hyperion[P-REC] Stop record.33:15
Jin Mu-Won!log33:17
maleficent ⸸!log33:18
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: .ss33:19
[Wait for STV] Changing map to koth_product_final in 84 seconds...33:23
IWCBSTE la cucaracha!log33:26
[SOAP] Your attacker had 150 health remaining.33:27
[SOAP] Your attacker had 200 health remaining.33:40
[Wait for STV] Changing map to koth_product_final in 60 seconds...33:47
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.33:56
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.34:17
Jin Mu-Won!log34:17
[Wait for STV] Changing map to koth_product_final in 30 seconds...34:17
[SOAP] Your attacker had 171 health remaining.34:32
[Wait for STV] Changing map to koth_product_final in 15 seconds...34:33
[Wait for STV] Changing map to koth_product_final in 5 seconds...34:42